Funny, how things in life can change for you. We grow feelings where we never expected it to grow. Oh boy make una hear my story. It may seem unreal but it is a true story.
When Chidera and Emenike moved in next door I thought they were the ideal couple. They at 32 were about 25 years younger than I, he is tall, about 6ft 2in, dark good looking, she around 5ft 5in slim, a tumble of soft brown curly hair, a face that lit up when she smiled and an effervescent personality.But over the next year I watched helplessly as their relationship deteriorated. I honestly believe that it was mostly Emenike's fault because as his farm machinery business went downhill, so did his attitude to his wife. .
I was away for a month holidaying with my daughter. When I returned it was to find Emenike gone and Chidera with a black eye.
When I questioned her about the eye, at first she started to tell me the old, "I walked into a door" story, but Chidera is totally incapable of lying and in a flood of tears the story came rushing out. It transpired that Emenike had been having an affair with his secretary and when Chidera confronted him about it he turned violent knocking her to the floor, and then used it as an excuse to move out.
Chidera was distraught, tears streamed down her face as she sobbed helplessly. We were standing in her kitchen; I drew her to me, holding her close to my chest, instinctively feeling that this is what she needed.
It had been over 10 years since my wife had passed away, and that long since I'd held a woman so intimately close. I could feel her small firm breasts heaving against my chest as she sobbed. Although there was nothing sexual in this embrace I could not help reacting to her as I felt a stirring in my jeans. Before I could embarrass us both I moved away and seated her at the kitchen table.
Poor Chidera, she had been bottling all this up inside herself for two weeks. The only person she felt she could talk to, her brother, lived over two thousand miles away in Kano. I was her only neighbour, so that when I returned, her floodgates burst and all of her grievances came tumbling out.
We sat talking till 3 in the morning; she told me how Emenike's business was just about on the rocks. Instead of placing the responsibility where it so firmly belonged, Emenike chose to blame Chidera, accusing her of being demanding of his time and wasteful of his money. Neither of which was true. Worse still, when Chidera had finally found out about his affair, he had accused her of being useless in bed. I found this hard to believe of a woman as warm and attractive as Chidera.
When I left Chidera at her front door, she looked up at me and said "Thanks Ude, I needed to talk this thing through and you've been so kind and patient"
"No need to thank me Chi. Now please don't go thinking that because you've had a chance to talk about it the pain will just go away, because it won't. The kind of healing that you'll need may take a long time. Remember I'm just over the fence whenever you need someone."
"Ude you're a darling." Chidera replied. Then leaned forward and gently kissed me. Her kiss was still warm on my lips when I fell asleep.
Over the next few months Chidera and I became closer. Much work needed to be done around her place. Emenike had been neglecting things for a long timeone weekend we re-painted the interior of her home. Chi was a good worker doing at least her fair share, and somehow finding time to prepare our lunch. We often met for our evening meal. I found her to be easy to get along with and discovered that it was easy to make her laugh. However I couldn't help but notice the way that her breasts strained against her shirt as she reached with her brush to paint the higher parts of a wall, or the way her butt swelled from her lower back as she climbed a ladder to work on the ceiling. There was no doubt that I was finding Chidera to be more and more desirable but it never occurred to me to believe that she had similar feelings toward me. After all, I would always be 25 years older than she would.
We worked together in both of our yards, while I was good at doing the physical work of digging, concreting and building, Chidera turned out to have green fingers and an excellent grasp of garden design. As a result things really improved in both of our gardens.
With the coming of the heat season, came a disconcerting change in Chidera's attire. Chidera had a really nice butt and legs that were slightly thick at the top, which was just fine by me because I never was fond of skinny legs. Her Tee shirts also made it clear that she seldom wore a bra, and didn't need one. On more than one occasion she noticed me looking at her, it never seemed to bother her; she just gave a little smile and carried on with what she was doing.
There was one time on a really hot day that her shirt was sticking to her; her breasts were outlined as if she were topless. I couldn't help looking at the way they moved as she knelt working in a flowerbed. I had come to a complete halt when she looked up and caught me watching her I was very embarrassed.
"Sorry Chi." I stuttered. "I didn't mean to stare."
"That's OK Ude, I'm just glad that someone still finds me worth looking at."
"Any man with red blood in his veins would find you worth looking at Chi." I replied then felt even more embarrassed at my statement
"You are just being kind Ude."
"No I'm just being honest."
During the course of the many evening meals we shared we became ever closer, even able to discuss personal things that I would never have considered possible with a woman with whom I had never been intimate. She told me that Emenike had been the only man in her life. She had met him at secondary school, dated, fallen in love and married him, so since being a teenager her world had revolved around him.
I could see that this was a situation that needed changing so over the next few weeks started encouraging her to socialize, believing that meeting more men, or better still having a love affair would help her to get over Emenike and move on with her life. She told me that she could not see herself with another man and was not yet ready to go down the road of having an affair. She was quite shocked when I suggested that an affair did not have to be an all-consuming passion, it could be as simple as fulfilling a basic human need for sex. Even a one night stand was OK in the right circumstances, and if such a thing were to happen there would be no need to beat herself up over it.
At that she went quiet; a troubled look came over her face
I asked her "What's the problem Chi?"
Now I was troubled, we had long since reached the stage of freely discussing whatever was on our minds, so her refusal to answer indicated a severe problem. I probed deeper.
"Don't give me that 'Nothing' shit Chi. Talk about it."
She remained quiet for a while then without looking up at me gave a sigh then began speaking
"Ude, you know that I've only ever had one man in my life, nobody else ever got as far as first base with me. I honestly thought that I was keeping Emenike happy in bed, at least he had no problems in having an orgasm."
"How about you Chi, did you orgasm?"
"Sometimes, not as often as I would like, but then I've read that this is not uncommon in women."
I let that slide. She continued.
"Then when Emenike told me that I was no good in bed, I thought maybe he's right"
"Chi! What absolute nonsense. Emenike is a man who is failing in life, so he's desperately trying to improve his self-image by screwing a younger woman. I've seen this happen more times than you can shake a stick at. It's a kind of premature midlife crisis. Rather than face up to his failures he tries to prove his success with a new conquest, then blame his inadequacies on you."
"But Ude, how do you know that he's not telling the truth, at least his girlfriend seems to be keeping him happy."
"How the hell do you know that I'm not telling the truth Chi? You have never had anyone to compare him with. If there had been more than one man in your life, you'd be able to make a comparison. Then I'm pretty sure that you'd reach the conclusion that Emenike's talking a load of nonsense."
"Well the truth is that I don't have anyone to compare him to and I don't see the likelihood of there being anyone else either."
"Don't be so negative Chi, you could have anyone you want and if all you want is a second opinion then I'm quite happy to volunteer".
As soon as I realized what I'd said I cringed with embarrassment. I tried to apologize
"Chi I.I.I'm sorry I dddidn't mean......"
As my tongue tried to untie the Gordian knot in my mouth Chi's expression ran the gamut from incredulity, to mirth, till in the end she burst out laughing. As her laughter subsided she said.
"Oh Ude you are so precious, your face is a picture. I'm not laughing at your proposition, just at your reaction." She giggled again shortly then continued. "Ude darling, if ever I was looking for a second opinion, you'd be the first that would spring to mind; so be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it." She smiled as if to set me at ease.
To be continued…………

Nice one on Lezzies Tales Betty, the video is very nice! kudos. when is the second volume of romantica and sex tales coming out? keep up the good work. Respect!