Tuesday, 14 January 2014

My Sister’s Son

Sometimes you think and wonder how it all began. I lie here on my back wondering how I got to this point. My senses are on overload. The smell of raw animalistic sex permeates the room. Most of my body is cold as the sweat produced by heated lovemaking dries. My pussy feels warm, however, as some of his juices flow out of me. I become aware that it is only some of his juices. I dread that most of his sperm is fighting its way into my unprotected and fertile womb. I hear two sets of breathing. I open my eyes to see my naked body forty-six year old body. Then I look next to me. The naked man who is now asleep is not my husband. The naked man, who minutes ago came inside me, is my eighteen year old nephew, Odua.

My name is Elohor. My husband, Ufoma, and I had been married and living in a small university town since we were young. A virgin when we met, I had remained faithful to Ufoma. Faithful that was until this month. At 5'4" tall and 61 kg I was your typical housewife. We were still trying to acclimate ourselves as empty nesters. Ufoma and I had sex about once a week or every other week. With our children grown, I had expected more...much more. It wasn't that we were unhappy, it's just that life had become routine and stale.

One day, my sister, Ovo called me up for a favour. It turned out that her son, Odua, had decided to attend the university where we lived. Ovo wanted to know if Odua could spend the holiday with us to familiarize himself with the town before moving into the hostel in September. No one gave it a second thought. Of course Odua could stay with us.

Odua arrived the first week of June. At eighteen years old, he was the picture of masculine youth. He enjoyed spending time in our pool. So, on the first weekend he was with us, I peered through our kitchen window, and got a good look at his tall slender frame. He looked very handsome with his 6'+ height, low-cut hair, and sleek, yet muscular, physique. I didn't realize I was staring at him until suddenly I realized he was looking back at me. I quickly looked away in shame and tried to pretend that I wasn't gawking at him. For crying out loud, he was only eighteen and he was my nephew!

The next day I was cleaning the house and collecting the trash. As I began to empty the trash in Odua's room I caught a strong and familiar scent coming from his trash. Looking down, I found several clusters of wadded up tissue. It took me only a moment to realize that the tissues were full of Odua's semen. Immediately my mind was inundated with visions. In these visions, Odua was lying on his bed, on his back, with his cock in his hand. From the tip of his cock, I envisioned spurt after spurt of sperm jetting out into a pool on his young tanned belly and chest. I knew that the tissues had been used to clean up his mess. Instinctively, I reached into the trash and pulled out the tissue wad on top. It was still moist. I recognized that strong familiar smell that drew me in was, in fact, sperm. Suddenly, I heard footsteps, so I dropped the tissue back into the trash and hurried out of the room.

The footsteps had been Odua's coming back into his room from the bathroom. He was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. I could hardly look him in the eye. As we passed, I looked back at him. I couldn't believe what I saw. As Odua entered his room, he was already removing the towel, and I caught a glimpse of his black tight ass. I was so hot at that point I didn't know what to do with myself. Ufoma was out, so I rushed into my bedroom, shut and locked the door, stripped down, and proceeded to use my fingers to try and relieve my suddenly pent up horniness. I finally brought myself to orgasm with incestuous visions of Odua's ass in my mind, and the memory of his masculine scent in my nose.

As the days passed, I began getting more and more infatuated with Odua and curious about his body. I was in a permanent state of horniness now, but at the same time disgusted with myself about what I was thinking and doing. I was constantly trying to get glimpses of Odua's body. Worse yet, on a daily basis I was going into his room and removing the wad of tissues from his trash in order to indulge my sense of smell that was now seemingly addicted to Odua. I found myself trying to figure out when it was that he was masturbating. I finally decided that he was masturbating every night after going to bed, and other random times as well.

I found myself lying in bed at nights, next to my husband, wondering if Odua was making himself cum in the room across the corridor from ours. I also found myself, during the infrequent times my husband and I made love, thinking about Odua. No, that wasn't quite accurate. I wasn't just thinking about Odua, I was wishing he was somehow the one satisfying me.

One particular night after a short love-making session with Ufoma, I lay awake thinking again about Odua. I could no longer take wondering what was happening in his room. I slowly crept out of my bed, while being careful not to wake Ufoma. Quietly, I walked across the passage to Odua's room. He slept with his door slightly ajar. I found myself peering through the opening to discover that Odua was asleep. I crept into his room. Odua was completely covered by the sheet. I wanted to remove it but feared waking him. I really hadn't thought about what I would do when I got into the room until I realized that Odua had probably already had his masturbation session. I quietly approached the trash and found the wad of tissue that I thought I would find. Surprisingly it was still slightly warm and really soaked. He must have just finished and went to sleep. I really, really, really, wanted to taste what was in the tissue but couldn't bring myself to it. Suddenly, Odua stirred. I got out of the room as fast as I could and back into my bed.

The entire next day I was fully disgusted with myself. However, once again that night I found myself lying awake and thinking of Odua. Despite my self-loathing, I found myself once again making the trek across the corridor to his room. I peered in the door and found that Odua was lying on his side with his back to me. This time however, the sheet was down to his midsection. His snoring signalled that I could enter his room undetected. As was becoming my habit, I immediately went to the trash and found the warm remnants of his self-gratification. Only this time, I began thinking about the young cock and balls that produced all that seed while I gazed at him sleeping. I wanted to see more of his body, so I carefully pulled down the sheet from his body. I found him wearing tight white underwear that clung to that muscular ass that I had caught a glimpse of previously. I started to walk around the bed to view his front side, but damn if he didn't stir, so I got out of the room as quickly as possible.

Back in my own bed I couldn't sleep. My pussy was soaking wet, but my fingers weren't satisfying me. I tossed and turned for probably fifteen minutes before my curiosity got the best of me again, and once again I headed for Odua's room. I peeked in and saw that Odua was now lying on his back. The sheets were down below his knees where I early had early placed them. Quietly, I approached Odua. I looked down and for the first time saw the outline of his cock through the underwear. I had to know what it felt like, so I reached down and ever so gently ran the tip of my finger across the outline of his soft cock. He didn't flinch. I reached down into my panties with my left hand and inserted a finger into my wetness. With my right hand, I again ran the tip of my finger across Odua's protrusion. Only this time, I kept my finger on him as I gently caressed his penis through the material.

I had to have been a sight to see standing there in nothing but panties, with one hand in my panties, and my other hand on my nephew's penis. Suddenly, I realized that his cock was reacting to my touch. He was still soft, but larger. As I kept rubbing him, his cock quickly hardened and the head began to appear from beneath the waist band. At that point, I wanted so badly to wrap my lips around the protruding cock head that I don't know how I resisted. Amazingly, Odua never moved as my fingers massaged the outline of the thick vein of his cock. I completely lost track of time in my state of lust for my nephew, when I realized his cock was throbbing. Oh shit, I thought to myself, as I realized Odua was ejaculating. Sperm was shooting from the tip of his cock onto his belly.

I pulled away and ran from the room. This time I didn't return to my bedroom. I stayed at Odua's door watching his twitching cock finish. Amazingly, Odua never moved, so once again I snuck back into his room. Odua was now lying there with a pool of his sperm that I had coaxed out of him on his nearly hairless belly and chest. The head of his cock had rescinded back into his underwear as his cock softened. Hesitantly, I dipped my index finger into the largest pool of sperm on his belly, and placed my finger between my lips. Odua tasted a little different than Ufoma. Odua's sperm had more a sweet taste. I stood there with one finger feeding myself my nephew's sperm and another finger in my swollen and wet pussy. A few minutes later, my body was beset into one of the most incredible orgasms I had ever felt.

The next morning Odua's reaction to me seemed different. He seemed to be more enthusiastic and more attentive to me. I became terrified that he was not asleep while I jerked him off the previous night. Because of that, I forced myself to stay away from his room at night for more than a week. Just because I stayed away doesn't mean I didn't think of Odua. I still lay in bed at night thinking of his young cock.

The next time that Ufoma and I made love, I was desperate to achieve orgasm. It had been nearly ten days since our last lovemaking session and my mind, as we made love this time, was fully fixated on Odua. Once again, however, Ufoma only lasted about fifteen minutes before unloading inside me. As is his custom, he rolled over and went to sleep.

In my tortured state, I found myself making that now too familiar trip down the passage to Odua's room. Peeking in, he appeared to be asleep so I crept inside. His snoring encouraged me to once again approach him. I carefully removed the sheets that covered him, this time to find he was sleeping on his side, and in the nude. I was feeling giddy about the fortuitousness of finding Odua already completely naked. I reached down and took his flaccid cock in my hand. I was mesmerized by its warmth as it began to harden. I looked back up to make sure Odua was still asleep. My heart literally flip-flopped inside me as I discovered Odua looking back at me with a smile on his face.

"I was hoping you would come back, Aunty." Odua whispered.

I couldn't believe my ears. Odua had been awake the last time I was in his room. "Please don't tell my husband." I begged him as I released my grip from his now firm cock.

"I won't tell." Odua responded as his hand reached out and took my hand. "Please finish."

I sat down on his bed and together we once again wrapped my small hand around his large penis. Odua laid back, placed his hands behind his head, and smiled at me as I began moving my hand up and down his cock. With the air between us cleared, I began to relax and enjoy the sensation of giving pleasure to this young, hard cock I found myself with. With my free hand I reached out and caressed Odua's firm chest and belly, and then his muscular thighs as well. It didn't take long to achieve what my hands were attempting to do. Odua's cock swelled and then began to throb in my hand. Soon it was firing out sperm all over his chest and belly as I worked hard to completely drain his balls. When he was finished, I went over to the nightstand and gathered up a handful of tissues, and then carefully cleaned Odua up.

"This is wrong. We can never do this again." I told him.

"Don't be angry, Aunty." Odua pleaded. "This was just between us."

The next day was a Saturday. I was home in the morning while my husband was working a half day at his office. When Odua awoke it was nearly noon. Neither of us really knew what to say to each other so we more or less avoided what we did the night before. The rest of the day was uneventful. At around midnight, Ufoma and I decided to go to bed. Odua made it a point of telling us that he would be going to bed soon as well. Ufoma's back was turned, so he didn't see Odua smiling at me when he said it. I tried as best I could to covertly shake my head no in response to Odua's silent overture.

I may have shaken my head no to Odua, but I knew better. As soon as Ufoma was asleep, I found myself in Odua's bed with his cock in my hand. Clearly, Odua knew I would be there as well because this time there was no feigning sleep, no pretence of what I was there for, and his penis was already hard as a rock when I arrived. Since Odua had already been working on himself, shortly after my hand began its work, a small pool of precum appeared at the tip. Without thinking, I leaned forward and removed it with my tongue. Odua moaned.

Between the faint taste his semen left in my mouth and the warm sensation of his cock on my tongue as I removed the precum, I knew I had to have more. Once again, I leaned forward and licked the tip. This time I didn't stop. I licked down and then back up the full length of his cock along his enlarged vein. Then I wrapped my mouth around its engorged head and began covering his cock with my lips, then my mouth, and eventually my entire throat. His pubic hairs tickled my nose when he was fully impaled. I began moving my lips up and down Odua's cock causing him to squirm in pleasure beneath me. Soon, Odua was thrusting his hips against my movements to increase his pleasure. Then, without warning, Odua stopped, and my throat was inundated with warm cream. Although I was surprised, I managed to swallow every bit of the liquid Odua rewarded me with. As his orgasm came to an end, I pulled my head back up towards the tip so my tongue could also experience the wonder of his sweet nectar. My head was spinning to the point that I was surprised I didn't pass out.

When it was over and I had swallowed all of Odua's ejaculate, I leaned forward, gave him a small kiss on his lips, and began to leave. I was surprised to find Odua holding me back by my hand. "Aunty do you have to leave?" He asked. "I can please you too, if you let me."

I sat back down to take a moment to decide what to do. My head told me to leave, but my hormones were screaming to stay. In my incredibly horny state I had no other choice than to take Odua up on his offer. I climbed up, swung my leg over him, and straddled his mid-section. Odua was completely naked, but I was still wearing my nightgown and panties. I took Odua's hand and led him to my panty-covered pussy. He took over from there. Soon his fingers were in my panties and on my wet, burning sex.

I was beginning to feel incredibly hot as Odua's young hand worked a finger inside me, so I removed my nightgown. Odua's other hand immediately found its way to my breasts. I tried hard to cum quickly, but was unable to. I soon discovered that Odua's youthful cock was growing hard again, only this time I was sitting on it. Without thinking, I began shifting my hips slowly forward and back so my panty-protected pussy rubbed back and forth across his growing cock. Soon Odua seemed to grimace and his hands grabbed my thighs to stop my movements. "I'm sorry, Aunty Elohor. Your panties are kind of scratchy on me." He said.

Reluctantly, sort of anyway, I knew what I had to do. I got off Odua, removed my panties, and then climbed back onto his midsection. His cock was pointing straight up in front of me, and was pressing against my pubic region. As much as I wanted him inside me, I was able to at least claim some semblance of fidelity. While, holding his cock firmly, I cautioned him, "We have to be very careful, Odua. You understand? You can't put this inside me." Odua was perfectly willing to go wherever I was taking him as he just shook his head, yes.

I lifted myself up and pushed Odua's cock down. Then, I carefully sat back down, while making sure that his cock stayed down and could not enter me. I was now a fully naked married woman, sitting on her fully naked nephew, with his cock pinned between his belly and my vaginal juice soaked labia. Slowly and carefully I once again began moving my hips back and forth causing my pussy to slide back and forth across Odua's cock. Odua's eyes rolled back in his head as he placed his strong young hands on my thighs and enjoyed the sensation of my pussy on top of his cock.

I started increasing the speed of my motion trying to make myself cum. In doing so, I got careless once and felt the tip of Odua's cock nearly force its way in. Somehow I perceived that as my last bastion of faithfulness to Ufoma and wasn't ready to surrender it. The fact that I was trying to achieve orgasm with another man didn't seem to matter. I stopped, rearranged our genitalia, and once again began my movements. Finally, it happened. My body was convulsing in orgasm. I wanted to scream out, but was able to control it. Little by little, my pleasure subsided. I looked down to find that Odua's belly covered in sperm. I was relieved yet disappointed at how close his cock was to filling me with that sperm. I wanted badly to clean up his belly with my lips, but my sexual high was gone. I quickly threw on my panties and nightgown, and then headed back to my husband and our marital bed.

Odua and I were hooked. We continued some form of this little game of coaxing orgasms from each other every night for the next week. Odua's cum had been filling my mouth, covering my breasts, splashing across my vagina, but was never in my womb. The next Friday night we broke the routine. Or at least, I broke the routine. That night in bed, Ufoma wanted to make love, but I declined. Once he reluctantly went to sleep I wanted to go to Odua, but was torn with guilt for not letting my own husband have me. I lay awake for hours feeling dreadful about my husband while my pussy begged for orgasmic relief with Odua.

On Saturday morning Ufoma went into the office for a half day of work. I stood alone in the kitchen feeling horribly conflicted over the illicit yearnings for my young nephew sleeping in his room. My refusal of sex with both Ufoma and Odua the night before was winning over the conflict. My body was begging for relief and there was only one man in the house to deliver it. I walked into my bedroom. I removed my nightgown and panties, and then stood in front of the mirror. There I saw a mature and naked woman that was about give in to her most forbidden desire.

I walked down the corridor and into Odua's room. I crept inside and pulled back the sheets. Odua lay there naked and asleep. I crawled into my nephew's bed and cuddled up against his slender body. Odua immediately awoke and turned to face me. I think he knew at that moment what I wanted. I think he knew that this time I wasn't there for just a little play. Our lips met and our tongues explored. Our hands caressed each other's bodies.

Odua rolled me onto my back and took his place atop me. His cock was already fully engorged, and pressing against my vaginal lips in our now familiar faux fuck position. Odua slowly began sliding his wonderful cock between my wet labia as we resumed our kissing, but only for a few moments. Unexpectedly, Odua pulled his lips from mine and stopped his movements. We were looking into each other's eyes and into each other's souls as Odua first pulled his hips back, and then pushed forward. In doing so, I felt the head of Odua's cock slide past my vaginal lips and begin its descent into me. This time there was not going to be any resistance from me and Odua knew it. Little by little my nephew's cock filled my married pussy until it was fully inside, and his cock head was firmly seated against my cervix.

Odua seemed to wait momentarily for a rejection from me that this time was not going to occur. Instead, I reached my hands up and placed them on his cheeks. I then pulled Odua's face against mine and inserted my tongue into his mouth in a clear expression of my acquiescence to his darkest desire. Odua responded by moving his young hard cock in and out of me. The feeling was indescribable as Odua's cock repeatedly thrust itself against my cervix, which was a region never reached by my husband.

Achieving orgasm was not a problem this time. Not with such a lean young body on top of me, endowed with an equally lean, yet long cock pounding into my depths. I was besieged by wave after wave of pleasure. My mind was lost in desire. At that moment, I should have been aware of the consequences. At that moment, I should have remembered that Ufoma had a genital disorder after our second child he couldn’t father a child anymore. At that moment, I should have been aware that I was fertile and Odua's young testicles were full of virile seed looking for an opportunity to simply inseminate.

Over and over again, Odua thrust into me. I wrapped my womanly legs around my young nephew’s powerful thighs. I grabbed my own nephew's tight young ass and repeatedly pulled him into me. A lusty sweat formed between our bodies. It created a release for the friction developing between my soft older curves and Odua's firm young chest. We were close to reaching the apex of our incestuousness. Our bodies could not hold out much longer. My continual waves of orgasmic pleasure were close to coming to one final, magnificent conclusion. At the same time, Odua's movements inside me and on top of me were becoming erratic.

Odua's cock seemed to suddenly swell. Then, Odua thrust as hard as he could one last time against my cervix and stopped. Immediately I felt my young nephew's burning hot semen spewing against my cervix as it delivered millions of sperm into my womb. My mind went blank, and my naked body shook uncontrollably beneath the young naked body also shaking violently atop me. Once it was over, Odua's body fell limp on me. His worn out cock began the process of returning to its normal state, and then finally slipped out of me. I felt a little of the fluid created during our incestual mating flow out of my well-satisfied vagina.

Odua rolled off of me, leaving me feeling cold and remorseful. What would my husband think if he walked in and saw me lying there on my back, naked, and in a pool of my young nephew's cum? None of that seemed to matter. Remorse was soon replaced by arousal, as my left hand once again found its way to my sleeping nephew's cock. My right hand...well it was dipping a finger from my pussy to my mouth in order satisfy my craving for Odua's wonderful seed. I couldn’t see myself not wanting more of him, Never!

I know you might think am disillusioned and crazy but I think Odua’s sperm is my water and oxygen I don’t care what my sister and husband might do if they find out am just going to enjoy it while it lasts.
The End


  1. Wow..i love this story..but doesn't makes me wet as such tho... :*

  2. Nice piece of work thank you for the effort put in.


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