This time it was her lips and tongue that trailed down my body to pause for a while to nibble and caress my nipples. They hardened between her teeth as small jolts of pleasure passed through me. Then her lips crossed my abdomen leaving a path of soft kisses. When she reached my shaft she began to lick along its length, when she paused to kiss the tip, my pre-cum coated her lips making them shine as she smiled up at me. She appeared uncertain of how to proceed; I simply smiled and nodded which was enough to give her the confidence to continue. She opened her mouth and drew the head of my penis in, I groaned with pleasure. Chi took my shaft further into her mouth then began to bob her head up and down. This is when it became obvious that she was inexperienced.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Replacing Her Man………………………..The end
This time it was her lips and tongue that trailed down my body to pause for a while to nibble and caress my nipples. They hardened between her teeth as small jolts of pleasure passed through me. Then her lips crossed my abdomen leaving a path of soft kisses. When she reached my shaft she began to lick along its length, when she paused to kiss the tip, my pre-cum coated her lips making them shine as she smiled up at me. She appeared uncertain of how to proceed; I simply smiled and nodded which was enough to give her the confidence to continue. She opened her mouth and drew the head of my penis in, I groaned with pleasure. Chi took my shaft further into her mouth then began to bob her head up and down. This is when it became obvious that she was inexperienced.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Replacing Her Man………………………..Part 2
In the following months, our relationship
reached the stage of easy familiarity, hugs came easily to us, finishing a
project together was celebrated with hugs and I had only to make her laugh to
find her in my arms hugging me. Kisses were at the 'Hello and Goodbye' stage,
affectionate without expressions of desire.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Replacing Her Man………………………..Part 1
Funny, how things in life can change for you. We grow feelings where we never expected it to grow. Oh boy make una hear my story. It may seem unreal but it is a true story.
When Chidera and Emenike moved in next door I thought they were the ideal couple. They at 32 were about 25 years younger than I, he is tall, about 6ft 2in, dark good looking, she around 5ft 5in slim, a tumble of soft brown curly hair, a face that lit up when she smiled and an effervescent personality.But over the next year I watched helplessly as their relationship deteriorated. I honestly believe that it was mostly Emenike's fault because as his farm machinery business went downhill, so did his attitude to his wife. .
I was away for a month holidaying with my daughter. When I returned it was to find Emenike gone and Chidera with a black eye.
When I questioned her about the eye, at first she started to tell me the old, "I walked into a door" story, but Chidera is totally incapable of lying and in a flood of tears the story came rushing out. It transpired that Emenike had been having an affair with his secretary and when Chidera confronted him about it he turned violent knocking her to the floor, and then used it as an excuse to move out.
Chidera was distraught, tears streamed down her face as she sobbed helplessly. We were standing in her kitchen; I drew her to me, holding her close to my chest, instinctively feeling that this is what she needed.
It had been over 10 years since my wife had passed away, and that long since I'd held a woman so intimately close. I could feel her small firm breasts heaving against my chest as she sobbed. Although there was nothing sexual in this embrace I could not help reacting to her as I felt a stirring in my jeans. Before I could embarrass us both I moved away and seated her at the kitchen table.
Poor Chidera, she had been bottling all this up inside herself for two weeks. The only person she felt she could talk to, her brother, lived over two thousand miles away in Kano. I was her only neighbour, so that when I returned, her floodgates burst and all of her grievances came tumbling out.
We sat talking till 3 in the morning; she told me how Emenike's business was just about on the rocks. Instead of placing the responsibility where it so firmly belonged, Emenike chose to blame Chidera, accusing her of being demanding of his time and wasteful of his money. Neither of which was true. Worse still, when Chidera had finally found out about his affair, he had accused her of being useless in bed. I found this hard to believe of a woman as warm and attractive as Chidera.
When I left Chidera at her front door, she looked up at me and said "Thanks Ude, I needed to talk this thing through and you've been so kind and patient"
"No need to thank me Chi. Now please don't go thinking that because you've had a chance to talk about it the pain will just go away, because it won't. The kind of healing that you'll need may take a long time. Remember I'm just over the fence whenever you need someone."
"Ude you're a darling." Chidera replied. Then leaned forward and gently kissed me. Her kiss was still warm on my lips when I fell asleep.
Over the next few months Chidera and I became closer. Much work needed to be done around her place. Emenike had been neglecting things for a long timeone weekend we re-painted the interior of her home. Chi was a good worker doing at least her fair share, and somehow finding time to prepare our lunch. We often met for our evening meal. I found her to be easy to get along with and discovered that it was easy to make her laugh. However I couldn't help but notice the way that her breasts strained against her shirt as she reached with her brush to paint the higher parts of a wall, or the way her butt swelled from her lower back as she climbed a ladder to work on the ceiling. There was no doubt that I was finding Chidera to be more and more desirable but it never occurred to me to believe that she had similar feelings toward me. After all, I would always be 25 years older than she would.
We worked together in both of our yards, while I was good at doing the physical work of digging, concreting and building, Chidera turned out to have green fingers and an excellent grasp of garden design. As a result things really improved in both of our gardens.
With the coming of the heat season, came a disconcerting change in Chidera's attire. Chidera had a really nice butt and legs that were slightly thick at the top, which was just fine by me because I never was fond of skinny legs. Her Tee shirts also made it clear that she seldom wore a bra, and didn't need one. On more than one occasion she noticed me looking at her, it never seemed to bother her; she just gave a little smile and carried on with what she was doing.
There was one time on a really hot day that her shirt was sticking to her; her breasts were outlined as if she were topless. I couldn't help looking at the way they moved as she knelt working in a flowerbed. I had come to a complete halt when she looked up and caught me watching her I was very embarrassed.
"Sorry Chi." I stuttered. "I didn't mean to stare."
"That's OK Ude, I'm just glad that someone still finds me worth looking at."
"Any man with red blood in his veins would find you worth looking at Chi." I replied then felt even more embarrassed at my statement
"You are just being kind Ude."
"No I'm just being honest."
During the course of the many evening meals we shared we became ever closer, even able to discuss personal things that I would never have considered possible with a woman with whom I had never been intimate. She told me that Emenike had been the only man in her life. She had met him at secondary school, dated, fallen in love and married him, so since being a teenager her world had revolved around him.
I could see that this was a situation that needed changing so over the next few weeks started encouraging her to socialize, believing that meeting more men, or better still having a love affair would help her to get over Emenike and move on with her life. She told me that she could not see herself with another man and was not yet ready to go down the road of having an affair. She was quite shocked when I suggested that an affair did not have to be an all-consuming passion, it could be as simple as fulfilling a basic human need for sex. Even a one night stand was OK in the right circumstances, and if such a thing were to happen there would be no need to beat herself up over it.
At that she went quiet; a troubled look came over her face
I asked her "What's the problem Chi?"
Now I was troubled, we had long since reached the stage of freely discussing whatever was on our minds, so her refusal to answer indicated a severe problem. I probed deeper.
"Don't give me that 'Nothing' shit Chi. Talk about it."
She remained quiet for a while then without looking up at me gave a sigh then began speaking
"Ude, you know that I've only ever had one man in my life, nobody else ever got as far as first base with me. I honestly thought that I was keeping Emenike happy in bed, at least he had no problems in having an orgasm."
"How about you Chi, did you orgasm?"
"Sometimes, not as often as I would like, but then I've read that this is not uncommon in women."
I let that slide. She continued.
"Then when Emenike told me that I was no good in bed, I thought maybe he's right"
"Chi! What absolute nonsense. Emenike is a man who is failing in life, so he's desperately trying to improve his self-image by screwing a younger woman. I've seen this happen more times than you can shake a stick at. It's a kind of premature midlife crisis. Rather than face up to his failures he tries to prove his success with a new conquest, then blame his inadequacies on you."
"But Ude, how do you know that he's not telling the truth, at least his girlfriend seems to be keeping him happy."
"How the hell do you know that I'm not telling the truth Chi? You have never had anyone to compare him with. If there had been more than one man in your life, you'd be able to make a comparison. Then I'm pretty sure that you'd reach the conclusion that Emenike's talking a load of nonsense."
"Well the truth is that I don't have anyone to compare him to and I don't see the likelihood of there being anyone else either."
"Don't be so negative Chi, you could have anyone you want and if all you want is a second opinion then I'm quite happy to volunteer".
As soon as I realized what I'd said I cringed with embarrassment. I tried to apologize
"Chi I.I.I'm sorry I dddidn't mean......"
As my tongue tried to untie the Gordian knot in my mouth Chi's expression ran the gamut from incredulity, to mirth, till in the end she burst out laughing. As her laughter subsided she said.
"Oh Ude you are so precious, your face is a picture. I'm not laughing at your proposition, just at your reaction." She giggled again shortly then continued. "Ude darling, if ever I was looking for a second opinion, you'd be the first that would spring to mind; so be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it." She smiled as if to set me at ease.
To be continued…………

Sunday, 26 January 2014
Friday, 24 January 2014
The Sweet Revenge……………. The end
Then she glanced down at the jewel-encrusted watch around her wrist and added,
"It's almost time; we need to get going. Give me exactly thirty
minutes." With that, she went out the door, got in her car and drove away.
I stood there for a minute and then made a decision. Latifah and I hadn't talked about this and I hoped I didn't screw everything up, but I had to take that risk. I pulled out my phone.
She must have recognized my number. "Femi, why are you calling at this hour?"
I stood there for a minute and then made a decision. Latifah and I hadn't talked about this and I hoped I didn't screw everything up, but I had to take that risk. I pulled out my phone.
She must have recognized my number. "Femi, why are you calling at this hour?"
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
The Sweet Revenge………….Part 8
Latifah took my hand and walked with me toward a vacant table. Once we were seated, she leaned over and whispered, "Just so you know, that girl is in love with you."
"What! No, that's crazy, she's my tennis partner. She was in Fidelia's Pilates course."
"And if I'm not mistaken," Latifah went on, ignoring me, "you might just be a little in love with her, too."
"No," I protested. "You're way off base on that. She's just a good friend."
"Maybe," she said skeptically. "In any case, I think we've done all we can for tonight, so let's get out of here."
The Sweet Revenge………….Part 7
When we got back to my house, I let Latifah use my shower while I dried off and thought about the afternoon. Except for my unexpected encounter with Kike, everything had gone even better than I could have hoped. I showed Fidelia that I wasn't going to sit around and mourn her desertion for the rest of my life. More than that, I showed her that not only was she replaceable, but in fact I had upgraded pretty dramatically. "Let her stew on that for a while," I thought triumphantly.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
The Sweet Revenge………….Part 6
We planned for Phase I of Operation Sweet Revenge to commence on Saturday shortly after the lunch hour. The temperature was already heating up in Lagos, and I figured there would be a large crowd at the pool at Victory Estate.
I was a bit nervous about whether Latifah would show up, but shortly after noon a BMW Z4 pulled into my driveway. She came to my door carrying a small bag, and when I raised my eyebrows, she said, "My swimwear."
The Sweet Revenge………….Part 5
"Here we go," I thought.
The bar wasn't very busy on a week night, which was one of the reasons I picked it, and the low lighting also suited my purposes. But when she walked in the door, it was as though a spotlight was shining on her. She saw me stand up nervously, and she walked over and shook my hand confidently. "Hello, Femi," she said in that musical voice. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person."
She sat down and I followed. I must have been staring, because she laughed and said, "Well, how do I look?"
We've all seen movie stars on the big screen or models in magazines. They're gorgeous but they're not "real." But now I was meeting one of them in person, and the impact was overwhelming. The young woman seated across from me was absolutely stunning. The dark eyes, high cheek bones, pouty lips, the way her hair framed her face, her athletic but womanly figure – I could go on and on, but the fact was that for a few moments all I could do was stare at her in silent wonder.
smiled and broke the silence. "I'm going to take that to mean you
approve," she said.
"Oh, yes, I'm sorry," I stammered, "I just, for a moment, that is . . ." My voice tailed off in embarrassment.
Thankfully, at that moment the waitress came over to take our orders. I don't even remember what I ordered, but Latifah settled for fried rice and green salad. As the waitress listened to her order, I could tell that she had fallen under Latifah's spell as well. She kept glancing at her until finally she burst out, "Aren't you on television?"
Latifah smiled at her sweetly. "No, I'm afraid not," she said, and the waitress walked away mumbling to herself.
Their little exchange allowed the rational part of my brain to re-engage. I looked at Latifah curiously. "I'll bet that happens to you often."
She nodded unselfconsciously. "Yes, it happens quite a bit."
"Can I ask you a question? Why aren't you on television or modeling, instead of, well, you know," I asked, stumbling a bit at the end.
"I've looked into it," she acknowledged, "but that's a very cut-throat world. I may look good to you, but I'm just one of many in that world. The odds against making it are about the same as a basketball player making it in the NBA. But in this line of work, I stand out. And unlike modeling or acting, I didn't have to starve for years paying my dues. From the day I started I was making top dollar. By the time my looks start to go, I'll have put enough away to live off my investments for the rest of my life. And if I'm really lucky, I'll find a rich man who wants a trophy wife and doesn't care what she used to do for a living."
I couldn't help nodding. I didn't agree with the career she had chosen, but she had certainly approached it sensibly.
At that moment, the waitress brought our dinners. After she'd served Latifah, she looked at her again and said, "Are you sure you're not on TV? I just feel certain I've seen you before."
Latifah shook her head. "I don't think so. If I had been, I'm sure I would remember it."
I tried to smother my laughter as the waitress beat a hasty retreat.
When we began eating, she looked at me carefully. "So, Femi, why don't you give me an idea of what you have in mind? Madu indicated that this is something a bit out of the ordinary."
I blushed and began to tell her my story. When I replayed my conversation with Fidelia after catching her and Dele in bed, Latifah gave me a sympathetic look. "That was pretty cold," she said. When I described Dele Oyebanjo and the way he was acting, she nodded knowingly. "I've met a lot of his type."
She wiped her mouth daintily and then folded her hands on the table. "So what is it exactly that you want to do, and how do I fit into the picture?"
I spent the next fifteen minutes describing what I hoped to accomplish over the next month or so. When I finished, I admitted that I had a lot of doubts about what I was trying to do. "But I just can't sit by and let the two of them run roughshod over me without fighting back. And now that I've met you, I'm beginning to think this just might work."
She broke into a big grin. "What a lovely compliment!" she said. Then she leaned forward across the table. "You know what? I think I'm going to enjoy this."
"Great!" I said enthusiastically, and reached across to shake her hand to seal the deal. She laughed at that and gave me a firm handshake in return. "To partners in crime," she said with a sly smile.
Then she sat up and did something that I didn't quite catch with her body, and suddenly she exuded raw sexuality. I realized I had a hard-on. "Well," she said in a low, sexy voice, "now that we've concluded the business portion of our meeting, shall we adjourn to someplace cozier for the recreational component?"
My mouth was suddenly dry and I had to take a sip of water before I could speak. "No," I said, "tonight is just supposed to be a get-acquainted session."
She gave me a crooked little smile. "You don't find me attractive?"
"Oh, gosh, no," I stammered, "I mean yes. I mean it's not that. It's just I'm trying to keep focused on what we're planning to do here, and it would be better for me not to get involved with you that way, don't you see? But I do have the extra for you." With that I slid an envelope across the table to her. I stuffed a large amount of N1000 notes in it earlier.
She solemnly picked it up and it disappeared into her purse. Then she changed her posture again and her sexual side seemed to recede. "I think maybe I do understand, Femi." She tilted her head slightly to look at me. "You're a very interesting man. I think I'm going to enjoy our little adventure together."
With that she rose and left, while I remained seated in the booth. For some reason I felt wrung out. "That is some woman!" I thought.
To be continued…………………………."Oh, yes, I'm sorry," I stammered, "I just, for a moment, that is . . ." My voice tailed off in embarrassment.
Thankfully, at that moment the waitress came over to take our orders. I don't even remember what I ordered, but Latifah settled for fried rice and green salad. As the waitress listened to her order, I could tell that she had fallen under Latifah's spell as well. She kept glancing at her until finally she burst out, "Aren't you on television?"
Latifah smiled at her sweetly. "No, I'm afraid not," she said, and the waitress walked away mumbling to herself.
Their little exchange allowed the rational part of my brain to re-engage. I looked at Latifah curiously. "I'll bet that happens to you often."
She nodded unselfconsciously. "Yes, it happens quite a bit."
"Can I ask you a question? Why aren't you on television or modeling, instead of, well, you know," I asked, stumbling a bit at the end.
"I've looked into it," she acknowledged, "but that's a very cut-throat world. I may look good to you, but I'm just one of many in that world. The odds against making it are about the same as a basketball player making it in the NBA. But in this line of work, I stand out. And unlike modeling or acting, I didn't have to starve for years paying my dues. From the day I started I was making top dollar. By the time my looks start to go, I'll have put enough away to live off my investments for the rest of my life. And if I'm really lucky, I'll find a rich man who wants a trophy wife and doesn't care what she used to do for a living."
I couldn't help nodding. I didn't agree with the career she had chosen, but she had certainly approached it sensibly.
At that moment, the waitress brought our dinners. After she'd served Latifah, she looked at her again and said, "Are you sure you're not on TV? I just feel certain I've seen you before."
Latifah shook her head. "I don't think so. If I had been, I'm sure I would remember it."
I tried to smother my laughter as the waitress beat a hasty retreat.
When we began eating, she looked at me carefully. "So, Femi, why don't you give me an idea of what you have in mind? Madu indicated that this is something a bit out of the ordinary."
I blushed and began to tell her my story. When I replayed my conversation with Fidelia after catching her and Dele in bed, Latifah gave me a sympathetic look. "That was pretty cold," she said. When I described Dele Oyebanjo and the way he was acting, she nodded knowingly. "I've met a lot of his type."
She wiped her mouth daintily and then folded her hands on the table. "So what is it exactly that you want to do, and how do I fit into the picture?"
I spent the next fifteen minutes describing what I hoped to accomplish over the next month or so. When I finished, I admitted that I had a lot of doubts about what I was trying to do. "But I just can't sit by and let the two of them run roughshod over me without fighting back. And now that I've met you, I'm beginning to think this just might work."
She broke into a big grin. "What a lovely compliment!" she said. Then she leaned forward across the table. "You know what? I think I'm going to enjoy this."
"Great!" I said enthusiastically, and reached across to shake her hand to seal the deal. She laughed at that and gave me a firm handshake in return. "To partners in crime," she said with a sly smile.
Then she sat up and did something that I didn't quite catch with her body, and suddenly she exuded raw sexuality. I realized I had a hard-on. "Well," she said in a low, sexy voice, "now that we've concluded the business portion of our meeting, shall we adjourn to someplace cozier for the recreational component?"
My mouth was suddenly dry and I had to take a sip of water before I could speak. "No," I said, "tonight is just supposed to be a get-acquainted session."
She gave me a crooked little smile. "You don't find me attractive?"
"Oh, gosh, no," I stammered, "I mean yes. I mean it's not that. It's just I'm trying to keep focused on what we're planning to do here, and it would be better for me not to get involved with you that way, don't you see? But I do have the extra for you." With that I slid an envelope across the table to her. I stuffed a large amount of N1000 notes in it earlier.
She solemnly picked it up and it disappeared into her purse. Then she changed her posture again and her sexual side seemed to recede. "I think maybe I do understand, Femi." She tilted her head slightly to look at me. "You're a very interesting man. I think I'm going to enjoy our little adventure together."
With that she rose and left, while I remained seated in the booth. For some reason I felt wrung out. "That is some woman!" I thought.
Monday, 20 January 2014
The Sweet Revenge………….Part 4
It was a slaughter. I played worse than I had in years, and my obvious emotions
affected Kike as well. Dele, by contrast, was really on his game, and his big,
booming ground strokes were scorching over the net like rounds from a machine
gun. To make things worse, he was constantly taunting me throughout the match.
"Come on, Femi, you can hit it harder than that," he yelled after I
floated a weak shot that he smashed for a winner. Another time he yelled,
"Your wife can hit it harder than that. Oh, wait, my bad: you don't have a
wife." I just fumed.
The Sweet Revenge………….Part 3
The tone from my phone startled me, and I quickly answered. Subconsciously I
think I was hoping to hear Fidelia's voice, but it was Kike. "How are you
doing, Femi?" she asked.
"Not so good," I replied. "She's left me."
"I heard," she said.
"You heard?" I said in astonishment. "Where? How?"
"I'm sorry, Femi," she said sadly. "Dele's been up at the clubhouse boasting about it."
"Oh, shit," I thought. "It's already started."
On Sunday I called the captain of our men's team. There was no way I was going to go up there. "I'm sorry, Akin," I told him, "you're going to have to scratch me from the line-up today. I've got some personal issues to deal with."
"Yeah, I heard," he said sympathetically. "Sorry about that. Good luck, man."
I thanked him, but I knew all I had to look forward to was more bad luck.
I spent the whole day inside. I guess I was hiding, though it pained me to admit it. The TV had a football match between Barcelona and Real Madrid on, but I wasn't paying attention. My thoughts kept drifting back to my marriage with Fidelia. Where did it all go wrong? When did she stop loving me?
I felt certain that she'd loved me when got married right out of University. We'd gone steady throughout our university years; I asked her to marry me over Christmas break. She'd majored in Health and Physical Education, and whenever my fraternity brothers would catch sight of her in workout clothes, they'd give me a hard time. She had that combination of cute, fit and sexy that's almost irresistible; I gave up trying the minute I met her.
We settled easily into married life. I landed a great job in Lagos, and she found a job as an instructor at an aerobics class. After a few years, we'd saved enough money for a down payment on a house, and we found just what we were looking for in a brand new estate .
I thought that we were really happy here at Victory Estate. I got several promotions with my company, and Fidelia decided to strike out on her own. We had enough money by that time to lease space for her studio in one of the small strip shopping centers in the area, and her business did very well. Our savings account was growing, we had a host of friends and acquaintances, especially at Victory Estate, and we had even started talking about starting a family in a year or two.
Our sex lives had quieted down some, but that hadn't surprised me. My job kept me busy, and teaching Pilates every day will tire out anyone. As I thought back about it, I began to realize that things had really slowed down in the last six months, though I hadn't noticed it at the time. I also remembered that Fidelia had seemed a bit distracted at times, as though she was off in another world. But when we had made love, it was as good for me as ever, and I had thought Fidelia felt the same way. Obviously, I was wrong.
I kicked myself mentally. How could I have been so blind that I didn't realize she had gotten involved with someone else? How could I not have been aware that she was falling out of love with me and in love with Dele Oyebanjo? The only thing I could figure was that when you love and trust someone else, you don't go looking for signs of treachery and deceit. "No," I thought sardonically, "you just have to wait until they dope-slap you in the back of the head."
I went into work early on Monday to try to get ahead of the game. Around nine o'clock I called the office of my lawyer to try to make an appointment. When the secretary asked about the purpose of the meeting, I didn't want to get into the subject of Fidelia and me so I told her I needed to make some changes in my will. When she came back on the line, she told me he could see me right after lunch.
When I got to his law office, Kunle met me in the lobby. He had been a classmate of ours back in our undergraduate days, and I had gone to him when Fidelia and I decided to have wills drawn up.
After we were seated in his office, he looked at me with concern. "Is everything OK, Femi? I understand you need to make a change in your will. You or Fidelia aren't ill, are you?"
"Thanks for your concern, Kunle, but it's not quite that bad," I told him. Then I handed him the papers that Fidelia had given me on Saturday. As he read them, he "tsk-tskd" to himself. When he had finished, he looked up at me.
"I'm really sorry to learn of this, Femi. Do you think there's any chance of reconciliation?"
"I don't think so. She's already moved out of our house and moved in with her boyfriend. She told me that they plan to get married as soon as our divorce is final."
He shook his head. "I would never have expected this. You two seemed like the perfect couple."
Then his expression changed and his voice took on a professional tone. "Given those circumstances, as your legal advisor my advice to you is to sign this agreement immediately."
"So, just like that, ten years of marriage wiped away?" I said bitterly.
He shook his head patiently. "In matters like this, Femi, you have to stop thinking with your heart and start thinking with your head. My read on this is that Fidelia has made you a very generous offer, much better than you'd get if you decide to fight over it. Part of her motivation may be guilt, but I was willing to bet that the main reason is to give you an incentive to agree quickly so she can marry her new man. While it may feel like you're giving in to her now, the truth is that if your marriage is over, this is the best deal you can hope to get."
I knew he was right. Hell,
after what she'd done, I didn't want to stay married to her anyway. But it
still felt like she and Dele had beaten me in a game I didn't even know I was
playing. "Not so good," I replied. "She's left me."
"I heard," she said.
"You heard?" I said in astonishment. "Where? How?"
"I'm sorry, Femi," she said sadly. "Dele's been up at the clubhouse boasting about it."
"Oh, shit," I thought. "It's already started."
On Sunday I called the captain of our men's team. There was no way I was going to go up there. "I'm sorry, Akin," I told him, "you're going to have to scratch me from the line-up today. I've got some personal issues to deal with."
"Yeah, I heard," he said sympathetically. "Sorry about that. Good luck, man."
I thanked him, but I knew all I had to look forward to was more bad luck.
I spent the whole day inside. I guess I was hiding, though it pained me to admit it. The TV had a football match between Barcelona and Real Madrid on, but I wasn't paying attention. My thoughts kept drifting back to my marriage with Fidelia. Where did it all go wrong? When did she stop loving me?
I felt certain that she'd loved me when got married right out of University. We'd gone steady throughout our university years; I asked her to marry me over Christmas break. She'd majored in Health and Physical Education, and whenever my fraternity brothers would catch sight of her in workout clothes, they'd give me a hard time. She had that combination of cute, fit and sexy that's almost irresistible; I gave up trying the minute I met her.
We settled easily into married life. I landed a great job in Lagos, and she found a job as an instructor at an aerobics class. After a few years, we'd saved enough money for a down payment on a house, and we found just what we were looking for in a brand new estate .
I thought that we were really happy here at Victory Estate. I got several promotions with my company, and Fidelia decided to strike out on her own. We had enough money by that time to lease space for her studio in one of the small strip shopping centers in the area, and her business did very well. Our savings account was growing, we had a host of friends and acquaintances, especially at Victory Estate, and we had even started talking about starting a family in a year or two.
Our sex lives had quieted down some, but that hadn't surprised me. My job kept me busy, and teaching Pilates every day will tire out anyone. As I thought back about it, I began to realize that things had really slowed down in the last six months, though I hadn't noticed it at the time. I also remembered that Fidelia had seemed a bit distracted at times, as though she was off in another world. But when we had made love, it was as good for me as ever, and I had thought Fidelia felt the same way. Obviously, I was wrong.
I kicked myself mentally. How could I have been so blind that I didn't realize she had gotten involved with someone else? How could I not have been aware that she was falling out of love with me and in love with Dele Oyebanjo? The only thing I could figure was that when you love and trust someone else, you don't go looking for signs of treachery and deceit. "No," I thought sardonically, "you just have to wait until they dope-slap you in the back of the head."
I went into work early on Monday to try to get ahead of the game. Around nine o'clock I called the office of my lawyer to try to make an appointment. When the secretary asked about the purpose of the meeting, I didn't want to get into the subject of Fidelia and me so I told her I needed to make some changes in my will. When she came back on the line, she told me he could see me right after lunch.
When I got to his law office, Kunle met me in the lobby. He had been a classmate of ours back in our undergraduate days, and I had gone to him when Fidelia and I decided to have wills drawn up.
After we were seated in his office, he looked at me with concern. "Is everything OK, Femi? I understand you need to make a change in your will. You or Fidelia aren't ill, are you?"
"Thanks for your concern, Kunle, but it's not quite that bad," I told him. Then I handed him the papers that Fidelia had given me on Saturday. As he read them, he "tsk-tskd" to himself. When he had finished, he looked up at me.
"I'm really sorry to learn of this, Femi. Do you think there's any chance of reconciliation?"
"I don't think so. She's already moved out of our house and moved in with her boyfriend. She told me that they plan to get married as soon as our divorce is final."
He shook his head. "I would never have expected this. You two seemed like the perfect couple."
Then his expression changed and his voice took on a professional tone. "Given those circumstances, as your legal advisor my advice to you is to sign this agreement immediately."
"So, just like that, ten years of marriage wiped away?" I said bitterly.
He shook his head patiently. "In matters like this, Femi, you have to stop thinking with your heart and start thinking with your head. My read on this is that Fidelia has made you a very generous offer, much better than you'd get if you decide to fight over it. Part of her motivation may be guilt, but I was willing to bet that the main reason is to give you an incentive to agree quickly so she can marry her new man. While it may feel like you're giving in to her now, the truth is that if your marriage is over, this is the best deal you can hope to get."
Kunle's tone became sympathetic once again. "Listen, Femi, I know the lawyer that Fidelia used. If you sign, we can get this Settlement Agreement filed with the court very quickly. That will pretty well lock in what she's proposed. Then, if she begins to have 'buyer's remorse' and wants to come back -- and if you're willing to take her back -- you still have thirty days to drop the divorce."
I knew that wasn't going to happen. "Can I borrow your pen?" I asked.
On the way home that evening, I stopped at a neighborhood restaurant and picked up some dinner to go. But when I got home, I found that Fidelia had been there during the day and packed up everything she wanted. Of course all of her cosmetics had disappeared, but I was surprised to find a number of items of clothing left behind. However, when I examined them more closely I realized that they were things she didn't wear anymore. "I guess I get to haul them off to Goodwill," I thought morosely.
Further investigation revealed that the bedroom was not the only place she had raided. Our good china was gone, along with most of the serving pieces we'd received as wedding presents. From the kitchen, I noticed that a number of utensils and our set of good carving knives had also been carted off. Several pieces of furniture were missing, and when I went into the den, I saw that large chunks from our CD and DVD collections were also gone. As I prowled through our belongings I noted that she'd left our wedding album untouched. Somehow that was more depressing to me than all the things she'd taken with her. It was as though she wanted to expunge any memory of life with me.
I went back in the kitchen and stashed the food I bought in the refrigerator. I had no appetite left after discovering her incursion. I made myself a mental note to have the locks changed. "Damn it to hell, how do you go from being happily married to a single lonely divorced man in three days?" I asked myself. It all seemed so damned unfair.
I spent the next week in virtual isolation, starting work early and leaving late every day. Otherwise I stayed in the house. The humiliation of having Dele Oyebanjo steal my wife was excruciating, and the fact that there was nothing I could do about it was almost unbearable.
I'll admit that I entertained fantasies about assaults with planks or wood; other times I daydreamed about hired killers and car bombs. But then I came back to the real world. Did I really want to ruin my own life just to get back at a skirt-chasing sleaze ball and a wife who couldn't keep her legs together?
By Friday I decided it was time to come out of my cocoon. I had done nothing wrong and there was no reason for me to hide. I called Kike. "wadup, partner, don't we have tennis match scheduled for this weekend?" I asked, trying to sound upbeat and positive.
"Oh, Femi, I'm so glad to hear from you," she said quickly. "I thought about calling you so many times, but I thought maybe you'd prefer to be alone for awhile."
"Thanks, Kike," I replied, softening my tone. "It's been a rough week."
I went on to tell her everything that had happened; then I asked her what was going on at Victory Estate that I missed. She hemmed and hawed for a few seconds before admitting that our situation was the talk of the area.
"You'd think they could find something better to discuss," I said sharply.
"They might," Kike allowed, "but Dele and Fidelia don't make it easy. They've been socializing at the clubhouse every night since last Saturday. Dele is all but openly bragging about how the better man won, and Fidelia hangs on him like an infatuated school girl."
I could hear the anger in her voice.
"It's just sickening, Femi. I quit her Pilates course straightaway and told her I couldn't be her friend anymore," she said. Her loyalty made me feel a little better.
"What about the others, Kike? What are they saying?" I asked.
"I guess it's what you'd expect, Femi. There are some who are pretty unhappy with Dele and Fidelia, and they try to avoid the lovebirds as much as possible. Then there's the group that always hang around Dele. They're all lauding his prowess, if you know what I mean. But for the majority of people it's just a sad, awkward situation, and they try to stay out of it as much as they can."
Rationally, I knew that that would be the situation, but a part of me had wished the community would tar and feather Dele and Fidelia and ride them out of town on a rail. But I was determined not let my disappointment hold me back.
"Be that as it may, I'm not going to spend the rest of my life in hiding," I told Kike. "We're scheduled to play on Saturday, and unless you'd rather not, I intend to get out on the court with my partner," I told her.
"I'm glad, Femi," she told me fervently, "You can count on me."
I deliberately drove over to the tennis courts a little late so as to avoid conversations about topics I didn't want to discuss. It didn't help much: as I walked up to the tennis pavilion I could feel the eyes of my neighbors and teammates on me. I could understand their curiosity but I still hated the feeling.
When she saw me, the captain of our mixed doubles team came rushing up to me. "Femi, I'm so sorry. The other team made a last-second change in their line-up, and some of the matches have already started, so I can't change it. If you don't want to play, I'll understand."
"What are you talking about, Mary?" I asked. "I don't understand."
"It's Dele," she said. "You and Kike are scheduled to play Dele and his partner."
"Oh, crap," I thought. "That's the last thing I wanted."
Just then, Kike came up, and when she realized what was happening her face went gloomy. She pulled me aside and whispered, "We don't have to do this, Femi. It's no big deal: we'll just forfeit and play somebody else next week."
"No!" I said, loudly enough for Kike to jump. "I am not going to hide from that bastard the rest of my life. I'm going to have to face him, and it might as well start now."
Kike looked at me worriedly, but I turned back to Mary. "It's fine," I told her. "Kike and I are here to play."
To be continued................
Sunday, 19 January 2014
The Sweet Revenge………….part 2
Suddenly, all my resistance collapsed and I sagged back against the back of her sofa. I tried to speak but my throat suddenly tightened up again, so I took another sip of water.
"It was Fidelia and Dele," I said in a strained tone.
She looked at me uncomprehendingly. "Go on," she said.
"They were there together, in our bedroom. They were . . ." my voice tailed off.
She gasped. "No! That can't be right. Fidelia would never do that!"
The image of the two of them came back to me with full force, and I felt a tear streak down my face. "I never thought she would either," I croaked as the pain in my throat increased.
"Could it have been something else, Femi? Could you have been mistaken?" she asked.
I knew she was trying to help, but that didn't keep my anger from rising. "When I looked in, she was lying on her back with Dele licking her pussy. When I left, he had her heels over his shoulders and was pumping his cock into her. So you tell me, Kike, was I mistaken?"
She flinched at my angry sarcasm. "I'm so sorry, Femi. I wasn't doubting you, I was just hoping there could be some other explanation."
More pain shot through me. "And with Dele Oyebanjo of all people!" I said angrily. "How could she let that big baboon near her?"
"I guess that explains why Dele started taking Fidelia's Pilates class," Kike mused.
"He was taking her class?" I yelled. "She never mentioned that to me."
My anger was still flowing. "Thanks a lot for warning me," I said bitterly.
Kike was hurt now. "That's not fair, Femi. I had no idea there was anything going on between the two of them."
"I'm sorry, Kike," I said, "I didn't mean to lash out at you. It's just that I'm pretty raw right now."
She squeezed my hand. "That's okay, Femi. I can only imagine how you must be feeling."
I stood up. "I have to go," I told her. "I have to go back there and find out what's really happening."
"You're not going to do anything violent, Femi?"
"No, I just need to get some answers."
She squeezed my hand. "Please let me know what happens, Femi. And let me know if there's anything I can do to help."
I thanked her and went back to my car. Driving back to my home I dreaded what was coming. I thought about all the questions I wanted to ask her and I tried to anticipate her probable reaction. I expected tears, denials, and angry words. How should I respond to them? And what about Dele? What if he's still there? I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my system.
When I walked in through the kitchen door, Fidelia must have heard me because she came out to meet me. She was wearing her robe; her hair was wrapped up in a towel. "You're back early," she said brightly. "How was the match?"
"We were rained out," I said in a clipped voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry you didn't get to play," she said. "I'll bet Kike was disappointed."
I just looked at her. I didn't want to make small talk.
"They called about the rain just after we left," I said quietly.
She blinked, but there was no change in her facial expression.
"I came back to the house," I told her. My heartbeat accelerated. "I saw you and Dele together."
Of the many scenarios I had envisioned, Fidelia's response was not one I had anticipated. "I'm sorry you had to see that," she said evenly.
"That's all you have to say?" I asked incredulously. "You're cheating on me and you're sorry I witnessed it? Aren't you even going to say you're sorry for fucking him? How long has this been going on? Don't you have any kind of explanation?"
She crossed her arms and heaved a sigh. "Sit down, Femi," she said, gesturing toward the dinning room table.
"I prefer to stand," I said angrily.
"Suit yourself," she said, and took a chair. I stood there dumbfounded at her total lack of reaction.
"Listen, Femi, we were going to tell you soon anyway, but I guess this just steps up the timetable a little. I'm leaving you. Dele and I are in love, and I'm going to move in with him. We'll get married as soon as the divorce is final."
I decided to sit down; I didn't want to risk falling.
Before I could think of anything to say, she jumped up and said, "Wait here," before disappearing back toward our bedroom. A few moments later she came back, clutching a sheaf of papers. She slid them across the table at me.
"This doesn't have to be acrimonious," she said. "I don't even want any alimony from you. I've taken all the money from our savings account, but that's only fair since I'm leaving you the house. This is a much better deal than you'll get if we go to court, but I'm good with that if you'll sign the papers and let us all get on with our lives."
I looked at the sheaf of papers: it was a petition for a divorce.
"You've already been to a lawyer?" I asked in astonishment. "What about our marriage? What happened to the last ten years we spent together?"
"I'm sorry, Femi. This wasn't something that I planned; it just happened. Just accept it: it is what it is."
"Accept it?" I shouted. "Accept that my loving wife is fucking that asshole Dele Oyebanjo in our own bed? Accept that our marriage is over just like that?"
She stood up. "I'm disappointed, Femi. I had hoped for a more mature reaction from you." She turned and walked back to the bedroom.
I sat there at the table, staring at the divorce petition in front of me and trying to make sense of what was happening. If someone had asked me that morning, I would have told them that I loved my wife and that we had a good marriage. This afternoon I learn that she's leaving me for another man. Talk about cognitive dissonance!
In the quiet I could hear the beep of a phone, and then snatches of conversation.
"He saw us. . . About like you had expected. . . That would be good."
When she came back out she was fully dressed and carrying an overnight bag and make-up kit. "Now that you've forced the issue, I don't intend to stay here tonight. Dele's coming over to get me. We'll come back on Monday while you're at work and get the rest of my things."
"So you're going, just like that?"
"It has to be that way," she said.
"Fine," I said bitterly. "What do you want me to tell our friends?"
She sighed. "Listen, Femi, Dele and I haven't done anything wrong and we don't intend to hide away like criminals. We're going to continue to be active socially. In fact, we'll probably go to the club reception tomorrow evening. You won't have to tell anyone anything because they're all going to know about it anyway."
Just then there was the beep of a horn outside. Fidelia looked out the window. "Dele's here," she said. "I'm going now."
As she was closing the door, she leaned back in to look at me. "Just sign the papers, Femi. The sooner you do, the better it will be for all of us." Then she was gone.
I don't know how long I sat there. Emotions flickered through me like the cars of a train rushing through an intersection. One minute I was boiling with anger; the next I remember happier times and be filled with sorrow. I told myself I treated her like a queen; then I wondered what I had done to drive her away. "I'm better off without her," I repeated; until I was filled with loneliness.
To be continued........................
The Sweet Revenge………….Part 1
can learn a lot about someone by playing tennis with them. Generally I've found
that guys who are gentlemen on the tennis court are also gentlemen in their
off-court lives. Conversely, I watched a guy display the worst sportsmanship I
had ever seen while playing his best friend. It was no surprise to me later on
when the guy abandoned his family and ran off with another man's wife.
And then there's Dele Oyebanjo. Dele is a big guy; in fact, he played football at Sumbolo Tech until he blew out his knee. Once the orthopedic surgeon had repaired it, Dele switched to tennis. But he plays tennis like a football player, hitting booming serves and blasting away at the net man from the baseline.
And then there's Dele Oyebanjo. Dele is a big guy; in fact, he played football at Sumbolo Tech until he blew out his knee. Once the orthopedic surgeon had repaired it, Dele switched to tennis. But he plays tennis like a football player, hitting booming serves and blasting away at the net man from the baseline.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Oga’s Madam
It's Sunday. I hate working on Sundays and I'm sure my oga
knows it and that is why he makes me do it. It's a rubbish day and I hardly
ever see a customer. I don't know why he bothers to open up at all really. He
still has to pay me to sit on a till and do absolutely nothing.
I work in a carpet shop. It's neither cut price or exclusively expensive, In other words it doesn't cater to any market at all really. Still a job is a job and in this day and age beggars can't be choosers . I've only just graduated so it will do until a 'proper job' opens up. There must be thousands of recent graduates all over the country in the same position as me.
I sit on the till feeling bored. The till area is at the back of the shop. There is a storeroom directly behind me and about 20 metres in front of me is the door. The carpets are arranged in rows through the centre of the shop which is long and narrow.
Logging on to the till also gives you access to the internet and by 11am I have read the paper online, e-mailed a couple of friends who won't be up for hours probably -- very depressing. I start to feel horny.
My last girlfriend, Nkoli, dumped me right before my final exams 3 months ago. We had been together for over 2 years, since the beginning of university. She said that she wanted to go and experiment with everything the world had to offer. We were both virgins when we met. Although I have had a couple of make out since nothing has gone any further. I feel like my balls are going to explode if I don't get a fuck again soon.
I decide to have a look at what Internet porn has to offer. I have done this before at work and my oga didn't say anything so I didn't think he bothered to check what I was looking at.
I began watching a short movie. Two very fit girls by a swimming pool, one blonde and one brunette in matching bikinis, which I figure, wouldn't stay on for very long. They start to kiss and the brunette's boyfriend catches them at it. He says he doesn't mind as long as he can join in. The girls readily agree. Some men have all the luck. I thought I can't even get one girlfriend.
I work in a carpet shop. It's neither cut price or exclusively expensive, In other words it doesn't cater to any market at all really. Still a job is a job and in this day and age beggars can't be choosers . I've only just graduated so it will do until a 'proper job' opens up. There must be thousands of recent graduates all over the country in the same position as me.
I sit on the till feeling bored. The till area is at the back of the shop. There is a storeroom directly behind me and about 20 metres in front of me is the door. The carpets are arranged in rows through the centre of the shop which is long and narrow.
Logging on to the till also gives you access to the internet and by 11am I have read the paper online, e-mailed a couple of friends who won't be up for hours probably -- very depressing. I start to feel horny.
My last girlfriend, Nkoli, dumped me right before my final exams 3 months ago. We had been together for over 2 years, since the beginning of university. She said that she wanted to go and experiment with everything the world had to offer. We were both virgins when we met. Although I have had a couple of make out since nothing has gone any further. I feel like my balls are going to explode if I don't get a fuck again soon.
I decide to have a look at what Internet porn has to offer. I have done this before at work and my oga didn't say anything so I didn't think he bothered to check what I was looking at.
I began watching a short movie. Two very fit girls by a swimming pool, one blonde and one brunette in matching bikinis, which I figure, wouldn't stay on for very long. They start to kiss and the brunette's boyfriend catches them at it. He says he doesn't mind as long as he can join in. The girls readily agree. Some men have all the luck. I thought I can't even get one girlfriend.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
He Cheated with My Girlfriend (the end)
We got our groceries, put them in our cars and drove to
a nice restaurant. We went in and ordered and talked for awhile. God, I loved
being with her. I wished I could just take her away forever. I even told her
so. She had to know that after all these years I still had strong feelings for
She laughed and told me I had had my chance but blew it.
I looked at her and asked when was that? She had chosen Kalu, so I had stepped aside.
"Uzodinma, I liked both you and Kalu but wasn't sure which of you liked me. I decided the first to ask me to be their girl I would go with. Why didn't you fight for me? I liked you the best at the time but you never tried."
I told her the truth about the pact that Kalu and I had made. How we promised never to go after the other's girlfriend. She just shook her head and called me an idiot.
"Uzodinma, I have one more question I've always wanted answered but was afraid to ask you."
"Fire away."
"The one time we played strip poker. Remember, you and Nneka, me and Kalu in the motel room?"
"How could I ever forget? What do you want to know?"
"You stopped the game when I was about to take off my bra. You know Kalu was touching Nneka whenever he could, since she was three sheets to the wind. I was drunk enough that night that I probably would have given myself to you and you stopped it, why?"
"Because I loved you. There was nothing I wanted more than to be with you, but not under those circumstances. It would have killed you the next morning and I would have probably lost you as my best friend. Not to mention ruining two marriages."
"God, I'm so mad at you!"
"Me? What did I do?" I was confused.
"You didn't fight for me twenty-five years ago." She started crying.
"In my own defence, I didn't know you cared."
She wiped her tears and slapped my arm for making her cry, so she said. I told her I would always love and be there for her. She kissed me on the cheek as we left the restaurant. I was happy and yet sad to see her go.
After I got home I told Oluchi I had met Ife and we had dinner since she wasn't home.
"You have always loved her haven't you, Uzodinma? I can hear it in your voice when you mention her name. I'd be willing to bet that you cared more for her than you did for Nneka. Am I right?"
I thought before answering. "I believe there are layers of love. Though some might not be as strong as others it is still love. Yes, I love Ife; we've been friends since the day we were born. I still love Nneka and my children. I love you, too, Oluchi. If I didn't you wouldn't be living here. I believe there is room in one's heart to love more than one person. Now, how about you and I going into the bedroom and I'll show you how much I love you?"
The one thing I could say about Oluchi is she was one hell of a sex partner. We started out having oral sex, then I lay on my back while she rode me. Nna! I love that position. I could stare at her face as she came and watch our juices flow down my cock.
Life was different for me after Oluchi moved in. I didn't see as much of my family as I would have liked to. Probably had to do with Oluchi's age but we did see them for birthdays and holidays. I hardly ever talked to my ex-wife; I knew she was really pissed about Oluchi moving in, but she lost her right to an opinion when she divorced me.
There were a lot of times that I didn't truly trust Oluchi, but of course I never told her so. I realized that we weren't married and I didn't own her but we did have an agreement to be monogamous.
We had a few arguments about her wanting to go out with some of her friends. I told her that I didn't care if she went out but if I ever found out that she was with dating other man, our friendship would end and she would be out of my life
I arrived in Owerri and dropped off my truck. It was late so I docked it and headed for my sleeper cab. It was a lot cheaper sleeping in my cab than renting a room. I was dead tired from all the driving and then thinking about beating up Kalu and telling Oluchi she had to leave. I knew everyone was going to tell me, "I told you so."
Then I thought about Ife and how hurt she would be. Now I wished I had kicked his ass a little more. Maybe I would when I got back home. Right now I just wanted some sleep.
I woke in the morning, and found out they weren't going to empty my load for a few hours. I headed to the back of my truck and took a quick bath and headed to the restaurant. I hung around the restaurant for awhile and went back over to see if my truck was emptied yet.
After moving my truck I went in the office and signed my papers and headed back to my truck. I was approached by two Mobile policemen who came up to me and asked if I was Uzodinma Obi.
"Yes! That's me. What can I do for you officers?"
"Sir, do you know Oluchi Oganiru?"
"Yes, I do. Is there a problem?" I asked.
"What about a Kalu Nnamalu, do you know him?" asked the officer.
"Yes, of course I do. I beat the hell out of him for fucking my girlfriend yesterday."
They told me I was wanted for questioning for the murder of Oluchi Oganiru and Kalu Nnamalu.
She laughed and told me I had had my chance but blew it.
I looked at her and asked when was that? She had chosen Kalu, so I had stepped aside.
"Uzodinma, I liked both you and Kalu but wasn't sure which of you liked me. I decided the first to ask me to be their girl I would go with. Why didn't you fight for me? I liked you the best at the time but you never tried."
I told her the truth about the pact that Kalu and I had made. How we promised never to go after the other's girlfriend. She just shook her head and called me an idiot.
"Uzodinma, I have one more question I've always wanted answered but was afraid to ask you."
"Fire away."
"The one time we played strip poker. Remember, you and Nneka, me and Kalu in the motel room?"
"How could I ever forget? What do you want to know?"
"You stopped the game when I was about to take off my bra. You know Kalu was touching Nneka whenever he could, since she was three sheets to the wind. I was drunk enough that night that I probably would have given myself to you and you stopped it, why?"
"Because I loved you. There was nothing I wanted more than to be with you, but not under those circumstances. It would have killed you the next morning and I would have probably lost you as my best friend. Not to mention ruining two marriages."
"God, I'm so mad at you!"
"Me? What did I do?" I was confused.
"You didn't fight for me twenty-five years ago." She started crying.
"In my own defence, I didn't know you cared."
She wiped her tears and slapped my arm for making her cry, so she said. I told her I would always love and be there for her. She kissed me on the cheek as we left the restaurant. I was happy and yet sad to see her go.
After I got home I told Oluchi I had met Ife and we had dinner since she wasn't home.
"You have always loved her haven't you, Uzodinma? I can hear it in your voice when you mention her name. I'd be willing to bet that you cared more for her than you did for Nneka. Am I right?"
I thought before answering. "I believe there are layers of love. Though some might not be as strong as others it is still love. Yes, I love Ife; we've been friends since the day we were born. I still love Nneka and my children. I love you, too, Oluchi. If I didn't you wouldn't be living here. I believe there is room in one's heart to love more than one person. Now, how about you and I going into the bedroom and I'll show you how much I love you?"
The one thing I could say about Oluchi is she was one hell of a sex partner. We started out having oral sex, then I lay on my back while she rode me. Nna! I love that position. I could stare at her face as she came and watch our juices flow down my cock.
Life was different for me after Oluchi moved in. I didn't see as much of my family as I would have liked to. Probably had to do with Oluchi's age but we did see them for birthdays and holidays. I hardly ever talked to my ex-wife; I knew she was really pissed about Oluchi moving in, but she lost her right to an opinion when she divorced me.
There were a lot of times that I didn't truly trust Oluchi, but of course I never told her so. I realized that we weren't married and I didn't own her but we did have an agreement to be monogamous.
We had a few arguments about her wanting to go out with some of her friends. I told her that I didn't care if she went out but if I ever found out that she was with dating other man, our friendship would end and she would be out of my life
I arrived in Owerri and dropped off my truck. It was late so I docked it and headed for my sleeper cab. It was a lot cheaper sleeping in my cab than renting a room. I was dead tired from all the driving and then thinking about beating up Kalu and telling Oluchi she had to leave. I knew everyone was going to tell me, "I told you so."
Then I thought about Ife and how hurt she would be. Now I wished I had kicked his ass a little more. Maybe I would when I got back home. Right now I just wanted some sleep.
I woke in the morning, and found out they weren't going to empty my load for a few hours. I headed to the back of my truck and took a quick bath and headed to the restaurant. I hung around the restaurant for awhile and went back over to see if my truck was emptied yet.
After moving my truck I went in the office and signed my papers and headed back to my truck. I was approached by two Mobile policemen who came up to me and asked if I was Uzodinma Obi.
"Yes! That's me. What can I do for you officers?"
"Sir, do you know Oluchi Oganiru?"
"Yes, I do. Is there a problem?" I asked.
"What about a Kalu Nnamalu, do you know him?" asked the officer.
"Yes, of course I do. I beat the hell out of him for fucking my girlfriend yesterday."
They told me I was wanted for questioning for the murder of Oluchi Oganiru and Kalu Nnamalu.
He Cheated with My Girlfriend Part 2
After we got home I introduced Oluchi to my friends and
family. When I first mentioned to Kalu and Ife that I had found a girlfriend
and she was moving in with me they were very happy about it. They invited us
over to their house and to say they were shocked when they met Oluchi would be
an understatement.
They asked her a thousand question but most of her answers were vague. Kalu couldn't keep his eyes off of her, which I didn't care for. He was being too nice to her, which I knew was aggravating Ife. If looks could kill the ones Ife was giving me would have surely ended my life. It's like she was blaming me for Kalu’s looks towards Oluchi.
Ife was nice to Oluchi but deep down I knew she was really pissed at me; she didn't have to say anything. Having known her all these years, I could tell. I knew Oluchi loved the complements she was getting from Kalu. I could see a little of her flirtiness, but I figured it was just the way she was.
That night Oluchi and I had some great sex. She told me how much she loved it here and found it so safe and free. At the time I didn't know what she meant by it.
I called my son and daughter and told them about my new live-in. I told them right off that she was closer to their age than mine. They liked Oluchi but admitted they wouldn't see her as a mother figure, which I'd expected. They knew I had been single for a good twelve years and were at least glad that I was happy. I knew Oluchi and my children would never be close but at least they were nice to each other.
I got a call from Nneka, my ex, after the children and Ife had talked to her. She didn't seem like the happiest person on the Planet.
"Uzodinma, What are you doing. Everyone says your girlfriend is young enough to be your daughter. Did you really think this through?" asked Nneka.
"Look, you left me. I loved you but that wasn't enough." She started to interrupt me, but I kept going. "Nneka, listen, I don't blame you for leaving me. You wanted a husband who was there for you and I wasn't. I've been alone for years and yes, Oluchi is much younger but I care for her very much.
"So she's younger, big deal. We aren't married and she can leave whenever she wants. Right now I feel good and have someone to share my life with. Is that so bad?"
"Uzodinma, all I ask is be careful. I would hate to see you get hurt," said Nneka.
"I was hurt a few times in my life and the last time was when you decided to leave me. I don't think it gets much worse than that. Right now, I'm happy and I'm willing to see where this goes. Thanks for thinking about me, but this really isn't any of your business."
They asked her a thousand question but most of her answers were vague. Kalu couldn't keep his eyes off of her, which I didn't care for. He was being too nice to her, which I knew was aggravating Ife. If looks could kill the ones Ife was giving me would have surely ended my life. It's like she was blaming me for Kalu’s looks towards Oluchi.
Ife was nice to Oluchi but deep down I knew she was really pissed at me; she didn't have to say anything. Having known her all these years, I could tell. I knew Oluchi loved the complements she was getting from Kalu. I could see a little of her flirtiness, but I figured it was just the way she was.
That night Oluchi and I had some great sex. She told me how much she loved it here and found it so safe and free. At the time I didn't know what she meant by it.
I called my son and daughter and told them about my new live-in. I told them right off that she was closer to their age than mine. They liked Oluchi but admitted they wouldn't see her as a mother figure, which I'd expected. They knew I had been single for a good twelve years and were at least glad that I was happy. I knew Oluchi and my children would never be close but at least they were nice to each other.
I got a call from Nneka, my ex, after the children and Ife had talked to her. She didn't seem like the happiest person on the Planet.
"Uzodinma, What are you doing. Everyone says your girlfriend is young enough to be your daughter. Did you really think this through?" asked Nneka.
"Look, you left me. I loved you but that wasn't enough." She started to interrupt me, but I kept going. "Nneka, listen, I don't blame you for leaving me. You wanted a husband who was there for you and I wasn't. I've been alone for years and yes, Oluchi is much younger but I care for her very much.
"So she's younger, big deal. We aren't married and she can leave whenever she wants. Right now I feel good and have someone to share my life with. Is that so bad?"
"Uzodinma, all I ask is be careful. I would hate to see you get hurt," said Nneka.
"I was hurt a few times in my life and the last time was when you decided to leave me. I don't think it gets much worse than that. Right now, I'm happy and I'm willing to see where this goes. Thanks for thinking about me, but this really isn't any of your business."
He Cheated with My Girlfriend Part 1
If you are looking to jerk off this is not
the story for you. A story of betrayal, love and longing. Enjoy!
My name is Uzodinma Obi and I'm a truck driver; I have
been for twenty-five years. I'm often gone for days at a time, sometimes even a
week or more. I try to stop home as often as I can and spend a couple of days
at home before heading out again.
I was in Kano heading for Owerri when I got the brilliant idea to stop at my home in Onitsha and spend the night there. It wasn't very often that I would be passing within forty miles of home. I called dispatch and let them know my plans. They didn't mind as long as I was on-time for my delivery the next morning.
I decided to surprise my girlfriend, Oluchi. We had been living together for a couple of years. I'll tell you more about how we met and the rest of my story later. Right now I need to tell you what happened when I got home.
I live in the outskirt of Onitsha town but on a rural road. I own a bungalow that sits on three acres of land. It gives me plenty of room to park my truck without bothering the neighbours.
I pulled up and parked my truck by the open field, which was a fair distance from the house so as to enable me go back without people noticing I came home. I was surprised to see another car at the house. It belonged to my friends, Kalu and Ife, and all I could think of was that Ife and Oluchi didn't get along that well. They didn't hate each other but that's something else I'll explain later.
I walked in the door and didn't see anyone. Then I heard the noise coming from the bedroom. I knew what it was, but couldn't believe it. I walked in and there on the bed was Oluchi, fucking my so-called best friend, Kalu. He was just coming and Oluchi was screaming out how good it felt.
It took them a few seconds before they saw me. Kalu looked shocked and pulled his cum-covered dick out of my woman, and I hit him hard in the kidney area. He fell off of her and onto the floor. I hit him a few more times, scraping my knuckles when I bloodied his nose. After kicking him a few more times he just laid there.
All this time Oluchi just screamed and cried, yanking at the sheet to cover her naked body. I had gotten Kalu's blood on my shirt and a few drops on my jeans, so I reached into the cupboard to get a clean shirt.
I jumped when Oluchi screamed out, "Uzodinma! Please, don't kill us! Please! I'll do anything!"
I kept one rifle (I had a few guns, because of my job and the robbers on the high ways) in the cupboard, so I guess she thought that was what I was going after. Yes, it had its appeal but they weren't worth going to jail over. I grabbed a clean shirt and put it on.
I looked down at Kalu and told him if he ever came to my house again, I would kill him. I had to wonder how he could ever do this to his wife Ife. Nna mehn!(exclamation) she meant the world to me, and Kalu was her husband. Thank God she wasn't at the house and to see the two of them fucking.
I looked at Oluchi and said, "Ashewo! You slut! I bring you into my house and even thought about marrying you and you turn around and fuck my best friend. Well, you can go to Hell! I'll be back in two days pack all your belongings better be out of here. I never want to see you again."
I turned away from the two of them and left the house. I got back into my truck, called dispatch and told them I had a change of plans. I will be driving to Owerri after all.
I had a few-hour drive ahead of me and as the miles rolled away, I thought about my life and where I was now.
I thought back to primary school when Kalu, Ife and I were the best of friends. If you ever saw one of us, it was a sure bet the other two weren't far away. Ife was somewhat of a tomboy so we all got along great. It wasn't until secondary school that I began to have more than friendly feelings for Ife.
One time during secondary school, Kalu and I made a pact. If either of us found a girlfriend that the other would keep his hands off of her. We did one of those blood-brother things and cut our thumbs and pressed them together to seal the pact.
Kalu dated a lot and I went out a few times. I was the quiet one, rather introverted and keeping things to myself. Kalu on the other hand was the fun outgoing guy.
Ife never dated much. She spent her time studying when she wasn't with Kalu and me. It was then that I knew I had feelings for her, I just didn't know how to express it. Kalu had no problems with the dating scene and knowing what to say; at the time, I wished I was a little more like him.
One day I got up the courage to tell Ife how I felt and headed over to her house. I found her and Kalu in the backyard kissing. Kalu looked at me with a big grin on his face. Ife could hardly look at me.
"Ife agreed to go steady with me," said Kalu. "We can all still hang out together but you have to find your own girl."
I can't tell you how hurt I was. I loved her but because I hadn't known what to say, I'd lost her, maybe forever. We spent a lot less time together after that. Ife went to the university in Awka to become a nurse and Kalu became a lawyer. I didn't have those kind of smarts and went to truck driving school and became a truck driver. I only did the state-to-state, long hauls.
Kalu and Ife were still in the university when they got married. I was the best man, even though it killed me. I knew in my heart that I had to let her go, although I will never forget her.
They both got their degrees and stayed in our area, inviting me over for dinner whenever I was in town. Ife had a habit of trying to fix me up with her girlfriends. One day I asked her why, and she said she hated seeing me alone.
I was in Kano heading for Owerri when I got the brilliant idea to stop at my home in Onitsha and spend the night there. It wasn't very often that I would be passing within forty miles of home. I called dispatch and let them know my plans. They didn't mind as long as I was on-time for my delivery the next morning.
I decided to surprise my girlfriend, Oluchi. We had been living together for a couple of years. I'll tell you more about how we met and the rest of my story later. Right now I need to tell you what happened when I got home.
I live in the outskirt of Onitsha town but on a rural road. I own a bungalow that sits on three acres of land. It gives me plenty of room to park my truck without bothering the neighbours.
I pulled up and parked my truck by the open field, which was a fair distance from the house so as to enable me go back without people noticing I came home. I was surprised to see another car at the house. It belonged to my friends, Kalu and Ife, and all I could think of was that Ife and Oluchi didn't get along that well. They didn't hate each other but that's something else I'll explain later.
I walked in the door and didn't see anyone. Then I heard the noise coming from the bedroom. I knew what it was, but couldn't believe it. I walked in and there on the bed was Oluchi, fucking my so-called best friend, Kalu. He was just coming and Oluchi was screaming out how good it felt.
It took them a few seconds before they saw me. Kalu looked shocked and pulled his cum-covered dick out of my woman, and I hit him hard in the kidney area. He fell off of her and onto the floor. I hit him a few more times, scraping my knuckles when I bloodied his nose. After kicking him a few more times he just laid there.
All this time Oluchi just screamed and cried, yanking at the sheet to cover her naked body. I had gotten Kalu's blood on my shirt and a few drops on my jeans, so I reached into the cupboard to get a clean shirt.
I jumped when Oluchi screamed out, "Uzodinma! Please, don't kill us! Please! I'll do anything!"
I kept one rifle (I had a few guns, because of my job and the robbers on the high ways) in the cupboard, so I guess she thought that was what I was going after. Yes, it had its appeal but they weren't worth going to jail over. I grabbed a clean shirt and put it on.
I looked down at Kalu and told him if he ever came to my house again, I would kill him. I had to wonder how he could ever do this to his wife Ife. Nna mehn!(exclamation) she meant the world to me, and Kalu was her husband. Thank God she wasn't at the house and to see the two of them fucking.
I looked at Oluchi and said, "Ashewo! You slut! I bring you into my house and even thought about marrying you and you turn around and fuck my best friend. Well, you can go to Hell! I'll be back in two days pack all your belongings better be out of here. I never want to see you again."
I turned away from the two of them and left the house. I got back into my truck, called dispatch and told them I had a change of plans. I will be driving to Owerri after all.
I had a few-hour drive ahead of me and as the miles rolled away, I thought about my life and where I was now.
I thought back to primary school when Kalu, Ife and I were the best of friends. If you ever saw one of us, it was a sure bet the other two weren't far away. Ife was somewhat of a tomboy so we all got along great. It wasn't until secondary school that I began to have more than friendly feelings for Ife.
One time during secondary school, Kalu and I made a pact. If either of us found a girlfriend that the other would keep his hands off of her. We did one of those blood-brother things and cut our thumbs and pressed them together to seal the pact.
Kalu dated a lot and I went out a few times. I was the quiet one, rather introverted and keeping things to myself. Kalu on the other hand was the fun outgoing guy.
Ife never dated much. She spent her time studying when she wasn't with Kalu and me. It was then that I knew I had feelings for her, I just didn't know how to express it. Kalu had no problems with the dating scene and knowing what to say; at the time, I wished I was a little more like him.
One day I got up the courage to tell Ife how I felt and headed over to her house. I found her and Kalu in the backyard kissing. Kalu looked at me with a big grin on his face. Ife could hardly look at me.
"Ife agreed to go steady with me," said Kalu. "We can all still hang out together but you have to find your own girl."
I can't tell you how hurt I was. I loved her but because I hadn't known what to say, I'd lost her, maybe forever. We spent a lot less time together after that. Ife went to the university in Awka to become a nurse and Kalu became a lawyer. I didn't have those kind of smarts and went to truck driving school and became a truck driver. I only did the state-to-state, long hauls.
Kalu and Ife were still in the university when they got married. I was the best man, even though it killed me. I knew in my heart that I had to let her go, although I will never forget her.
They both got their degrees and stayed in our area, inviting me over for dinner whenever I was in town. Ife had a habit of trying to fix me up with her girlfriends. One day I asked her why, and she said she hated seeing me alone.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
My Sister’s Son
Sometimes you think and wonder how it all began. I
lie here on my back wondering how I got to this point. My senses are on
overload. The smell of raw animalistic sex permeates the room. Most of my body
is cold as the sweat produced by heated lovemaking dries. My pussy feels warm, however,
as some of his juices flow out of me. I become aware that it is only some of
his juices. I dread that most of his sperm is fighting its way into my
unprotected and fertile womb. I hear two sets of breathing. I open my eyes to
see my naked body forty-six year old body. Then I look next to me. The naked
man who is now asleep is not my husband. The naked man, who minutes ago came
inside me, is my eighteen year old nephew, Odua.
My name is Elohor. My husband, Ufoma, and I had been married and living in a small university town since we were young. A virgin when we met, I had remained faithful to Ufoma. Faithful that was until this month. At 5'4" tall and 61 kg I was your typical housewife. We were still trying to acclimate ourselves as empty nesters. Ufoma and I had sex about once a week or every other week. With our children grown, I had expected more...much more. It wasn't that we were unhappy, it's just that life had become routine and stale.
One day, my sister, Ovo called me up for a favour. It turned out that her son, Odua, had decided to attend the university where we lived. Ovo wanted to know if Odua could spend the holiday with us to familiarize himself with the town before moving into the hostel in September. No one gave it a second thought. Of course Odua could stay with us.
Odua arrived the first week of June. At eighteen years old, he was the picture of masculine youth. He enjoyed spending time in our pool. So, on the first weekend he was with us, I peered through our kitchen window, and got a good look at his tall slender frame. He looked very handsome with his 6'+ height, low-cut hair, and sleek, yet muscular, physique. I didn't realize I was staring at him until suddenly I realized he was looking back at me. I quickly looked away in shame and tried to pretend that I wasn't gawking at him. For crying out loud, he was only eighteen and he was my nephew!
The next day I was cleaning the house and collecting the trash. As I began to empty the trash in Odua's room I caught a strong and familiar scent coming from his trash. Looking down, I found several clusters of wadded up tissue. It took me only a moment to realize that the tissues were full of Odua's semen. Immediately my mind was inundated with visions. In these visions, Odua was lying on his bed, on his back, with his cock in his hand. From the tip of his cock, I envisioned spurt after spurt of sperm jetting out into a pool on his young tanned belly and chest. I knew that the tissues had been used to clean up his mess. Instinctively, I reached into the trash and pulled out the tissue wad on top. It was still moist. I recognized that strong familiar smell that drew me in was, in fact, sperm. Suddenly, I heard footsteps, so I dropped the tissue back into the trash and hurried out of the room.
The footsteps had been Odua's coming back into his room from the bathroom. He was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. I could hardly look him in the eye. As we passed, I looked back at him. I couldn't believe what I saw. As Odua entered his room, he was already removing the towel, and I caught a glimpse of his black tight ass. I was so hot at that point I didn't know what to do with myself. Ufoma was out, so I rushed into my bedroom, shut and locked the door, stripped down, and proceeded to use my fingers to try and relieve my suddenly pent up horniness. I finally brought myself to orgasm with incestuous visions of Odua's ass in my mind, and the memory of his masculine scent in my nose.
As the days passed, I began getting more and more infatuated with Odua and curious about his body. I was in a permanent state of horniness now, but at the same time disgusted with myself about what I was thinking and doing. I was constantly trying to get glimpses of Odua's body. Worse yet, on a daily basis I was going into his room and removing the wad of tissues from his trash in order to indulge my sense of smell that was now seemingly addicted to Odua. I found myself trying to figure out when it was that he was masturbating. I finally decided that he was masturbating every night after going to bed, and other random times as well.
I found myself lying in bed at nights, next to my husband, wondering if Odua was making himself cum in the room across the corridor from ours. I also found myself, during the infrequent times my husband and I made love, thinking about Odua. No, that wasn't quite accurate. I wasn't just thinking about Odua, I was wishing he was somehow the one satisfying me.
One particular night after a short love-making session with Ufoma, I lay awake thinking again about Odua. I could no longer take wondering what was happening in his room. I slowly crept out of my bed, while being careful not to wake Ufoma. Quietly, I walked across the passage to Odua's room. He slept with his door slightly ajar. I found myself peering through the opening to discover that Odua was asleep. I crept into his room. Odua was completely covered by the sheet. I wanted to remove it but feared waking him. I really hadn't thought about what I would do when I got into the room until I realized that Odua had probably already had his masturbation session. I quietly approached the trash and found the wad of tissue that I thought I would find. Surprisingly it was still slightly warm and really soaked. He must have just finished and went to sleep. I really, really, really, wanted to taste what was in the tissue but couldn't bring myself to it. Suddenly, Odua stirred. I got out of the room as fast as I could and back into my bed.
The entire next day I was fully disgusted with myself. However, once again that night I found myself lying awake and thinking of Odua. Despite my self-loathing, I found myself once again making the trek across the corridor to his room. I peered in the door and found that Odua was lying on his side with his back to me. This time however, the sheet was down to his midsection. His snoring signalled that I could enter his room undetected. As was becoming my habit, I immediately went to the trash and found the warm remnants of his self-gratification. Only this time, I began thinking about the young cock and balls that produced all that seed while I gazed at him sleeping. I wanted to see more of his body, so I carefully pulled down the sheet from his body. I found him wearing tight white underwear that clung to that muscular ass that I had caught a glimpse of previously. I started to walk around the bed to view his front side, but damn if he didn't stir, so I got out of the room as quickly as possible.
Back in my own bed I couldn't sleep. My pussy was soaking wet, but my fingers weren't satisfying me. I tossed and turned for probably fifteen minutes before my curiosity got the best of me again, and once again I headed for Odua's room. I peeked in and saw that Odua was now lying on his back. The sheets were down below his knees where I early had early placed them. Quietly, I approached Odua. I looked down and for the first time saw the outline of his cock through the underwear. I had to know what it felt like, so I reached down and ever so gently ran the tip of my finger across the outline of his soft cock. He didn't flinch. I reached down into my panties with my left hand and inserted a finger into my wetness. With my right hand, I again ran the tip of my finger across Odua's protrusion. Only this time, I kept my finger on him as I gently caressed his penis through the material.
My name is Elohor. My husband, Ufoma, and I had been married and living in a small university town since we were young. A virgin when we met, I had remained faithful to Ufoma. Faithful that was until this month. At 5'4" tall and 61 kg I was your typical housewife. We were still trying to acclimate ourselves as empty nesters. Ufoma and I had sex about once a week or every other week. With our children grown, I had expected more...much more. It wasn't that we were unhappy, it's just that life had become routine and stale.
One day, my sister, Ovo called me up for a favour. It turned out that her son, Odua, had decided to attend the university where we lived. Ovo wanted to know if Odua could spend the holiday with us to familiarize himself with the town before moving into the hostel in September. No one gave it a second thought. Of course Odua could stay with us.
Odua arrived the first week of June. At eighteen years old, he was the picture of masculine youth. He enjoyed spending time in our pool. So, on the first weekend he was with us, I peered through our kitchen window, and got a good look at his tall slender frame. He looked very handsome with his 6'+ height, low-cut hair, and sleek, yet muscular, physique. I didn't realize I was staring at him until suddenly I realized he was looking back at me. I quickly looked away in shame and tried to pretend that I wasn't gawking at him. For crying out loud, he was only eighteen and he was my nephew!
The next day I was cleaning the house and collecting the trash. As I began to empty the trash in Odua's room I caught a strong and familiar scent coming from his trash. Looking down, I found several clusters of wadded up tissue. It took me only a moment to realize that the tissues were full of Odua's semen. Immediately my mind was inundated with visions. In these visions, Odua was lying on his bed, on his back, with his cock in his hand. From the tip of his cock, I envisioned spurt after spurt of sperm jetting out into a pool on his young tanned belly and chest. I knew that the tissues had been used to clean up his mess. Instinctively, I reached into the trash and pulled out the tissue wad on top. It was still moist. I recognized that strong familiar smell that drew me in was, in fact, sperm. Suddenly, I heard footsteps, so I dropped the tissue back into the trash and hurried out of the room.
The footsteps had been Odua's coming back into his room from the bathroom. He was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. I could hardly look him in the eye. As we passed, I looked back at him. I couldn't believe what I saw. As Odua entered his room, he was already removing the towel, and I caught a glimpse of his black tight ass. I was so hot at that point I didn't know what to do with myself. Ufoma was out, so I rushed into my bedroom, shut and locked the door, stripped down, and proceeded to use my fingers to try and relieve my suddenly pent up horniness. I finally brought myself to orgasm with incestuous visions of Odua's ass in my mind, and the memory of his masculine scent in my nose.
As the days passed, I began getting more and more infatuated with Odua and curious about his body. I was in a permanent state of horniness now, but at the same time disgusted with myself about what I was thinking and doing. I was constantly trying to get glimpses of Odua's body. Worse yet, on a daily basis I was going into his room and removing the wad of tissues from his trash in order to indulge my sense of smell that was now seemingly addicted to Odua. I found myself trying to figure out when it was that he was masturbating. I finally decided that he was masturbating every night after going to bed, and other random times as well.
I found myself lying in bed at nights, next to my husband, wondering if Odua was making himself cum in the room across the corridor from ours. I also found myself, during the infrequent times my husband and I made love, thinking about Odua. No, that wasn't quite accurate. I wasn't just thinking about Odua, I was wishing he was somehow the one satisfying me.
One particular night after a short love-making session with Ufoma, I lay awake thinking again about Odua. I could no longer take wondering what was happening in his room. I slowly crept out of my bed, while being careful not to wake Ufoma. Quietly, I walked across the passage to Odua's room. He slept with his door slightly ajar. I found myself peering through the opening to discover that Odua was asleep. I crept into his room. Odua was completely covered by the sheet. I wanted to remove it but feared waking him. I really hadn't thought about what I would do when I got into the room until I realized that Odua had probably already had his masturbation session. I quietly approached the trash and found the wad of tissue that I thought I would find. Surprisingly it was still slightly warm and really soaked. He must have just finished and went to sleep. I really, really, really, wanted to taste what was in the tissue but couldn't bring myself to it. Suddenly, Odua stirred. I got out of the room as fast as I could and back into my bed.
The entire next day I was fully disgusted with myself. However, once again that night I found myself lying awake and thinking of Odua. Despite my self-loathing, I found myself once again making the trek across the corridor to his room. I peered in the door and found that Odua was lying on his side with his back to me. This time however, the sheet was down to his midsection. His snoring signalled that I could enter his room undetected. As was becoming my habit, I immediately went to the trash and found the warm remnants of his self-gratification. Only this time, I began thinking about the young cock and balls that produced all that seed while I gazed at him sleeping. I wanted to see more of his body, so I carefully pulled down the sheet from his body. I found him wearing tight white underwear that clung to that muscular ass that I had caught a glimpse of previously. I started to walk around the bed to view his front side, but damn if he didn't stir, so I got out of the room as quickly as possible.
Back in my own bed I couldn't sleep. My pussy was soaking wet, but my fingers weren't satisfying me. I tossed and turned for probably fifteen minutes before my curiosity got the best of me again, and once again I headed for Odua's room. I peeked in and saw that Odua was now lying on his back. The sheets were down below his knees where I early had early placed them. Quietly, I approached Odua. I looked down and for the first time saw the outline of his cock through the underwear. I had to know what it felt like, so I reached down and ever so gently ran the tip of my finger across the outline of his soft cock. He didn't flinch. I reached down into my panties with my left hand and inserted a finger into my wetness. With my right hand, I again ran the tip of my finger across Odua's protrusion. Only this time, I kept my finger on him as I gently caressed his penis through the material.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Betty's Desires
The day had been long and exhausting, yet when I sat
down at the computer I found myself drawn to the website where I knew you'd be.
Your name appeared on the screen; I clicked it and immediately the message
appeared as did another link to another picture.
I was greeted with the delectable sight of your long cock, extended fully for my viewing pleasure. Your balls hung as if they were waiting for my fingers to brush across them. The velvet sack, beckoned my lips and tongue, willing them to explore.
I bit down on my lower lip, gnawed on it gently, while imaging lowering myself to my knees and beginning a slow journey across the soft flesh. My mouth watered and my pulse raced. I remembered the other links you'd shared with me.
Instantly the one with your hand on her breast popped into my mind. I wondered what it would have been like to be her. The other photo of your cock, it too was something that had sat on the edges of my subconscious and made my thoughts take me down a dirty path.
The photos and my desire, forced me to abandon the notion of ever getting anything done -- well besides myself, that is. I downloaded the images, printed them out, and opened a file that contained one of the stories you'd sent me to edit. Once that was printed, I shut the computer down and headed to my bedroom.
The house was silent and I was alone, yet I always feel self-conscious about fucking myself. It's a challenge to keep the lights on, the door open, the curtains spread wide - allowing anyone passing by the opportunity to see me playing. But today, I did.
I felt wicked and dirty. I had taken your pictures, printed them out, and now you were lying on my bed with me. Your cock was; your balls were. Even your words were spread across my covers, much like I was about to be.
Slowly I peeled off my sweater dress and gave you an opportunity to drink in what you desired. My nails skirted along the hem of the material and as it rose up you saw my creamy thighs, and the promising curve of my ass.
Wickedly I grinned. I turned so you could see me lift the dress over my ass and hips. You gazed upon the round cheeks of my ass, smiling at the knowledge you wouldn't have to waste time removing my panties. I'd gone all day without wearing any.
Would you be surprised to learn that the reason I had gone without panties that day was because of you. Before I left the house, I told myself I was going to touch my cunt whenever I thought of you.
I thought of you a lot.
By the time I was done running errands my panties were soaked. I took them off once I got back into the car and slowly fucked myself. I came hard, but not hard enough. That's why I was in my bedroom slowly peeling away the layers for my naughty fantasy.
I saw you were still there playing at the edge of my mind. I lifted the sweater dress higher, exposing my rib cage and my back. You could see the promising swell of my breasts as I turned and glanced back. I smiled and pulled the dress completely off, allowing my hair to become mussed by the discarded clothing.
The soft whisper of approval coming from your lips made me turn, and face you. You watched me glide my hands down my sides, and across my belly. One hand moved upward, cupping my right breast, the other slid down to tease the soft-trimmed curls of my sex. I dipped one finger into the apex of my outer labia and hooked the soft flesh. I pushed deeper, forcing the hood of my pussy to reveal the hardened nub of my clit.
As I toyed with the hard jewel, my other hand slowly began to massage my nipple. You watched as my palm danced across the ridged aureole and brought the pink pearl to a taut point. I flicked the tiny button, and whimpered when the sensation skated through the round globe of my tit.
I could have continued taunting myself, but I knew this wasn't what you'd come for. You wanted to watch me, to see me getting off on you -- your words, your images, and your persona. My breath quickened as I crossed the room and opened the top drawer of my dresser.
Lying under the neatly folded articles of lingerie, I pulled out my favourite toys. The beating of my heart increased by leaps and bounds as I placed them on the table by my bed: the vibrator, the bullet, the anal wand, and lastly the warming lubricant that would ease one of my toys into my tight puckered hole.
I crawled on the bed, my ass faced the chair. I sat on my legs, covered the purple wand with the goo and pushed it into the deep recesses of my channel. A low grunt of desire spilled past my lips. I moaned and turned the wand's handle. A light vibration began to rub against the overly sensitized flesh.
You watched me roll over and lie on my back. I picked up one of the pictures, saw your hand and imagined my tit in place of the one in the photo. You teased my nipple, pulling and lifting the soft skin, until I was begging you to suck it. The sound of your laughter tickled my ears, and I smiled warmly.
My nails dragged up to both of my tits; each one was twisted and tugged. The darkened flesh ached to be suckled and bitten. I angled my head and slowly began to sup on the right bead. I pulled it between my lips, and flicked the soft point with my tongue. My hips rose in compliance to the need building in my belly. If I concentrated hard enough I could feel your mouth and your tongue bathing the twin I had left unattended.
Eventually the lust became too much and I needed more. My hands abandoned the freckled globes of my chest. I grabbed the bullet and pushed it against my clit. The photo of your cock was in my hand. My eyes locked on the swollen head, and the extended shaft. I whimpered, opened my mouth and imagined your dick sliding over my tongue and slapping against my cheeks.
The bullet drummed a steady rhythm of sin across my clit. Beads of moisture slipped along the edge of my vaginal opening. The inner labia, slick and wet, gave a path for the nectar to follow. It pooled along the sides of my pussy and snaked down to settle against the toy in my ass. I hissed as I felt your cock sliding in and out of my mouth.
Your hands held my head. I felt the pull of your fingers as they tangled in my red curls. I moaned in pleasure and begged you to fuck me. You chuckled, promised you would, but I had to learn your cock, to memorize the taste, texture, and feel of it with my lips and tongue. There was no hesitation; I hurriedly moved to please you.
As I snaked my tongue across the head of your cock, and teased the slit, a bead of moisture painted my lips. I grinned and tasted them -- tasted you. The toy on my clit was wedged tight, held in place by the suction of my soaked sex.
Its tormenting song continued to roll through me, mingling with the drumming of the anal wand. I reached for the vibrator as my tongue moved down your cock, around the base and back up again.
I followed each vein, lapped at your flesh and lifted one testicle with my tongue. I bathed it, tasting your skin, and breathing in your scent. The faux dick was shoved into my pussy, and the speed was set into motion. I felt the plastic beads roll over my walls, caressing and biting at the flesh.
Your hands pushed my head against your balls. I grinned, slowly dragged my tongue back across and began to play with them, learning the feel of them against the flat of my wet muscle. In time you urged me to familiarize myself with your shaft. Every side of your dick was welcomed and embraced by the lapping of my tongue across your swollen flesh.
I reached the top, angled my head, and lowered myself onto the spongy tip of your penis. I hummed in pleasure at finally having your cock in my mouth. A flutter in my stomach, pitched downward, and spread across my sex. I continued guiding your long, thick, tool across my tongue.
At the same time that the vibrator sank deeper and deeper into my pussy, your cock slid further down my throat.
My lips formed a tight seal around the base of your shaft. I allowed you to rest in the warmth of my throat and to feel my tongue gently massage the skin that sat on the firm, teasing muscle. My pussy tightened around the faux dick in my cunt. I squeezed it and held tight while dragging it from my vaginal cavity.
You pulled my head back pulling your cock from my throat. Without thought or hesitation you pushed it back in, harder and faster than before. Over and over you used my mouth and the force in which you took me, made me groan and gasp in pleasure.
The toy was like a piston, pumping in and out, making me thrash and want nothing more than to crawl out of my skin. I felt the promising wave of my climax threaten to consume me. I wanted to wait. I needed to suck your cock, to feel your hot milk coat my throat and warm my belly.
Faster and faster you fucked me, mindful of nothing more than the need to use the orifice offered to you.
I felt my release erupt and cascade over the vibrator; your cum showered my throat and bubbled over my tongue and your shaft. Vigorously I swallowed, fighting for the right to keep you anchored to me. The violent shot of a second climax exploded from both of us.
Hungrily I lapped at you, as you pulled your dick from the tight confines of my throat. A gasp of longing echoed around your member as you allowed your dick to rest against my lips. I kissed the slick flesh and slowly washed the evidence of your release.
My hands moved to ease the various toys from my most sensitive regions. When I was able, I looked back at you. You were grinning, your cock dripped juice. I crawled over, opened my mouth and waited for your cum to drop onto my hungry tongue. Though it was only my imagination that placed you in the room, I could almost feel that last drop splash against my taste-buds.
I knew that this was only the beginning of my want for your touch………
I was greeted with the delectable sight of your long cock, extended fully for my viewing pleasure. Your balls hung as if they were waiting for my fingers to brush across them. The velvet sack, beckoned my lips and tongue, willing them to explore.
I bit down on my lower lip, gnawed on it gently, while imaging lowering myself to my knees and beginning a slow journey across the soft flesh. My mouth watered and my pulse raced. I remembered the other links you'd shared with me.
Instantly the one with your hand on her breast popped into my mind. I wondered what it would have been like to be her. The other photo of your cock, it too was something that had sat on the edges of my subconscious and made my thoughts take me down a dirty path.
The photos and my desire, forced me to abandon the notion of ever getting anything done -- well besides myself, that is. I downloaded the images, printed them out, and opened a file that contained one of the stories you'd sent me to edit. Once that was printed, I shut the computer down and headed to my bedroom.
The house was silent and I was alone, yet I always feel self-conscious about fucking myself. It's a challenge to keep the lights on, the door open, the curtains spread wide - allowing anyone passing by the opportunity to see me playing. But today, I did.
I felt wicked and dirty. I had taken your pictures, printed them out, and now you were lying on my bed with me. Your cock was; your balls were. Even your words were spread across my covers, much like I was about to be.
Slowly I peeled off my sweater dress and gave you an opportunity to drink in what you desired. My nails skirted along the hem of the material and as it rose up you saw my creamy thighs, and the promising curve of my ass.
Wickedly I grinned. I turned so you could see me lift the dress over my ass and hips. You gazed upon the round cheeks of my ass, smiling at the knowledge you wouldn't have to waste time removing my panties. I'd gone all day without wearing any.
Would you be surprised to learn that the reason I had gone without panties that day was because of you. Before I left the house, I told myself I was going to touch my cunt whenever I thought of you.
I thought of you a lot.
By the time I was done running errands my panties were soaked. I took them off once I got back into the car and slowly fucked myself. I came hard, but not hard enough. That's why I was in my bedroom slowly peeling away the layers for my naughty fantasy.
I saw you were still there playing at the edge of my mind. I lifted the sweater dress higher, exposing my rib cage and my back. You could see the promising swell of my breasts as I turned and glanced back. I smiled and pulled the dress completely off, allowing my hair to become mussed by the discarded clothing.
The soft whisper of approval coming from your lips made me turn, and face you. You watched me glide my hands down my sides, and across my belly. One hand moved upward, cupping my right breast, the other slid down to tease the soft-trimmed curls of my sex. I dipped one finger into the apex of my outer labia and hooked the soft flesh. I pushed deeper, forcing the hood of my pussy to reveal the hardened nub of my clit.
As I toyed with the hard jewel, my other hand slowly began to massage my nipple. You watched as my palm danced across the ridged aureole and brought the pink pearl to a taut point. I flicked the tiny button, and whimpered when the sensation skated through the round globe of my tit.
I could have continued taunting myself, but I knew this wasn't what you'd come for. You wanted to watch me, to see me getting off on you -- your words, your images, and your persona. My breath quickened as I crossed the room and opened the top drawer of my dresser.
Lying under the neatly folded articles of lingerie, I pulled out my favourite toys. The beating of my heart increased by leaps and bounds as I placed them on the table by my bed: the vibrator, the bullet, the anal wand, and lastly the warming lubricant that would ease one of my toys into my tight puckered hole.
I crawled on the bed, my ass faced the chair. I sat on my legs, covered the purple wand with the goo and pushed it into the deep recesses of my channel. A low grunt of desire spilled past my lips. I moaned and turned the wand's handle. A light vibration began to rub against the overly sensitized flesh.
You watched me roll over and lie on my back. I picked up one of the pictures, saw your hand and imagined my tit in place of the one in the photo. You teased my nipple, pulling and lifting the soft skin, until I was begging you to suck it. The sound of your laughter tickled my ears, and I smiled warmly.
My nails dragged up to both of my tits; each one was twisted and tugged. The darkened flesh ached to be suckled and bitten. I angled my head and slowly began to sup on the right bead. I pulled it between my lips, and flicked the soft point with my tongue. My hips rose in compliance to the need building in my belly. If I concentrated hard enough I could feel your mouth and your tongue bathing the twin I had left unattended.
Eventually the lust became too much and I needed more. My hands abandoned the freckled globes of my chest. I grabbed the bullet and pushed it against my clit. The photo of your cock was in my hand. My eyes locked on the swollen head, and the extended shaft. I whimpered, opened my mouth and imagined your dick sliding over my tongue and slapping against my cheeks.
The bullet drummed a steady rhythm of sin across my clit. Beads of moisture slipped along the edge of my vaginal opening. The inner labia, slick and wet, gave a path for the nectar to follow. It pooled along the sides of my pussy and snaked down to settle against the toy in my ass. I hissed as I felt your cock sliding in and out of my mouth.
Your hands held my head. I felt the pull of your fingers as they tangled in my red curls. I moaned in pleasure and begged you to fuck me. You chuckled, promised you would, but I had to learn your cock, to memorize the taste, texture, and feel of it with my lips and tongue. There was no hesitation; I hurriedly moved to please you.
As I snaked my tongue across the head of your cock, and teased the slit, a bead of moisture painted my lips. I grinned and tasted them -- tasted you. The toy on my clit was wedged tight, held in place by the suction of my soaked sex.
Its tormenting song continued to roll through me, mingling with the drumming of the anal wand. I reached for the vibrator as my tongue moved down your cock, around the base and back up again.
I followed each vein, lapped at your flesh and lifted one testicle with my tongue. I bathed it, tasting your skin, and breathing in your scent. The faux dick was shoved into my pussy, and the speed was set into motion. I felt the plastic beads roll over my walls, caressing and biting at the flesh.
Your hands pushed my head against your balls. I grinned, slowly dragged my tongue back across and began to play with them, learning the feel of them against the flat of my wet muscle. In time you urged me to familiarize myself with your shaft. Every side of your dick was welcomed and embraced by the lapping of my tongue across your swollen flesh.
I reached the top, angled my head, and lowered myself onto the spongy tip of your penis. I hummed in pleasure at finally having your cock in my mouth. A flutter in my stomach, pitched downward, and spread across my sex. I continued guiding your long, thick, tool across my tongue.
At the same time that the vibrator sank deeper and deeper into my pussy, your cock slid further down my throat.
My lips formed a tight seal around the base of your shaft. I allowed you to rest in the warmth of my throat and to feel my tongue gently massage the skin that sat on the firm, teasing muscle. My pussy tightened around the faux dick in my cunt. I squeezed it and held tight while dragging it from my vaginal cavity.
You pulled my head back pulling your cock from my throat. Without thought or hesitation you pushed it back in, harder and faster than before. Over and over you used my mouth and the force in which you took me, made me groan and gasp in pleasure.
The toy was like a piston, pumping in and out, making me thrash and want nothing more than to crawl out of my skin. I felt the promising wave of my climax threaten to consume me. I wanted to wait. I needed to suck your cock, to feel your hot milk coat my throat and warm my belly.
Faster and faster you fucked me, mindful of nothing more than the need to use the orifice offered to you.
I felt my release erupt and cascade over the vibrator; your cum showered my throat and bubbled over my tongue and your shaft. Vigorously I swallowed, fighting for the right to keep you anchored to me. The violent shot of a second climax exploded from both of us.
Hungrily I lapped at you, as you pulled your dick from the tight confines of my throat. A gasp of longing echoed around your member as you allowed your dick to rest against my lips. I kissed the slick flesh and slowly washed the evidence of your release.
My hands moved to ease the various toys from my most sensitive regions. When I was able, I looked back at you. You were grinning, your cock dripped juice. I crawled over, opened my mouth and waited for your cum to drop onto my hungry tongue. Though it was only my imagination that placed you in the room, I could almost feel that last drop splash against my taste-buds.
I knew that this was only the beginning of my want for your touch………
The end
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