Wednesday, 15 January 2014

He Cheated with My Girlfriend Part 1

If you are looking to jerk off this is not the story for you. A story of betrayal, love and longing. Enjoy!

My name is Uzodinma Obi and I'm a truck driver; I have been for twenty-five years. I'm often gone for days at a time, sometimes even a week or more. I try to stop home as often as I can and spend a couple of days at home before heading out again.

I was in Kano heading for Owerri when I got the brilliant idea to stop at my home in Onitsha and spend the night there. It wasn't very often that I would be passing within forty miles of home. I called dispatch and let them know my plans. They didn't mind as long as I was on-time for my delivery the next morning.

I decided to surprise my girlfriend, Oluchi. We had been living together for a couple of years. I'll tell you more about how we met and the rest of my story later. Right now I need to tell you what happened when I got home.

I live in the outskirt of Onitsha town but on a rural road. I own a bungalow that sits on three acres of land. It gives me plenty of room to park my truck without bothering the neighbours.

I pulled up and parked my truck by the open field, which was a fair distance from the house so as to enable me go back without people noticing I came home. I was surprised to see another car at the house. It belonged to my friends, Kalu and Ife, and all I could think of was that Ife and Oluchi didn't get along that well. They didn't hate each other but that's something else I'll explain later.

I walked in the door and didn't see anyone. Then I heard the noise coming from the bedroom. I knew what it was, but couldn't believe it. I walked in and there on the bed was Oluchi, fucking my so-called best friend, Kalu. He was just coming and Oluchi was screaming out how good it felt.

It took them a few seconds before they saw me. Kalu looked shocked and pulled his cum-covered dick out of my woman, and I hit him hard in the kidney area. He fell off of her and onto the floor. I hit him a few more times, scraping my knuckles when I bloodied his nose. After kicking him a few more times he just laid there.

All this time Oluchi just screamed and cried, yanking at the sheet to cover her naked body. I had gotten Kalu's blood on my shirt and a few drops on my jeans, so I reached into the cupboard to get a clean shirt.

I jumped when Oluchi screamed out, "Uzodinma! Please, don't kill us! Please! I'll do anything!"

I kept one rifle (I had a few guns, because of my job and the robbers on the high ways) in the cupboard, so I guess she thought that was what I was going after. Yes, it had its appeal but they weren't worth going to jail over. I grabbed a clean shirt and put it on.

I looked down at Kalu and told him if he ever came to my house again, I would kill him. I had to wonder how he could ever do this to his wife Ife. Nna mehn!(exclamation) she meant the world to me, and Kalu was her husband. Thank God she wasn't at the house and to see the two of them fucking.

I looked at Oluchi and said, "Ashewo! You slut! I bring you into my house and even thought about marrying you and you turn around and fuck my best friend. Well, you can go to Hell! I'll be back in two days pack all your belongings better be out of here. I never want to see you again."

I turned away from the two of them and left the house. I got back into my truck, called dispatch and told them I had a change of plans. I will be driving to Owerri after all.

I had a few-hour drive ahead of me and as the miles rolled away, I thought about my life and where I was now.

I thought back to primary school when Kalu, Ife and I were the best of friends. If you ever saw one of us, it was a sure bet the other two weren't far away. Ife was somewhat of a tomboy so we all got along great. It wasn't until secondary school that I began to have more than friendly feelings for Ife.

One time during secondary school, Kalu and I made a pact. If either of us found a girlfriend that the other would keep his hands off of her. We did one of those blood-brother things and cut our thumbs and pressed them together to seal the pact.

Kalu dated a lot and I went out a few times. I was the quiet one, rather introverted and keeping things to myself. Kalu on the other hand was the fun outgoing guy.

Ife never dated much. She spent her time studying when she wasn't with Kalu and me. It was then that I knew I had feelings for her, I just didn't know how to express it. Kalu had no problems with the dating scene and knowing what to say; at the time, I wished I was a little more like him.

One day I got up the courage to tell Ife how I felt and headed over to her house. I found her and Kalu in the backyard kissing. Kalu looked at me with a big grin on his face. Ife could hardly look at me.

"Ife agreed to go steady with me," said Kalu. "We can all still hang out together but you have to find your own girl."

I can't tell you how hurt I was. I loved her but because I hadn't known what to say, I'd lost her, maybe forever. We spent a lot less time together after that. Ife went to the university in Awka to become a nurse and Kalu became a lawyer. I didn't have those kind of smarts and went to truck driving school and became a truck driver. I only did the state-to-state, long hauls.

Kalu and Ife were still in the university when they got married. I was the best man, even though it killed me. I knew in my heart that I had to let her go, although I will never forget her.

They both got their degrees and stayed in our area, inviting me over for dinner whenever I was in town. Ife had a habit of trying to fix me up with her girlfriends. One day I asked her why, and she said she hated seeing me alone.

She introduced me to her friend Nneka who was a teacher. We started dating and eventually we got married. It's hard to say, but I did love Nneka, although not in the same way as I loved Ife.

After we got married the four of us spent time together, and it was easier since I had Nneka. Whenever I was home we ¬made plans to go somewhere. The four of us were the best of friends but deep down in my heart, I had never lost my love for Ife.

Nneka and I had two wonderful children, a daughter and a son. She did eighty percent of the raising of the children, maybe more, since my job kept me away for days at time. When our oldest was about seven, Nneka wanted me to find another job. She told me she loved me but couldn't take it anymore. She wanted a husband that was at home and there for her and the children.

I know she tried hard but driving was all I knew. We started arguing time and time again about me changing jobs and we ended up getting divorced.

I often wondered if she knew that the memory from my lonesome past was Ife. I rarely talked about Kalu and Ife, but again I was the quiet one and didn't often talk about anyone. Nneka was a good wife and a great mother. The divorce was amiable; neither of us wanted to fight, we just wanted to do right by the children and each other.

To this day we're friends and I have nothing but praise for her. She met one of Kalu's lawyer friends a few years after the divorce, and after dating for a year they are happily married. I saw my children every chance I got when I was home. It's hard to believe they're both adults now. My son's still in the university and my daughter recently married.

I stayed single after divorcing Nneka. I dated a few women and Ife tried to set me up until I told her that I wasn't the marrying type. I liked my job and most women wouldn't put up with a part-time husband. I told her besides, no woman could every measure up to my dream girl.

When I had the children when I was home, we often went out with Ife, Kalu and their children. All the children were friends and close in age. At least I didn't feel like a third wheel when I had the children with me.

As I have mentioned, Kalu and Ife were my best friends but Kalu was an asshole. I know that he cheated on Ife. He considered himself a ladies' man. He would flirt with women in front of Ife but she always said he was harmless; I knew better. I can't tell you the number of times I wanted to kick his ass for cheating on Ife. I often wondered why I stayed friends with him. It probably had something to do with Ife.

Life went on for me. We were all in our forties now and I still drove my truck.

I inherited the bungalow and the land it sat on from my parents when they passed away. I was grateful to have this in their memory, but their deaths hit me hard. It seemed like everyone I loved left; my wife divorced me, and although I never had Ife, I lost her, too. With my children grown and on their own, I never felt so alone.

When I was in Portharcourt I met a young woman. Oluchi was a waitress at a restaurant I liked. She was young, cute and quite the flirt. She often asked me to take her with me on my trips. I figured she was joking around but one day she sat down and told me she was serious; she wanted to move far away and start over.

She told me things about her past how she was on her own at sixteen. Her parents had kicked her out when she got pregnant; she ended up losing the baby. She had told me it was for the best because the father of the child was a criminal and was now serving time in prison.

Oluchi said that she thought that I was a nice and caring man and seemed lonely. When I told her about our age difference, she said it didn't make any difference. She just wanted to be with someone who cared for her.

On one of my days off I stayed in Portharcourt and asked Oluchi if she would like to go out. I knew she was half my age but I was lonely and she was sexy.

We went to a popular cool spot in the city. It was the most fun I had had in a long time. We went to my motel and I asked her if she wanted to spend the night. She said yes and it was a night of some of the best sex that I can remember.

The sex was amazing; there was nothing my little nymph wouldn't do for me. The next morning she asked me to take her home with me. In the many times I had been in her restaurant we had talked a lot and she knew most everything about me. I almost couldn't believe she wanted to go home with me.

Maybe it was the loneliness, having sex like I did when I was younger or maybe I cared for her. I don't know the reason why, but I told her yes, that she could come with me.

She lived in a small room that she shared with a girlfriend. They had a short but tearful good bye, she loaded up her few belongings and headed back to Onitsha.

I explained to Oluchi that I had some rules that she would have to follow. We wouldn't be getting married, at least not until we had been together for awhile to see how well we got along. She was my girl, and only my girl. I didn't believe in cheating and I would consider it cheating if she dated other men. Also I wouldn't be with other women.

I explained to her that if she wanted to be with another man that all she had to do is tell me and she could move out at anytime. I just wouldn't be taking her back.

She cried and said she only wanted to be with me. I seemed so kind and she believed she was falling in love with me. As far as I knew she had no one and we decided to try and make the best of it.

To be continued……………………………………………………………….

1 comment:

  1. Ini adalah kesaksian saya tentang kebaikan kerja yang seorang pria yang membantu saya...My name is Olivia Jane Mike, dan aku dasar di London.My hidup adalah kembali! Setelah 8 tahun perkawinan, suami saya meninggalkan saya dan meninggalkan saya dengan tiga anak kami. Aku merasa seperti hidup saya adalah untuk mengakhiri, dan berantakan. Berkat kastor mantra disebut papa Justus yang saya bertemu online. Pada suatu hari yang setia, seperti yang saya browsing melalui internet, saya sedang mencari kastor baik mantra yang dapat memecahkan masalah saya. Aku datang di serangkaian kesaksian tentang kastor mantra tertentu ini. Beberapa orang bersaksi bahwa ia membawa mantan kekasih mereka kembali, beberapa bersaksi bahwa ia mengembalikan rahim, beberapa bersaksi bahwa ia dapat mengucapkan mantra untuk menghentikan perceraian dan seterusnya. Ada satu kesaksian tertentu yang kulihat, itu adalah tentang seorang wanita yang disebut kasih karunia, ia bersaksi tentang bagaimana papa Justus dibawa kembali kekasihnya Ex dalam waktu kurang dari 72 jam dan pada akhir kesaksian dia drop papa Justus alamat e-mail. Setelah membaca semua ini, saya memutuskan untuk memberikan papa mencoba. Saya menghubungi dia melalui email dan menjelaskan masalah saya kepadanya. Dalam hanya 3 hari, suami saya kembali ke saya. Kami memecahkan masalah kami, dan kami lebih bahagia daripada sebelumnya. Papa Justus benar-benar seorang pria yang berbakat dan berbakat dan saya akan tidak untuk menghentikan penerbitan kepadanya karena ia adalah seorang pria luar biasa...Jika Anda memiliki masalah dan Anda mencari nyata dan asli mantra kastor untuk memecahkan masalah itu untuk Anda. Mencoba papa besar Justus hari ini, dia mungkin menjadi jawaban untuk masalah Anda. Berikut adalah kontak: Terima kasih besar Justus. Hubungi dia hal berikut:

    (1)Jika Anda ingin mantan Anda kembali.
    (2) jika Anda selalu memiliki mimpi buruk.
    (3)Anda ingin dipromosikan di kantor Anda.
    (4)Anda ingin perempuan/laki-laki untuk menjalankan setelah Anda.
    (5)Jika Anda ingin anak.
    (6)[Anda ingin menjadi kaya.
    (7)Anda ingin mengikat suami/istri Anda untuk menjadi milikmu selama-lamanya.
    (8)Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan keuangan.
    (9)Herbal perawatan
    10) membantu membawa orang keluar dari penjara
    (11)Pernikahan Spells
    (12)Keajaiban mantra
    (13)Keindahan Spells
    (15)Daya tarik mantra
    (16)Mata kejahatan Spells
    (17)Mencium mantra
    (18)Menghilangkan penyakit mantra
    (21) pesona untuk mendapatkan yang mencintaimu.
    (22)Mantra bisnis.
    Hubungi dia hari ini di:,
    Anda juga dapat hubungi dia ON whatsApp nomor.


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