Thursday 15 May 2014

Punishing Young Joy

This story is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events are fictional. All characters portrayed in this story are over eighteen years of age. This story portrays graphic and consensual lesbian sex. If you are in an area where reading this is illegal or you are offended by any of this then stop reading now.
I am sitting at my desk, going over some paperwork when I hear a soft knock on the door. I sigh loudly; its only the beginning of the day and I really don't want to handle whatever it is that might be on the other side of the door. But I'm the principal of a rather large High school and sometimes, well it just comes with the territory.

"Come in." I look up to see Joy walk into my office, her head hanging down, unable to meet my eyes. A bit surprised by her appearance, I set my pen down and give her my full attention as she sits in the chair on the other side of the desk. "Joy, what can I do for you?"

She blushes slightly, shifting in her chair as she stammers. "Ma, Mrs Akimbola sent me here."

Surprised by this I look at her closely. She is flushed and I'm not sure how much of this is from embarrassment at having gotten in trouble or something more. Normally Joy is a stellar student, not a troublemaker and very friendly with nearly the entire student body. Sometimes though she pushes the rules a bit and wears clothes that are very close to over the line; like today.

I eye her nearly too short skirt which has risen up her thighs when she sat down and give her a stern look. "And why exactly did Mrs. Akimbola send you here?"

She looks down at the crossed hands in her lap and blushes even more. "She told me I had to come here because of what she caught me doing."

This catches my attention and I lean forward a little. Based on the nervousness and the blush, I have a pretty good idea just what she might have been caught doing, or more precisely whom. Young Joy has been dating John Omale for a couple of weeks now and they've been warned about displaying affection in the school before. But I don't want to jump to conclusions so I decide to play stupid. "And what exactly did she catch you doing?"

She crosses her legs and still refuses to meet my eyes as she nervously tugs at her skirt. "I was in the bathroom and she caught me...ummm....she caught me touching know, down there."

Her soft spoken admission surprises me; I expected her to tell me she and her boyfriend were caught fooling around in the locker room. Maybe even half dressed, but this is far beyond the scope of even my wildest expectations. In a moment, I can feel something take hold of me and I decide to change tactics.

As the principal, I'm surrounded by young untouchable girls on a daily basis. I've looked and I've enjoyed but I've never indulged. I've been far too fond of my job for that. But there has always been something about Joy that's pushed me closer to crossing that line than any other student I've ever known. And I've never been able to put my finger on it until this moment.

Joy is a true submissive, a rare girl willing to do nearly anything to please whoever is taking control of her. A young girl eager, almost desperate to please; I've witnessed it often enough but never truly recognized it until this moment. I can feel lust hit me like a runaway train as I remember that Joy has just turned 18. I find myself wondering if perhaps this might be the perfect opportunity to push the envelope with her and see how far I can take her. I feel a thrill pass through me as I realize I've finally been given the key to the kingdom.

I continue to play stupid giving her my best confused face. "What do you mean you were touching yourself? Aren't you supposed to touch yourself in the bathroom?"

Her face goes from blush to embarrased as she realizes that I'm not going to give her an easy out. She looks up at me for the first time since she entered my office, her eyes wide and disbelieving. She stammers as she realizes that she's going to have to say exactly what she was caught doing. "I was...I was touching myself, touching my...touching my ummm pussy." The last word is nearly inaudible as she shifts in her chair nervously.

I smile to myself seeing that I have her firmly in my grasp. She might be embarrassed, even a bit afraid. But she's still sitting there in the chair doing exactly what I want her to do. Just a little more pushing and she'll be mine. "While I agree the word is apt, I'm still not sure I understand. How exactly were you touching yourself?"

She looks down again, her voice soft and unsure. "I was touching my clit." She shifts a bit, still squirming in her seat.

I watch her squirm, feeling a great deal of power from her discomfort. I can feel my own pussy growing wet as I lean back in my chair. I continue to play stupid. "Touching your clit? Exactly how were you touching it Joy?"

"I was...I was...masturbating." Her face is scarlet, her voice barely audible as she admits to her indiscretion.

I can feel my heart flutter in my chest as I find myself picturing exactly what Mrs. Akimbola had stumbled upon. Young Joy, in the bathroom with her skirt raised, her panties down around her knees as she played with her pussy, desperate to cum. The image is so vivid that I can almost hear her soft moans, even smell the heat of her pussy from across the room. I need to see it firsthand. I need to watch this young woman recreate what she was caught doing. And I plan on cumming right along with her.

I cross my legs, giving my pussy a bit of a rub with the action trying to ease the ache there. I am so wet already I'll be surprised if I don't leave a wet spot on the chair. It's time to really push my young student. I give her my best sceptical expression. "Really? I find it hard to believe that you of all people would do that in the girl's bathroom. Perhaps Mrs. Akimbola misunderstood what she was seeing. Perhaps if you showed me what you were doing when she came into the room." The words are out of my mouth, hanging between us. There is no going back.

Realization dawns on Joy slowly. Horrified she shakes her head, begging me. "Ma, please don't make me. I promise I'll never do it again."

I slap my hand on the desk, and give her a stern glare. "Joy!" She jumps and goes quiet. "Now, I must insist you show me exactly what you were doing; I cannot have any hope of determining your punishment if I have no idea what you did to deserve it. Now, what did Mrs Akimbola catch you doing, show me now."

For a moment I fear she will still deny me. But then, seeing the resolve in my eyes, she takes a deep breath before slowly spreading her legs and drawing up her skirt. Her hands are shaking a bit and I find I must take a deep breath as well. I hold it until her panties come into view. They are simple, white cotton and they make her look even more innocent.

Her hand reaches for the elastic circling her thigh, disappearing underneath it. I hear her give a soft sigh as her fingers make contact with the heated flush beneath them and I have to bite back a moan of my own at the erotic sight before me. Her fingers are moving slowly under the underwear; I can't see them but I can well imagine just what they are doing.

I sigh softly as she continues to play with her pussy in front of me. "Ah, I can see that she did in fact catch you masturbating." Her fingers continue to circle her clit slowly, waiting for me to give her permission to stop. I have no intention of doing that. Instead I lean closer, my eyes gazing at her spread thighs hotly as I watch the show. "Tell me Joy, were you enjoying touching your pussy?"

Her fingers pause in her puzzlement. "Ma?"

I shake a finger at her in admonishment. "I did not tell you to stop." The fingers begin moving slowly again, the bump of them moving slowly beneath her underwear. "It's a relatively easy question Joy, simply answer yes or no. Did you enjoy touching your pussy?"

Her face blushes once more but she stammered out the truth. "Yes Ma."

I leaned forward even more, never taking my eyes from what she is doing between her legs. "And are you wet from touching your pussy?" I drop my voice, making it low and sultry as the lust builds in me. She is so wet, I can hear her fingers moving in it as she continues circling her clit. I can almost smell her as I lean across the desk.

She sighs, her eyes closing for a second as her own lust takes over. "Yes Ma." For a moment, her fingers speed up a bit, then slow back down.

Unable to resist any longer, I stand up, coming around the desk to stand next to her. "Show me."

Her eyes fly open, meeting mine as she again becomes confused. "Ma?"

I kneel next to her, my eyes inches from her panty clad pussy. I am hungry to see what the underwear is hiding, eager to smell her in the air in my office. I look at her heatedly. "I want you to move your panties and show me your pussy Joy. I wish to see for myself how wet you are." She hesitates only a second before reaching down with her free hand and doing as I ask. As her young wet pussy comes into view, I have to bite back both a moan and the urge to simply reach out and bury my tongue inside her. Instead, fighting my own desire, I reach out to touch her softly. She moans at my touch, her eyes closing once more. "Yes, you are quite wet." I stroke her softly, gently, my own breath coming faster and faster as she simply sits there and lets me continue to stroke her hot wet pussy. I reach up to circle her clit as I ask her my next question. "Tell me Joy, did you cum before Mrs Akimbola caught you?"

Her eyes are glazed, hungry. There is no hesitation there; she wants this as much as I do. I simply have to make her cum to make her mine. She shakes her head. "No Ma."

I continue circling her little nub slowly, teasingly having to resist the urge to put my finger in my mouth and suck her juices from it. I give her a lusty grin. "So she interrupted you?"

She nods. "Yes Ma."

I remove my hand, denying her the pleasure of my touch as I move between her spread legs. "Well then, I can think of only one punishment fit for this crime. You will finish masturbating in that chair."

Again she looks unsure. "Ma?"

I lay it out for her realizing that the lust and need to cum is likely clouding her mind. "I want you to pull down your panties Joy and play with your clit until you cum in that chair. And I want to watch you do it." She does nothing and I slap her leg lightly, my voice firm as I repeat my command. "Now Joy!"

Joy, does as I demand. Slowly peeling off her panties and dropping them onto the floor. I take her leg and prop it up on the desk. I want a completely unimpeded view of what she is about to do for me. Her touch is hesitant and tentative at first, her earlier embarrassment returning as I sit on the floor and watch her rub her clit. But that does not last long as she quickly loses herself in the sensations the fingers in her pussy are evoking.

In moments, her head has lolled back, her breathing growing laboured as her hand picks up speed on her nub. I look up to see that her nipples are hard, poking through her shirt. I so badly want to see them, touch them, taste them. But now is not the time; there will be plenty of time for that later during our next session.

She is close, I can see it. Her hips are rocking slowly on the chair as her pleasure grows. I decide that the time has come for me to join her. I stand, lean close to whisper in her ear softly as I slowly roll up my own skirt. "Are you going to cum soon Joy?"

She moans softly, the feel of my breath on her ear turning her on even more. "Yes Ma."

I smile, reaching between my own legs even as I feel my own wetness running down my thighs. I touch myself, pinching my clit, feeling my legs buckle a bit as pleasure courses through me. She watches me as I stand there watching her. Her eyes are on fire with lust as she watches my hand, busy between my legs.

I smile to myself knowing that I have her. "Good, I want you to cum when I tell you to. Do you understand?"

She nods dumbly. "Yes Ma." Her hand picks up speed and she moans louder. She is so close.

"Good, now I want to watch you finger fuck yourself." I moan as I watch her do as she is told, burying two fingers deep inside her wet pussy, all the while, her right hand is busy strumming her clit. "That's good Joy, bury your fingers deep in your pussy." I can barely speak, so turned on at the sight of Joy sitting in my chair, her legs spread and her hands buried between her them as she finger fucks herself. My eyes close as I do the same, knowing that she's watching me even as I've been watching her. I moan as my fingers sink in deep going in easily. I am so close to cumming.

"Now keep playing with your clit. I want you to watch me play with myself. I want us to cum together. Are you close Joy?" At my breathless words, she nods. "So am I. Are you ready to cum for me Joy?" She nods again, her hand going even faster on her clit, her fingers fucking herself even harder. I feel myself reaching the peak, my orgasm catching me off guard. "Good, cum for me Joy, cum for me now." I manage to pant out my final command before it crashes over me, bringing me to my knees with a loud groan.

She does so with a harsh cry, her hips jerking in the chair as her pussy clenches on her fingers, still buried deep inside. She continues to moan and cry out for at least a minute before she goes limp in the chair. I watch her in wonder, amazed at the power of her orgasm. Feeling a bit weak in the knees myself, I reach out, slowly pulling her hands from her pussy and give into the impulse to taste her, licking and sucking her hands clean. She is sweet and tangy and I promise myself that next time, I'll taste it straight from the source.

I stand up, dizzy and jelly legged, I straighten my skirt and sit down in my chair behind my desk once more. I take several deep breaths to calm myself before I once more turn stern. "That will be all Joy. You are free to go." She grabs her underwear, preparing to put them on when I again stop her. "Joy, you will leave those here. From now on, you will no longer wear any underwear unless I tell you otherwise." She nods and simply drops them on my desk. She turns to the door. I again stop her. "Oh and Joy, you will return after school is over; we need to discuss the rest of your punishment, do you understand?"

She swallows audibly even as she nods. "Yes Ma." Then she leaves my office, shutting the door behind her quietly. I sit there in awe of what just happened and wondering just how the hell I'm going to manage to wait until the end of the school day before my next session with young Joy.

* * ******************************************************************************************************************

The final bell rings and I listen as the office outside my door slowly empties and grows quiet. I'm finishing some final paperwork for the day and of course waiting for my wayward student to show up for her detention. I've been thinking about little else for most of the day.

I hear a soft knock on my door and feel my pussy clench in response. I'm wet; I've been wet since the moment Joy walked through my door the first time. I'll have no need of foreplay this afternoon and if I guess right, neither will she. "Come in." I manage to keep my voice even and all business despite the sudden lurch in my heartbeat.

Joy opens the door, walking in quietly and sitting down in the same chair she sat in that morning. And without being told. I look at her sitting in the chair, looking down at the floor and wonder if she's remembering what she did in that same chair that morning. Was she picturing herself in that same chair, naked from the waist down, her legs spread wide open while I watched her fuck herself to orgasm? I know I was and if the river between my legs was any indication we were going to have a very good day.

I give her a smile as she sits there; I don't want her at ease, not completely but I don't want her terrified either. "Prompt as ever Joy."

She looks up, her face blushing slightly as she gazes at me with hooded eyes. "You asked to see me after class?"

I lean forward, carefully moving the paperwork from the desk; I have no desire for it to get in the way later. "Yes Joy I did. It seems we have a punishment to discuss." She squirms slightly, her skirt riding up as she does so and I wonder if she was still following my first rule. Time enough for that in a moment but now I need to make sure she understands just what I'm going to demand of her. "You were caught masturbating in the girl's bathroom earlier today. I hope you understand that is not exactly respectable behaviour."

She shakes her head, her voice soft and barely audible. "No Ma."

"I thought when I punished you this afternoon by making you fuck yourself until you came in my chair might be punishment enough but I think now I am mistaken. I think it will take a great deal more than that to make you understand just what it is you did." I put heavy emphasis on the f-word, watching her jump and take a hitching breath as I do so. I see her nipples harden under her shirt and I smile to myself, pleased that our earlier play is still having a profound effect on her.

"So I have come up with the following. You will be at my disposal in any way I see fit for as long as I desire. You will do whatever I ask, without hesitation, without question. And you will enjoy everything I do to you." As I pause, her eyes widen and she looks at me, a touch of panic in her eyes as I continue. "Now, first things first, let's see if you've managed to follow my first rule. Stand up."

She hesitates only a second, still under the spell I cast on her from earlier but also feeling a bit overwhelmed at the mess she's found herself in. Her short skirt flutters as she stands and I know she's naked under it, just as I asked. I find myself wondering how many others were flashed by her wet naked pussy today.

"Pull up your skirt, spread your legs and show me your pussy." I bark at her in a clipped tone and she finds herself obeying before she even completely realizes I've spoken. Pleased, I watch as her most private place comes into view. Its dripping, probably still wet from our earlier encounter. The sight of her standing there holding up her skirt is too much for me and I surge to my feet approaching her aggressively as I turn her to face me. I fall to my knees, taking her skirt in my hand as I give in to the hardcore need to finally taste her.

I bury my face between her legs, grabbing her ass to pull her onto my mouth and without preamble, let my tongue plunge inside her. She jerks, crying out above me before grabbing my hair in both hands. I can feel her hips rocking, rubbing her pussy against my face as I fuck her with my tongue. I moan at the taste of her, so wet, so sweet before drawing my tongue out to flick repeatedly across her clit. With a free hand, I tease her opening with a finger, pressing against her but not entering.

It does not take long, she goes off like a rocket, cumming on my face and mouth as I take her clit in my mouth and begin to suck it gently. She moans loudly, her hips snapping back and forth as I continue lathing her clit with my tongue, drawing out her orgasm for as long as I can. When its finished, she collapses back into the chair while I give her one last lingering lick.

Then seizing control once more I calmly stand, wiping my mouth off before moving behind my desk. I look at her sitting there dazed and confused and I continue speaking as if nothing has happened. "You will report to me, here every day after class. Some days we will leave to play elsewhere but most of the time we will stay here while I fuck you." I give her a stern look as I try to make her understand exactly what I'm telling her. "Make no mistake, I will continue to give you the greatest pleasure you've ever known, you will never leave this office without having cum several times. But there is a price; you are mine unless I say otherwise and you may not refuse anything I wish to do to you."
She takes a deep breath, looking at me in shock and acceptance, sitting up slightly, trying to shake off the fogginess from her powerful orgasm. The strained look in her eyes only increases the fire I can feel burning deep inside my starving pussy. I know she's off guard and its the perfect opportunity to ask the most important question I have for her.

"Are you still a virgin?"

This shocks her even more than me eating her out and she goes still in the chair. "What?"

I say it again, slowly. "Are you still a virgin?"

She becomes shy once more, as if suddenly realizing that she's sitting there in my office her wet pussy exposed to my gaze. I find it a bit endearing and even arousing. She slowly nods. "Yes."

I look at her carefully, and smile seductively. "After today you won't be." I watch her shudder again, crossing her arms over her breasts. Almost as if having second thoughts about what she is allowing me to do. That simply will not do. I am going to fuck her, now, today and I am going to enjoy listening to her scream while I do it.

I stand up again, this time going to sit down on my desk in front of her. She stares at me in confusion as I sit there, my own legs spread wide. I nod at her. "I want to see your breasts, take off your shirt." My eyes watch her avidly, my gaze burning bright as she reaches for the hem of her shirt and pulls it over her head.

Her breasts are small, held captive by a simply, lacy bra. Like her panties earlier, the innocence of them only excites me more. I can't see her breasts but I know that they are a nice handful and I can't wait to touch them, take her nipples into my mouth and watch her writhe as I suck on them. I can already feel my mouth drooling at the thought. She drops her shirt, standing there in front of me with her head hanging down. I reach out to touch her gently, feeling her lean into my touch despite the touch of fear I saw when I told her I was going to fuck her today.

I pull her to me, pressing our bodies together as I bury my nose in her neck and inhale deeply before moving up to her sensitive ears and blowing out gently. She shudders, her own breath starting to come in harsh pants. Then with deft hands I reach up and undo her bra. I let it fall between us and it catches on her breasts as I pull her arms out of it. She is shy once more, not wanting to look at me as I slowly begin kissing her neck.

I lathe my tongue across her young skin, tasting her sweet flavour as I let my hands wander up her ribs and across her stomach before I grab her bra. As I pull it out from between us, I let her young breasts fill my hands, finding the nipples easily. They are hard and ready, poking into the palms of my hands nicely. I hear Joy moan above me and the sound draws me to her breasts like a bear to honey. I close my eyes as I take one of her nipples in my mouth, rolling it around with my tongue, being sure to softly rub the other one with a free hand.

Joy's legs give way and I pull her against me as I continue lathing attention on her breast. Then, when her nipple is hard enough to cut glass, I turn my attention to the other one, bringing it to hard attention in the hot wet confines of my mouth. She is moaning out loud now, her eyes closed, as she sags against me, letting me have my way.

After several moments, I set her gently back from me, making her stand on her own as I begin undressing. She looks at me with lust hazed eyes as I drop my skirt, my own pussy dripping down my thighs as I let it fall to the floor. Her gaze is riveted on it and I smile to myself as I wonder how easy it will be to get her to return the oral favour I just gave her. Looking at her flushed face I don't think it will be too hard.

I pull my shirt off, not having need of a bra and she watches avidly as my breasts are freed to her gaze. Suddenly feeling impatient and needing to feel her naked skin against mine, I reach out and wipe the entire surface of my desk free. Then I turn back to her. "Bend over the desk Joy."

She does as I demand, bending over the desk quickly. I watch her hungrily as she braces herself with her arms, forced to spread her legs as she leans forward. While she stands there, her hands on the surface of the desk, her ass in the air and her pussy gaping open for all to see, I walk around to where I stowed my purse earlier that day. I reach into it and pull out the toy I ran home for earlier in the day. As the strap-on comes into view, her eyes widen. I feel my pussy dripping even more as I watch her stare at the latex dick I'm holding.

I walk over to her slowly, noticing that she follows me as I move behind her. I bend over to pull it on, tightening the straps and settling the cock into place as she stares at me in fear. It juts out from me, a touch obscene and highly erotic. I watch as she licks her lips slowly, unable to look away. I reach down and stroke it slowly for my avid audience. There is fear in her eyes as I step closer to her, still stroking my dick.

I let go of the cock and it hits her softly on the ass making her shudder again and pull away. I slap her ass lightly, grabbing hold of her hips firmly. "Don't even think of denying me Joy." I pull her back against me, letting her feel the reality of the dick against her; she shudders but does not resist. I smile as I reach out to touch her ass, letting my hands slide over the smooth skin of it.

She cries out, her hips jerking as she tries to stay still. I have to fight the urge to simply bury my cock deep inside her and begin fucking her brains out. I want to feel her shudder and surge against me as she cums, knowing that its my cock buried inside her that's brought her to that point. But she's never done this before and despite my desire to subjugate her to my will, I do not wish to truly hurt her. I want her to enjoy this as much as I will.

I move closer slightly, letting her get used to the sensation of my dick pressed against her. And as she sighs, I let my hand fall between her legs, to her very eager pussy. I begin teasing her, sliding my fingers along her cleft, coming so close to her clit but avoiding it. She whimpers, bucking her hips against me, trying desperately to get me to touch her where she needs it most. But I continue to stroke her, teasing her. I slide my fingers down, towards her opening and there I tease her again, pressing into her hole then withdrawing. She cries in disappointment every time I withdraw without truly entering her.

Finally I let a finger slide inside her, slowly, teasingly until my knuckles brush against her pussy. Then I draw my finger out just as slowly, feeling her walls clench around me as I withdraw. I continue to slowly finger fuck her for several moments, listening to her cries and moans, music to my ears before adding a second finger, stretching her, preparing her for the fucking to come. I want her ready; I want nothing to interfere with the fucking I plan on giving her.

By the time I feel she's ready, she's near the edge, so close to cumming that I fear even brushing her clit as I withdraw and inadvertently giving her the orgasm I want to give her with my cock. I lean over her, pressing my breasts into her back as I speak into her ear. "I'm going to fuck you now Joy. I simply can't wait to get my cock inside that wet wet pussy. I promise to go slow so just relax and let me fuck you. And don't worry, I'll make you love it."

I grab the base of my cock, rubbing the head of it through her folds, using my thumb to find the entrance to her cunt. She shudders as I press the cock head into her, its girth slowly stretching her, forcing her pussy to open up around it. She is tense, I can feel it, afraid that it will hurt. So I reach around her and place two of my fingers on her clit, rubbing it lightly as I keep pressing forward.

Despite my earlier command, she moves away from me, panting softly as I simply follow her. Soon she has no where left to go, I have her pinned to the desk and I keep pressing against her. Then her pussy give slightly and the head of my cock is buried inside her. I moan slightly at the sight, rubbing her clit harder as she whimpers at the strange new sensation.

I want so much to simply start pumping against her but she is not ready for that just yet; first I did need to get the rest of my cock inside her. I flex my hips, feeling my pussy clench as slowly, so very slowly my cock begins to disappear inside her. Then I feel it. Despite the wetness of her pussy, my cock stops moving; I've hit her hymen.

I pull back slightly, giving her clit a pinch as I surge forward and through it, my pelvis coming to rest on her ass as my cock bottoms out in her. She jerks, crying out sharply. She tries to get away but she is pinned against my desk and has no where to go. I stay still, still teasing her clit and placing lingering kisses on every inch of skin I can reach. The hunger comes back quickly and soon she is moving slowly back against me, the need to cum rising again.

I flex my hips, pulling back slowly and she moans at the loss of my fullness. But then her breath catches as I surge forward again, filling her pussy once more. I envy that cock for a moment wishing I could truly feel what it is like to be inside her. But the erotic sight of her bent over my desk, her legs spread wide while I fuck her more than makes up for it.

I lean over her, thrusting easily as her pussy adjusts rapidly to the invader. "Do you like the feel of my cock inside you?" She nods wordlessly. "Are you going to cum on my cock?" Again that wordless nod. I smile as I continue my slow assault on her eager pussy. She is pushing back against me now, and I pick up speed. She is so ready, panting and writhing underneath me. I know the next time I fuck her, I am going to be sure to watch her face when I do it.

I feel my pussy begin to clamour for attention; despite my earlier earth shattering orgasm, I am still horny as hell and ready for an orgasm. So I slide nearly all of the way out of her, holding myself still as she whimpers at the loss. "Good cause now I'm really going to fuck you." And with that I slide back into her, my cock thrusting into her hard, fast and deep. She cries out loud, shaking on the desk as I continue to slam into her from behind. I release her clit to grab her hips and pull her back against me. "Touch yourself, make yourself cum on my cock." I pant and feel her do as I asked.

The strap between my legs slides back and forth rapidly as I fuck this eager young girl on my desk and I know that I am going to cum any second. I lean over her again, fucking her harder and harder. "I need you to cum for me Joy. Cum for me, cum all over my cock." I feel her shudder beneath me, her cries rising in volume as she cums for me. Seconds later, I bury my cock inside her as the strap between my legs brings me to my own much needed orgasm.

I scream as I cum, holding myself there buried inside her. When it is finished I collapse across her back, pinning her to the desk, my dick still deep inside her pussy.
The End

By Cherrymon


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