Adaora walked quickly out of her husband's headquarters
and down the street toward Emeka Ukaegbu's house. Her pussy tingled wonderfully
at the thought of her husband's cock fucking deep into her cunt. And she
quickened her pace toward Emeka's.
Friday, 30 May 2014
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Politics of Sex: Adaora and Chuma
Adaora smiled as she looked out at the trees. She could
feel a lingering lust in her shapely limbs as she remembered her husband's
lecherous, hot caresses of the night before. She doubted if any other
senator-to-be's wife could boast of such wild, unrestrained fucking from her
husband! Now, instead of ignoring her the way he had when they were first
married and he was starting out in establishing his law firm, he insisted on
fucking her frequently, pulling her down onto the couch with him at the oddest
moments, or pushing everyone out of the office or election headquarters so that
they could lie together on the floor and squirm nakedly together in the middle
of a busy afternoon.
Monday, 26 May 2014
Slutty World.......... Episode 3
I got to his house around 3:30 or so. I sent an email
to Amadi telling him to go online tonight around 6pm. I had an idea for a show
that I didn't think he'd want to miss. I disconnected the phones so that I
wouldn't be disturbed later by ringing phones if things went the way I hoped. Buchi
and Ugo showed up a few minutes after 4. I told them that Amadi had gotten
called out of town but if they were still willing to move the fridge, then I'd
make dinner as I was just in for the night by myself anyway and wouldn't mind
the company.
They agreed to a free dinner and got busy moving the fridge out of the house and into the store.
When they finished, I told them to get themselves some beers from the fridge and to make themselves comfortable in the living room while I took a quick shower. I explained that I'd been out running and I'd gotten in just before they had gotten there. They went and grabbed the beers and I went to get my shower. I didn't close the bathroom door all the way, nothing obvious, just a crack, but enough to tease. I was pretty sure Buchi had been peeking at my reflection in the mirror. I smiled... maybe my evil plan would come off after all.
I got dressed in a pair of loose white shorts with no underwear and a black scoop neck t-shirt and went back out to join the guys. I had a glass of wine going and they had refilled it. We sat around chatting, I was sitting cross legged in the chair, I wasn't sure if I was giving them anything to peek at, but I suspected and hoped that I was. This little bit of teasing was perfect way to get it started. Amadi did say that it would get him off big time to see me get screwed by a couple of guys. I was starting to get a little excited by the possibilities.
When I had drained my wine, I asked for volunteers to grill the chops. I had made a salad and was planning grilling some vegetables and potatoes along with the meat.
They both said they'd cook, so I got the chops and veggies and handed it off to them. I got rolls into the oven and the table set. As I was taking the rolls out of the oven, I heard the back door slam and they came back in with everything ready. I got the salad out of the fridge and we all sat down to eat.
I opened another bottle of wine and refilled my glass. They stayed with beer. We talked and laughed and they were up to their teasing ways, I was into mine. We had a great dinner and I was feeling really good. I started to pick up after dinner and they helped me clear the table and get things into the dish washer. Finally with everything cleared up, we went back into the living room and I put some music on and we hung out just shooting the breeze.
During the course of conversation, and as I expected it would with this pair, it had gotten around to sex and the current topic was sluttish outfits we'd admired. After a few minutes of joking around, and speaking of sluttish outfits, I told them how I'd bought myself a new bathing suit to tease Amadi with, but I hadn't gotten the nerve to wear it for him yet. Well, that had exactly the kind of affect I was hoping for. It teased them and they asked about it. I told them it was a Wicked Weasel that it barely covered me.
"Come on Betty... model it for us" they teased.
"Yeah come on, Tease us.... We'll tell you if it's any good. We'll tell you if Amadi will like it or not?" Ugo coaxed.
"No way!" I laughed.
"Are you guys insane? You see me in that bathing suit, you won't be able to control yourselves and there's no way I could stop the two of you from having your way with me. Then what'll Amadi say when I tell him I've decided to run away with you guys simply because two are better than one."
They laughed saying that they could see my point, but that I should model it anyway, we'll just have to take our chances.
I told them that I couldn't be putting it on in any event because, I hadn't trimmed and that suit definitely needed a trim.
"We'll trim you!" they responded immediately, laughing even harder, we were all pretty loaded at this point.
I laughed along with them... "I'm sure you would." I said very primly, "but no thank you."
We had more drinks and maybe a half hour later, the conversation came back around to the bathing suit and they started to share how they loved to trim their girlfriends...
"Really" I said, amazed that they were sharing this information with me. It was an indication that they were getting in the right mood.
"Oh yeah" they both said... "They love being shaved smooth."
"I've never had anyone do that to me, I think that would be scary, there's lots of sensitive parts down there." I laughed.
"In fact, I've only shaved myself one time, well I mean totally shaved I guess." They were all ears, but I stopped there.
"You should do it again" Buchi told me, "Amadi loves shaved girls."
"Now how would you know that?" I asked.
"We just do" and they both started laughing again.
"It's a guy thing; we've known him a long time."
"Besides most guys love the look" Ugo said.
"You should see Queen, she looks great!" Buchi told me about his girlfriend.
"She sure does!!" Ugo agreed
"Whoa whoa... "I laughed, holding my hands up.
"How do you know Ugo?"
"How do you know how Buchi's girlfriend looks?"
We were all pretty buzzed by this point and I think Ugo's comment just slipped out.
"Oh no I was just kidding." he said, but his face said otherwise.
"No you weren't" I pursued with a devilish smile... "Did she show you her pussy?"
"No... no" Buchi said... "Well not that time or I guess anytime she knows about anyway"
"Then how?" I asked. I could see that they were both uncomfortable.
Buchi looked at Ugo and then at me sheepishly... "I need another beer,"
He got up and brought one for Ugo too. He filled my wine glass and then sat back down.
"Well... ok here's the deal and she'd kill me if she knew, but Ugo and I traded some pictures of Queen and Kemka, both had shaved... It was just so cool that I couldn't keep them to myself and when he saw Queen, he brought his collection. That's how we know that Amadi likes shaved girls.
"He saw them...and did he share too"? I asked.
They both looked at me, eyes wide open, questioning.
"Does he have some to share?" They asked at almost the same time...
I laughed, "he better not have any that he's sharing..."
I didn't tell them about my yahoo photo page.
They both looked disappointed and said no, Amadi told them that he didn't have any pictures of me and besides he said I didn't shave.
"I think that's probably more than you really needed to know!" I said.
"Nahhh, never too much... besides I think I know what you probably look like anyway", Buchi said.
"Oh really, you do, do you?" I laughed...
I pursued it.
"This, I have to hear... so tell me; what do you think I look like."
I could tell that the guys really liked it that they got me to talk about my pussy. I wanted them to feel like I was loosening up.
"Ok, I'll bite" Buchi said...
"I believed Amadi when he told us that you don't have too much hair, because you don't have any to speak of on your legs or arms and when you wear a bikini there isn't that stripe that goes from your belly button down to your pussy."
As far as how I think your pussy looks, I think you have one of those pussies that look like a little girl, no obvious lippage."
"Lippage!" I laughed and before I could anything more Ugo piped in.
"I have to agree about not much hair, but I think she's got a nice fleshy pussy with a lot of lippage. Buchi, you ever notice how her bathing suit looks puffy? If it's not hair like most women and we both agree that it's not, then it's got to be pussy."
I started laughing...
"I must be hallucinating... I can't believe I'm sitting here with you guys discussing what you think my pussy looks like! We are drinking too much liquor."
But secretly, I loved it, it was hot and going in exactly the direction I hoped. I took a big sip of wine to calm my nerves. I had a feeling that I was going to get used tonight.
They laughed too but pushed... "So who's right?" Buchi asked
"I'm not telling you guys!" I almost shouted as I squealed with laughter...
"Oh come on" Buchi begged.
I ignored him still laughing and we moved on, I was fascinated that they had shared pictures of their girlfriends... "Do all you guys do that?" I asked.
"Do what?" Ugo asked.
"You know trade pictures of your girlfriends and stuff."
"Probably not, I think most guys would want to, but are nervous about getting caught. We've been friends since kindergarten and probably closer than a lot of brothers. I'm not worried about him showing anyone else Queen's pictures. Besides it's cool as hell to have someone to share them with.
"Well, I guess it's a good thing that I haven't let Amadi take any pictures of me", I laughed. "I'd be in your collections too!"
They laughed..."Well personally, we think it's too bad... but all the more reason for you to tell us who's right."
I ignored that comment again. I knew they wouldn't drop the issue. I returned back to the conversation that got this whole thing going and had been left hanging a few minutes before.
"So Buchi... tell me how it is that Ugo has seen Queen's pussy but she doesn't know about it?"
"What do you mean?" He asked confused...
"Well a few minutes ago when you told me about the pictures, you said that he'd also seen her pussy but that she didn't know that... so fess up... it's not like I'm going to run back and tell anyone."
I could see that Buchi was uncomfortable with the conversation, but Ugo had enough of a buzz to be a bit more forthcoming... "It's something you probably wouldn't understand" and then he and Buchi both laughed and slapped hands.
Buchi made as if to hit Ugo, but ended up laughing and shrugging his shoulders. "What do you want me to tell you Betty?"
"I think this is interesting... tell me what happened." I insisted.
"Ok but only if you'll tell us who's right about your pussy" Buchi countered...
"Maybe" I said... "Depends on the story you have, if it's good, you might get me in the mood to share that with you."
I loved this teasing; I wondered what Amadi was thinking watching this... if he was watching. It was well after 6, I had set the camera up in room up while the guys were moving the fridge.
"OK... but I'm going to hold you to your part of the deal" he warned.
He then told me how when they were in High School, they were both on the swim team, but Ugo was a bit shy, Buchi from what I can gather has never been shy. Anyway, he started dating one of the top girls in school; a really pretty, little, blue eyed fair girl who Ugo was also head over heels about too.
After a couple of months of dating, Buchi and Ugo were loaded one night sitting around talking and Ugo admitted that he thought Buchi's girlfriend Kamsi was the hottest thing he'd every seen. One thing led to another and Buchi asked Ugo if he like to screw Kamsi sometime. He'd let him do it if he returned the favour some day. Ugo agreed but asked how he was going to do that.
Buchi told him that the following weekend when their parents were away, he was bringing Kamsi over and was planning on screwing her brains out on Saturday night. He told Ugo that he should just stay out of sight until he had her in his room. When Kamsi got high, she liked to be tied up and blindfolded; then she would let him do anything. When he had taken his turn, he'd come out and get Ugo and he could go in and have a shot at it.
I looked at Ugo... "Weren't you afraid that she'd know that you weren't Buchi?"
"Yeah, but I wanted to get laid more... I was still a virgin and Kamsi really was one of the hottest girls in the school. Buchi had shown me some pictures she had let him take, and man what a body, but I knew that pictures just doesn't do justice to feeling the real thing."
They agreed to a free dinner and got busy moving the fridge out of the house and into the store.
When they finished, I told them to get themselves some beers from the fridge and to make themselves comfortable in the living room while I took a quick shower. I explained that I'd been out running and I'd gotten in just before they had gotten there. They went and grabbed the beers and I went to get my shower. I didn't close the bathroom door all the way, nothing obvious, just a crack, but enough to tease. I was pretty sure Buchi had been peeking at my reflection in the mirror. I smiled... maybe my evil plan would come off after all.
I got dressed in a pair of loose white shorts with no underwear and a black scoop neck t-shirt and went back out to join the guys. I had a glass of wine going and they had refilled it. We sat around chatting, I was sitting cross legged in the chair, I wasn't sure if I was giving them anything to peek at, but I suspected and hoped that I was. This little bit of teasing was perfect way to get it started. Amadi did say that it would get him off big time to see me get screwed by a couple of guys. I was starting to get a little excited by the possibilities.
When I had drained my wine, I asked for volunteers to grill the chops. I had made a salad and was planning grilling some vegetables and potatoes along with the meat.
They both said they'd cook, so I got the chops and veggies and handed it off to them. I got rolls into the oven and the table set. As I was taking the rolls out of the oven, I heard the back door slam and they came back in with everything ready. I got the salad out of the fridge and we all sat down to eat.
I opened another bottle of wine and refilled my glass. They stayed with beer. We talked and laughed and they were up to their teasing ways, I was into mine. We had a great dinner and I was feeling really good. I started to pick up after dinner and they helped me clear the table and get things into the dish washer. Finally with everything cleared up, we went back into the living room and I put some music on and we hung out just shooting the breeze.
During the course of conversation, and as I expected it would with this pair, it had gotten around to sex and the current topic was sluttish outfits we'd admired. After a few minutes of joking around, and speaking of sluttish outfits, I told them how I'd bought myself a new bathing suit to tease Amadi with, but I hadn't gotten the nerve to wear it for him yet. Well, that had exactly the kind of affect I was hoping for. It teased them and they asked about it. I told them it was a Wicked Weasel that it barely covered me.
"Come on Betty... model it for us" they teased.
"Yeah come on, Tease us.... We'll tell you if it's any good. We'll tell you if Amadi will like it or not?" Ugo coaxed.
"No way!" I laughed.
"Are you guys insane? You see me in that bathing suit, you won't be able to control yourselves and there's no way I could stop the two of you from having your way with me. Then what'll Amadi say when I tell him I've decided to run away with you guys simply because two are better than one."
They laughed saying that they could see my point, but that I should model it anyway, we'll just have to take our chances.
I told them that I couldn't be putting it on in any event because, I hadn't trimmed and that suit definitely needed a trim.
"We'll trim you!" they responded immediately, laughing even harder, we were all pretty loaded at this point.
I laughed along with them... "I'm sure you would." I said very primly, "but no thank you."
We had more drinks and maybe a half hour later, the conversation came back around to the bathing suit and they started to share how they loved to trim their girlfriends...
"Really" I said, amazed that they were sharing this information with me. It was an indication that they were getting in the right mood.
"Oh yeah" they both said... "They love being shaved smooth."
"I've never had anyone do that to me, I think that would be scary, there's lots of sensitive parts down there." I laughed.
"In fact, I've only shaved myself one time, well I mean totally shaved I guess." They were all ears, but I stopped there.
"You should do it again" Buchi told me, "Amadi loves shaved girls."
"Now how would you know that?" I asked.
"We just do" and they both started laughing again.
"It's a guy thing; we've known him a long time."
"Besides most guys love the look" Ugo said.
"You should see Queen, she looks great!" Buchi told me about his girlfriend.
"She sure does!!" Ugo agreed
"Whoa whoa... "I laughed, holding my hands up.
"How do you know Ugo?"
"How do you know how Buchi's girlfriend looks?"
We were all pretty buzzed by this point and I think Ugo's comment just slipped out.
"Oh no I was just kidding." he said, but his face said otherwise.
"No you weren't" I pursued with a devilish smile... "Did she show you her pussy?"
"No... no" Buchi said... "Well not that time or I guess anytime she knows about anyway"
"Then how?" I asked. I could see that they were both uncomfortable.
Buchi looked at Ugo and then at me sheepishly... "I need another beer,"
He got up and brought one for Ugo too. He filled my wine glass and then sat back down.
"Well... ok here's the deal and she'd kill me if she knew, but Ugo and I traded some pictures of Queen and Kemka, both had shaved... It was just so cool that I couldn't keep them to myself and when he saw Queen, he brought his collection. That's how we know that Amadi likes shaved girls.
"He saw them...and did he share too"? I asked.
They both looked at me, eyes wide open, questioning.
"Does he have some to share?" They asked at almost the same time...
I laughed, "he better not have any that he's sharing..."
I didn't tell them about my yahoo photo page.
They both looked disappointed and said no, Amadi told them that he didn't have any pictures of me and besides he said I didn't shave.
"I think that's probably more than you really needed to know!" I said.
"Nahhh, never too much... besides I think I know what you probably look like anyway", Buchi said.
"Oh really, you do, do you?" I laughed...
I pursued it.
"This, I have to hear... so tell me; what do you think I look like."
I could tell that the guys really liked it that they got me to talk about my pussy. I wanted them to feel like I was loosening up.
"Ok, I'll bite" Buchi said...
"I believed Amadi when he told us that you don't have too much hair, because you don't have any to speak of on your legs or arms and when you wear a bikini there isn't that stripe that goes from your belly button down to your pussy."
As far as how I think your pussy looks, I think you have one of those pussies that look like a little girl, no obvious lippage."
"Lippage!" I laughed and before I could anything more Ugo piped in.
"I have to agree about not much hair, but I think she's got a nice fleshy pussy with a lot of lippage. Buchi, you ever notice how her bathing suit looks puffy? If it's not hair like most women and we both agree that it's not, then it's got to be pussy."
I started laughing...
"I must be hallucinating... I can't believe I'm sitting here with you guys discussing what you think my pussy looks like! We are drinking too much liquor."
But secretly, I loved it, it was hot and going in exactly the direction I hoped. I took a big sip of wine to calm my nerves. I had a feeling that I was going to get used tonight.
They laughed too but pushed... "So who's right?" Buchi asked
"I'm not telling you guys!" I almost shouted as I squealed with laughter...
"Oh come on" Buchi begged.
I ignored him still laughing and we moved on, I was fascinated that they had shared pictures of their girlfriends... "Do all you guys do that?" I asked.
"Do what?" Ugo asked.
"You know trade pictures of your girlfriends and stuff."
"Probably not, I think most guys would want to, but are nervous about getting caught. We've been friends since kindergarten and probably closer than a lot of brothers. I'm not worried about him showing anyone else Queen's pictures. Besides it's cool as hell to have someone to share them with.
"Well, I guess it's a good thing that I haven't let Amadi take any pictures of me", I laughed. "I'd be in your collections too!"
They laughed..."Well personally, we think it's too bad... but all the more reason for you to tell us who's right."
I ignored that comment again. I knew they wouldn't drop the issue. I returned back to the conversation that got this whole thing going and had been left hanging a few minutes before.
"So Buchi... tell me how it is that Ugo has seen Queen's pussy but she doesn't know about it?"
"What do you mean?" He asked confused...
"Well a few minutes ago when you told me about the pictures, you said that he'd also seen her pussy but that she didn't know that... so fess up... it's not like I'm going to run back and tell anyone."
I could see that Buchi was uncomfortable with the conversation, but Ugo had enough of a buzz to be a bit more forthcoming... "It's something you probably wouldn't understand" and then he and Buchi both laughed and slapped hands.
Buchi made as if to hit Ugo, but ended up laughing and shrugging his shoulders. "What do you want me to tell you Betty?"
"I think this is interesting... tell me what happened." I insisted.
"Ok but only if you'll tell us who's right about your pussy" Buchi countered...
"Maybe" I said... "Depends on the story you have, if it's good, you might get me in the mood to share that with you."
I loved this teasing; I wondered what Amadi was thinking watching this... if he was watching. It was well after 6, I had set the camera up in room up while the guys were moving the fridge.
"OK... but I'm going to hold you to your part of the deal" he warned.
He then told me how when they were in High School, they were both on the swim team, but Ugo was a bit shy, Buchi from what I can gather has never been shy. Anyway, he started dating one of the top girls in school; a really pretty, little, blue eyed fair girl who Ugo was also head over heels about too.
After a couple of months of dating, Buchi and Ugo were loaded one night sitting around talking and Ugo admitted that he thought Buchi's girlfriend Kamsi was the hottest thing he'd every seen. One thing led to another and Buchi asked Ugo if he like to screw Kamsi sometime. He'd let him do it if he returned the favour some day. Ugo agreed but asked how he was going to do that.
Buchi told him that the following weekend when their parents were away, he was bringing Kamsi over and was planning on screwing her brains out on Saturday night. He told Ugo that he should just stay out of sight until he had her in his room. When Kamsi got high, she liked to be tied up and blindfolded; then she would let him do anything. When he had taken his turn, he'd come out and get Ugo and he could go in and have a shot at it.
I looked at Ugo... "Weren't you afraid that she'd know that you weren't Buchi?"
"Yeah, but I wanted to get laid more... I was still a virgin and Kamsi really was one of the hottest girls in the school. Buchi had shown me some pictures she had let him take, and man what a body, but I knew that pictures just doesn't do justice to feeling the real thing."
Buchi picked up the story again and said that the
following Saturday, everything went according to plan. He and Kamsi got stoned
and then started to fool around in his room. She thought they were alone in the
house. She started sucking on his dick and he licked her pussy. Just when he
was about to come, he stopped her and got out some of his father's silk ties.
He started to lick her pussy again as he tied the soft bonds to her wrists and
ankles, then he tied them to the bedposts so that she was spread eagled. She
was so excited that she was on the verge of an orgasm. He crawled up her body
and fed her his dick as he tied the blindfold over her eyes. When she was
blindfolded, he slipped his dick out of her mouth and told her he needed to
calm down. He was going to get some beers and would be right back. She was on
the verge of an orgasm and frustrated but just told him to hurry. Buchi went
and got the beers and then gave them to Ugo...
"She's all warmed up and ready, I haven't fucked her yet. Just bring in the beers and don't talk. Give her a sip of one, then lie down in a 69 position next to her and start licking her pussy... She'll start sucking on your dick and from there it'll be heaven... She's pretty high so she'll never know the difference. If you really want to enjoy a good long fuck, shoot a load down her throat while she's sucking you off. Try to time it when she's coming and she won't say anything about you coming in her mouth. She totally loses it when she comes. After you shoot your load, she'll keep sucking your dick until you pull it out of her mouth. She loves to suck dick. Do whatever you want to, but definitely fuck her brains out. She'll be pretty noisy and won't want to stop screwing once she starts. When you're done, tell her you're going to get another beer and come back here... I'll go in and take the second shift."
So Ugo goes in the room, everything goes just like clockwork and he got a fantastic first piece of ass. A few months later Ugo is dating one of Kamsi's friends and returns the favour. It became a kind of pattern and so that now they share all their girlfriends.
I asked if any of the girls ever figured it out... Buchi told me that he thought maybe one did. She seemed to be into the whole idea of being tag teamed. It was almost like a fantasy thing. It turned out that she shared that fantasy with both of them at different times when she was a high. She keep asking how she'd know if they switched places when she was tied up and when they told her, that she wouldn't, it would get her hotter than hell. One night when they were all partying together, things got crazy and she took them both on. It was one of the hottest times they ever had.
"And what about Queen and Kemka... have you done that with them too?" I paused for a moment and then continued... "Of course you did I said... because you saw her shaved pussy!" They smiled wickedly at me.
I looked at them and laughed... "You boys are so bad, you are wicked the both of you."
I sat there for a moment and then asked if they told anyone else about this sharing thing. Buchi said that one night when he was drunk; he made the mistake of telling Amadi a little bit about it. The reason it was a mistake was that the girl they talked about was someone Amadi had just started dating although Buchi didn't know it. When Amadi had asked what he knew about her, he was too loaded to be thinking clearly and he told them how both he and Ugo had banged her. He didn't say anything but seemed pissed for a few weeks afterwards. After that he seemed ok, but the brothers decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to be talking about their adventures with anyone else.
I poured another glass of wine and sat back digesting what they had told me.
"Ok... so who's right about your pussy Betty? We kept our word... now how about you doing the same."
"I don't know, that's kind of an intimate thing to be sharing." I hedged. "I don't know if I should be sharing that with you guys. You might tie me up to see for yourselves."
"Oh come on we've shared secrets with you Betty... We could get hung out to dry if you ever told our girlfriends."
I looked at them and just started laughing. This was getting me so hot, I'm sure that they thought I was just embarrassed.
I laughed and covered my face with my hands... I dropped my hands to my lap and then looked at them for a wordless moment.
Then said... "Ok, ok... I'll tell you." And I shyly laughed again. I think you guys got me loaded so you could take advantage of me. I also think maybe Amadi's been talking a little bit too much.
They both leaned forward anxiously, I looked at Ugo... "You're right, I have a pretty fleshy pussy; the lips are pretty big."
I then covered my face again acting all embarrassed and laughed some more.
"I can't believe I just told you that", don't tell Amadi.
The guys laughed and Ugo said that it must look great, he could just picture it. "Tell us more about it."
I decided to tease them a little bit more.
"Well ok, I'll tell you another secret... when I get excited, the lips get all swollen and my pussy opens up so if I spread my legs you can kind of see up inside me. It's all pink and wet and stuff. I have a kind of big clit and it pops out a little bit. It drives Amadi crazy sometimes when he comes home and I'm lying naked on the bed playing with my pussy waiting for him.
"Come on Betty... You do that for him... the lucky bastard!" Ugo said.
"You've got to put on the bathing suit, You're killing us here, I'm dying to see how it looks on you." Buchi cajoled.
"I don't know; it won't look that great... I told you that I have to shave. I wouldn't want to gross you guys out or anything."
"We already know you don't have much muff hair, so how much can be sticking out". Buchi cajoled.
Ugo continued "Really, We'll be totally honest with you about whether it's hot or not."
"Oh you're such a sweet friend!" I laughed, but then pretended to think for a few moments.
"Ok, I'm a little bit drunk here, but if I show it to you, can you guys really keep it a secret?" I asked.
"Nobody can know about this, especially Amadi, he'd be so pissed if he knew I modelled this thing for you two. He's already wicked jealous about how we joke around."
"It'll be our secret Betty", Buchi said seriously
I looked at them over my wine glass again then gave in to the idea...
"Hmmmm, oh what the hell, Maybe it would be a good idea to get another guys opinion. I've never worn anything this revealing around him. I don't want him to freak when I take off my beach cover. You guys can tell me if it'll be too revealing."
"Absolutely", they both agreed earnestly.
"And if I do decide to try it on for you, you can't tell anyone that I did and that includes Amadi." I'm really serious about this.
"No problem!" they were almost shaking in anticipation. I was getting really hot with the teasing to.
I took a long sip of my wine while they watched me. My belly was all butterflies. I finally put my wine glass down.
"Ok, I'll do it, I'll show you" I demurred.
"Would you get another bottle of wine out of the fridge? I'm going to need something to relax me here."
Buchi jumped up and almost ran for the wine. I walked into my bedroom and closed the door.
The bathing suit I bought was really small. The bottom was just a tiny patch of translucent yellow material that barely covered my pussy. The back was a piece of string that came up between my butt cheeks, totally revealing my ass.
The top was just about as skimpy; the same translucent yellow material just covered my breasts. My nipples were at attention and left nothing to the imagination. They were poking right through the material totally showing off. When this material gets wet, it gets absolutely transparent. I decided the top was too revealing in the situation. I wanted them to feel as they were the ones in control here.
I put a black chemise on and then put a robe on over that. The chemise was very thin silk, not really transparent, but thin and soft. It was thin enough that it moulded to my body and looked like I had just spray painted my upper body a thin coat of black. I put a terrycloth rode on and went back out into the living room.
My wine glass was full and a chilled bottle of wine sitting next to it. The guys each had a fresh beer and each had a shot of what looked like whisky in front of them as well as one next to my glass.
"Whiskey?" I questioned with raised eyebrows.
"To calm the nerves... Buchi explained. I smiled and picked up my shot, we clicked glasses and threw them back. It burned its way down finishing with a nice warm glow down in my belly.
I sat down back in my chair facing them and the web cam. I took a sip of wine to cool my mouth and smiled at them. They were anxious to get this going. I think they sensed that there were possibilities here tonight.
"So how do we do this?" I asked, they both laughed and sat up.
"However you feel most comfortable." Buchi soothed.
"Our secret... right?" I confirmed again with a little smile.
"I can't believe you talked me into this, you are such wicked, wicked boys." I smiled.
I knew my face was flushed, I was excited as hell about what I was about to do. I hope they took it as embarrassment or shyness.
Then I stood back up and slowly untied my robe and removed it.
I stood before them feeling almost naked. They seemed to be mesmerized. Then I lifted the hem of the chemise up until the bathing suit bottom showed. There was only silence.
I snapped my fingers...
"Hello..." I laughed "Anyone home?"
After a moment, Buchi looked at me with a huge smile. "Betty, I'm stunned, you look fucking great!"
"Spin around, let's see how it looks from behind. I danced around and let them check out my ass... I have a great ass if I do say so myself... my best feature I think.
I spun back around and sat back down straddling the ottoman. I reached with a shaking hand for my wine and smiled at the guys.
"So what do you think, too risqué?" I asked
"No... no, not at all" they said almost in unison... "It's sexy as hell and looks great Betty. I don't know what you're worried about. Amadi's going to love that suit." Buchi laughed.
"What's the top look like?" Ugo asked...
I demurred and told them that I decided not to put it on. It was just too revealing.
"So who makes that?" Ugo asked, "I've never seen anything so sexy in my life, I'm going to get one for Kemka, it's incredible, I can't believe how fucking small it is!"
I told them how I found the company on the internet and how impressed I was by the bathing suits. I decided to buy one and surprise Amadi with it... if I could get up the nerve to wear it on a beach somewhere where no one knew me.
I leaned back on the ottoman and spread my legs just a little so that the bottom of the bathing suit was featured.
"See what I mean about shaving I said, it looks terrible." I knew that my pussy was almost visible through the material too. They could definitely see some muted details. The material was so thin that it to look almost spray painted on.
Small light brown tufts of hair sprouted from both sides and top of the suit. I don't have much hair there, but the material was so minimal that it barely contained my pussy, never mind the hair.
Both guys leaned in... "I don't know" Ugo said... "What do you think Buchi?"
Buchi was sharper though, he looked right at my pussy like he was in deep thought and then looked up at me. "You're right, it's not like you have a lot of hair, but you can't really go out on the beach like this. That has to be trimmed and it would look a lot better if you were shaved. This way, looks kind of ummm... I guess maybe ungroomed.
It was so hot to have him staring right at my barely covered secret... and knowing that Amadi was watching his friend check me out. I hoped his boss was there too. I knew that I also must've had a room full of strangers watching this whole drama as it played out on the web cam. I'd never seen anyone do this before, it was like acting on those reality TV shows or something.
I brushed the hair around my pussy with my fingers, I've never had a problem with any of my other bathing suits but this one... there just isn't much to it.
"Yeah... I think you're right on that one Betty." Ugo said. "And after looking at the suit some more, I have to agree with Buchi. I think we'll need to shave you so you can see how much better it'll look... and feel."
"I don't know, I think maybe I've had a little too much wine and you guys have seen too much already. Amadi would will kill me if he ever finds out I showed you this."
"Look it's our secret and we've come this far, let us help you out the rest of the way Betty." Buchi said.
Ugo got up and started walking toward the bathroom.
"Where does Amadi keep his shaving stuff... in the bathroom?"
I didn't resist, I just shook my head yes as he left to go find Amadis shaving gear.
Buchi sat back drinking his beer and talking about how much I was going to love the nice smooth feel of being shaven. I noticed his hand was shaking just a little bit.
"I don't think I should be letting you guys do this to me though." I said kind of running my words together a little bit. I really wanted them to feel as if they were talking me into this.
"I mean we're friends and all, but letting you guys shave my pussy, that seems pretty personal... I don't know."
Buchi leaned forward and with a smile told me not to worry, it was our secret and no one would ever find out.
"Besides we're experts at trimming up pussies, you'll love it, you'll see."
Again I thought about Amadi sitting in some hotel room somewhere, I wonder if his other girlfriend does stuff like this. If only Buchi knew that Amadi was watching the whole thing. I'm sure Amadi was going crazy down in Lagos as he watched his friends talk his girlfriend into getting her pussy shaved. I wondered what he was telling his boss and buddies now, especially since I wasn't taking any calls so he couldn't stop it.
Buchi interrupted my thoughts, "Besides Betty, that material is so thin that between what you told us earlier about your pussy and what I can kind of see, there's no secrets left between us. I can practically see it already and I think it's gorgeous. It's just exactly what I thought it would look like. You should be proud of it."
"Really, you think it's pretty I thought you might think it was gross with the big lips and all" I smiled.
Just about then Ugo came back into the living room with a bowl of hot water, a razor, a couple of towels and Amadi's shaving cup and brush.
He set them down on the floor next to the ottoman and told me to lean back onto the chair. He pushed the ottoman so that it was against the chair.
He reached up and put his fingers under the strings at the side of the bathing suit bottom and started to pull it down over my hips. I lifted my butt off the ottoman and a moment later, I was revealed to the guys. The cold air just added to the excitement of letting them see my pussy up close for the first time.
They had me lift up my hips again and they placed a towel under me to protect the furniture. I was so hot at this point, I don't know if they knew just how far gone I was with this whole thing. I tried to keep it together though. The guys positioned my legs on either side of the ottoman, spreading my wet pussy wide open. My lips were swollen and throbbing. I was already breathing harder even though I tried to disguise it.
The guys were commenting on how pretty my pussy was but my head was buzzing and I barely heard what they were saying. I just lay back with my eyes closed waiting for whatever was going to come next. I wondered again how Amadi was enjoying this show and who was with him watching it. I was sure that his boss had to be watching from somewhere. I hoped he was in the room with him. Amadi had to be going crazy.
I felt warm fingers on my pussy opening me up and then they pulled at a tuft of hair and I heard the snip of scissors as they started to trim my hair away. I opened my eyes and sat up on my elbows to watch. I smiled into the lens of a camera.
Ugo came up with a camera from somewhere, probably from the car when he went to get the shaving stuff. I covered my pussy with my hand before he could take a shot.
"You can take pictures, but not with my face... ok?"
I knew he'd probably try to get some anyway, but I wanted to keep him focused.
He agreed with a big smile. These would make a good addition to his collection.
He was taking pictures while Buchi was trimming my pussy. I just smiled and closed my eyes again to enjoy what the fingers were doing.
I felt the warm bristle of the shaving brush as Buchi started to brush on the lather. He seemed to spend extra time rubbing the brush on my clit. My breath began to catch a little when the brush coaxed my clit out of its hood. I was starting to roll my hips and quietly moan as Buchi continued to tease my clit with the soft brush. I was getting pretty worked up by the time he stopped.
The next thing I felt was the cold steel of Amadi's razor as Buchi started to shave me. He started at the outside edge of hair patch and worked in toward my pussy. He was so delicate with the razor; I didn't feel it pull but could hear as he cut across the stubble. He would take a couple of strokes and then rinse the razor in the warm water and then take a couple more.
When he got close to my lips, he pulled them to the side and got down inside the folds to get all the little hairs. His fingers felt warm and nice as he pulled my pussy lips first one way, then the other as he shaved all the hairs around it. I loved how this felt and wanted him to continue touching me there. He moved to the other side, he was very diligent about getting every last hair. He got down close and inspected his job. His face was only a few inches away as he opened my pussy to make sure he got everything. I knew he could see how wet I was, it had to be obvious. The thick outer lips of my pussy were swollen and open. My inner pussy lips were pouting open too. My pink, wet tunnel totally on display; it was an open invitation... literally.
Then Buchi had me roll over facing the back of the chair, then get up on my knees and push my butt into the air. He got behind me and pushed my knees further apart so that I was again totally exposed. He applied more shaving cream around my back opening. He spread my butt cheeks open revealing my little brown button and started to shave me there. It felt so vulnerable in this position with both guys behind me looking at my open, excited pussy.
When it felt like he had gotten every last hair, he got a towel and wiped me dry and then rubbed some lotion over and around my back opening and pussy. He then got down close again to inspect his handy work. Satisfied, He had me roll back over onto my back and spread my legs wide. Ugo was still taking his pictures of me. I suspected that he was getting my face in these shots too. I didn't stop him though. I do love having my picture taken.
Buchi got down in front of me again. He said he wanted to make sure he had done a good job. He rubbed my pussy and spread my lips wide, I guess to make sure he got everything... or maybe just so he could play with my pussy for a little while. He ran his fingers down to my bum and rubbed around my tightly puckered back opening. It felt really good to have him rubbing me there, I could feel myself responding and that tight, little opening was pulsing.
He took my hand and placed it on my pussy.
"Feel how soft it is now," he said.
I idly rubbed my now smooth pussy, it did feel nice and soft. I smiled up at the guys.
"She's all warmed up and ready, I haven't fucked her yet. Just bring in the beers and don't talk. Give her a sip of one, then lie down in a 69 position next to her and start licking her pussy... She'll start sucking on your dick and from there it'll be heaven... She's pretty high so she'll never know the difference. If you really want to enjoy a good long fuck, shoot a load down her throat while she's sucking you off. Try to time it when she's coming and she won't say anything about you coming in her mouth. She totally loses it when she comes. After you shoot your load, she'll keep sucking your dick until you pull it out of her mouth. She loves to suck dick. Do whatever you want to, but definitely fuck her brains out. She'll be pretty noisy and won't want to stop screwing once she starts. When you're done, tell her you're going to get another beer and come back here... I'll go in and take the second shift."
So Ugo goes in the room, everything goes just like clockwork and he got a fantastic first piece of ass. A few months later Ugo is dating one of Kamsi's friends and returns the favour. It became a kind of pattern and so that now they share all their girlfriends.
I asked if any of the girls ever figured it out... Buchi told me that he thought maybe one did. She seemed to be into the whole idea of being tag teamed. It was almost like a fantasy thing. It turned out that she shared that fantasy with both of them at different times when she was a high. She keep asking how she'd know if they switched places when she was tied up and when they told her, that she wouldn't, it would get her hotter than hell. One night when they were all partying together, things got crazy and she took them both on. It was one of the hottest times they ever had.
"And what about Queen and Kemka... have you done that with them too?" I paused for a moment and then continued... "Of course you did I said... because you saw her shaved pussy!" They smiled wickedly at me.
I looked at them and laughed... "You boys are so bad, you are wicked the both of you."
I sat there for a moment and then asked if they told anyone else about this sharing thing. Buchi said that one night when he was drunk; he made the mistake of telling Amadi a little bit about it. The reason it was a mistake was that the girl they talked about was someone Amadi had just started dating although Buchi didn't know it. When Amadi had asked what he knew about her, he was too loaded to be thinking clearly and he told them how both he and Ugo had banged her. He didn't say anything but seemed pissed for a few weeks afterwards. After that he seemed ok, but the brothers decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to be talking about their adventures with anyone else.
I poured another glass of wine and sat back digesting what they had told me.
"Ok... so who's right about your pussy Betty? We kept our word... now how about you doing the same."
"I don't know, that's kind of an intimate thing to be sharing." I hedged. "I don't know if I should be sharing that with you guys. You might tie me up to see for yourselves."
"Oh come on we've shared secrets with you Betty... We could get hung out to dry if you ever told our girlfriends."
I looked at them and just started laughing. This was getting me so hot, I'm sure that they thought I was just embarrassed.
I laughed and covered my face with my hands... I dropped my hands to my lap and then looked at them for a wordless moment.
Then said... "Ok, ok... I'll tell you." And I shyly laughed again. I think you guys got me loaded so you could take advantage of me. I also think maybe Amadi's been talking a little bit too much.
They both leaned forward anxiously, I looked at Ugo... "You're right, I have a pretty fleshy pussy; the lips are pretty big."
I then covered my face again acting all embarrassed and laughed some more.
"I can't believe I just told you that", don't tell Amadi.
The guys laughed and Ugo said that it must look great, he could just picture it. "Tell us more about it."
I decided to tease them a little bit more.
"Well ok, I'll tell you another secret... when I get excited, the lips get all swollen and my pussy opens up so if I spread my legs you can kind of see up inside me. It's all pink and wet and stuff. I have a kind of big clit and it pops out a little bit. It drives Amadi crazy sometimes when he comes home and I'm lying naked on the bed playing with my pussy waiting for him.
"Come on Betty... You do that for him... the lucky bastard!" Ugo said.
"You've got to put on the bathing suit, You're killing us here, I'm dying to see how it looks on you." Buchi cajoled.
"I don't know; it won't look that great... I told you that I have to shave. I wouldn't want to gross you guys out or anything."
"We already know you don't have much muff hair, so how much can be sticking out". Buchi cajoled.
Ugo continued "Really, We'll be totally honest with you about whether it's hot or not."
"Oh you're such a sweet friend!" I laughed, but then pretended to think for a few moments.
"Ok, I'm a little bit drunk here, but if I show it to you, can you guys really keep it a secret?" I asked.
"Nobody can know about this, especially Amadi, he'd be so pissed if he knew I modelled this thing for you two. He's already wicked jealous about how we joke around."
"It'll be our secret Betty", Buchi said seriously
I looked at them over my wine glass again then gave in to the idea...
"Hmmmm, oh what the hell, Maybe it would be a good idea to get another guys opinion. I've never worn anything this revealing around him. I don't want him to freak when I take off my beach cover. You guys can tell me if it'll be too revealing."
"Absolutely", they both agreed earnestly.
"And if I do decide to try it on for you, you can't tell anyone that I did and that includes Amadi." I'm really serious about this.
"No problem!" they were almost shaking in anticipation. I was getting really hot with the teasing to.
I took a long sip of my wine while they watched me. My belly was all butterflies. I finally put my wine glass down.
"Ok, I'll do it, I'll show you" I demurred.
"Would you get another bottle of wine out of the fridge? I'm going to need something to relax me here."
Buchi jumped up and almost ran for the wine. I walked into my bedroom and closed the door.
The bathing suit I bought was really small. The bottom was just a tiny patch of translucent yellow material that barely covered my pussy. The back was a piece of string that came up between my butt cheeks, totally revealing my ass.
The top was just about as skimpy; the same translucent yellow material just covered my breasts. My nipples were at attention and left nothing to the imagination. They were poking right through the material totally showing off. When this material gets wet, it gets absolutely transparent. I decided the top was too revealing in the situation. I wanted them to feel as they were the ones in control here.
I put a black chemise on and then put a robe on over that. The chemise was very thin silk, not really transparent, but thin and soft. It was thin enough that it moulded to my body and looked like I had just spray painted my upper body a thin coat of black. I put a terrycloth rode on and went back out into the living room.
My wine glass was full and a chilled bottle of wine sitting next to it. The guys each had a fresh beer and each had a shot of what looked like whisky in front of them as well as one next to my glass.
"Whiskey?" I questioned with raised eyebrows.
"To calm the nerves... Buchi explained. I smiled and picked up my shot, we clicked glasses and threw them back. It burned its way down finishing with a nice warm glow down in my belly.
I sat down back in my chair facing them and the web cam. I took a sip of wine to cool my mouth and smiled at them. They were anxious to get this going. I think they sensed that there were possibilities here tonight.
"So how do we do this?" I asked, they both laughed and sat up.
"However you feel most comfortable." Buchi soothed.
"Our secret... right?" I confirmed again with a little smile.
"I can't believe you talked me into this, you are such wicked, wicked boys." I smiled.
I knew my face was flushed, I was excited as hell about what I was about to do. I hope they took it as embarrassment or shyness.
Then I stood back up and slowly untied my robe and removed it.
I stood before them feeling almost naked. They seemed to be mesmerized. Then I lifted the hem of the chemise up until the bathing suit bottom showed. There was only silence.
I snapped my fingers...
"Hello..." I laughed "Anyone home?"
After a moment, Buchi looked at me with a huge smile. "Betty, I'm stunned, you look fucking great!"
"Spin around, let's see how it looks from behind. I danced around and let them check out my ass... I have a great ass if I do say so myself... my best feature I think.
I spun back around and sat back down straddling the ottoman. I reached with a shaking hand for my wine and smiled at the guys.
"So what do you think, too risqué?" I asked
"No... no, not at all" they said almost in unison... "It's sexy as hell and looks great Betty. I don't know what you're worried about. Amadi's going to love that suit." Buchi laughed.
"What's the top look like?" Ugo asked...
I demurred and told them that I decided not to put it on. It was just too revealing.
"So who makes that?" Ugo asked, "I've never seen anything so sexy in my life, I'm going to get one for Kemka, it's incredible, I can't believe how fucking small it is!"
I told them how I found the company on the internet and how impressed I was by the bathing suits. I decided to buy one and surprise Amadi with it... if I could get up the nerve to wear it on a beach somewhere where no one knew me.
I leaned back on the ottoman and spread my legs just a little so that the bottom of the bathing suit was featured.
"See what I mean about shaving I said, it looks terrible." I knew that my pussy was almost visible through the material too. They could definitely see some muted details. The material was so thin that it to look almost spray painted on.
Small light brown tufts of hair sprouted from both sides and top of the suit. I don't have much hair there, but the material was so minimal that it barely contained my pussy, never mind the hair.
Both guys leaned in... "I don't know" Ugo said... "What do you think Buchi?"
Buchi was sharper though, he looked right at my pussy like he was in deep thought and then looked up at me. "You're right, it's not like you have a lot of hair, but you can't really go out on the beach like this. That has to be trimmed and it would look a lot better if you were shaved. This way, looks kind of ummm... I guess maybe ungroomed.
It was so hot to have him staring right at my barely covered secret... and knowing that Amadi was watching his friend check me out. I hoped his boss was there too. I knew that I also must've had a room full of strangers watching this whole drama as it played out on the web cam. I'd never seen anyone do this before, it was like acting on those reality TV shows or something.
I brushed the hair around my pussy with my fingers, I've never had a problem with any of my other bathing suits but this one... there just isn't much to it.
"Yeah... I think you're right on that one Betty." Ugo said. "And after looking at the suit some more, I have to agree with Buchi. I think we'll need to shave you so you can see how much better it'll look... and feel."
"I don't know, I think maybe I've had a little too much wine and you guys have seen too much already. Amadi would will kill me if he ever finds out I showed you this."
"Look it's our secret and we've come this far, let us help you out the rest of the way Betty." Buchi said.
Ugo got up and started walking toward the bathroom.
"Where does Amadi keep his shaving stuff... in the bathroom?"
I didn't resist, I just shook my head yes as he left to go find Amadis shaving gear.
Buchi sat back drinking his beer and talking about how much I was going to love the nice smooth feel of being shaven. I noticed his hand was shaking just a little bit.
"I don't think I should be letting you guys do this to me though." I said kind of running my words together a little bit. I really wanted them to feel as if they were talking me into this.
"I mean we're friends and all, but letting you guys shave my pussy, that seems pretty personal... I don't know."
Buchi leaned forward and with a smile told me not to worry, it was our secret and no one would ever find out.
"Besides we're experts at trimming up pussies, you'll love it, you'll see."
Again I thought about Amadi sitting in some hotel room somewhere, I wonder if his other girlfriend does stuff like this. If only Buchi knew that Amadi was watching the whole thing. I'm sure Amadi was going crazy down in Lagos as he watched his friends talk his girlfriend into getting her pussy shaved. I wondered what he was telling his boss and buddies now, especially since I wasn't taking any calls so he couldn't stop it.
Buchi interrupted my thoughts, "Besides Betty, that material is so thin that between what you told us earlier about your pussy and what I can kind of see, there's no secrets left between us. I can practically see it already and I think it's gorgeous. It's just exactly what I thought it would look like. You should be proud of it."
"Really, you think it's pretty I thought you might think it was gross with the big lips and all" I smiled.
Just about then Ugo came back into the living room with a bowl of hot water, a razor, a couple of towels and Amadi's shaving cup and brush.
He set them down on the floor next to the ottoman and told me to lean back onto the chair. He pushed the ottoman so that it was against the chair.
He reached up and put his fingers under the strings at the side of the bathing suit bottom and started to pull it down over my hips. I lifted my butt off the ottoman and a moment later, I was revealed to the guys. The cold air just added to the excitement of letting them see my pussy up close for the first time.
They had me lift up my hips again and they placed a towel under me to protect the furniture. I was so hot at this point, I don't know if they knew just how far gone I was with this whole thing. I tried to keep it together though. The guys positioned my legs on either side of the ottoman, spreading my wet pussy wide open. My lips were swollen and throbbing. I was already breathing harder even though I tried to disguise it.
The guys were commenting on how pretty my pussy was but my head was buzzing and I barely heard what they were saying. I just lay back with my eyes closed waiting for whatever was going to come next. I wondered again how Amadi was enjoying this show and who was with him watching it. I was sure that his boss had to be watching from somewhere. I hoped he was in the room with him. Amadi had to be going crazy.
I felt warm fingers on my pussy opening me up and then they pulled at a tuft of hair and I heard the snip of scissors as they started to trim my hair away. I opened my eyes and sat up on my elbows to watch. I smiled into the lens of a camera.
Ugo came up with a camera from somewhere, probably from the car when he went to get the shaving stuff. I covered my pussy with my hand before he could take a shot.
"You can take pictures, but not with my face... ok?"
I knew he'd probably try to get some anyway, but I wanted to keep him focused.
He agreed with a big smile. These would make a good addition to his collection.
He was taking pictures while Buchi was trimming my pussy. I just smiled and closed my eyes again to enjoy what the fingers were doing.
I felt the warm bristle of the shaving brush as Buchi started to brush on the lather. He seemed to spend extra time rubbing the brush on my clit. My breath began to catch a little when the brush coaxed my clit out of its hood. I was starting to roll my hips and quietly moan as Buchi continued to tease my clit with the soft brush. I was getting pretty worked up by the time he stopped.
The next thing I felt was the cold steel of Amadi's razor as Buchi started to shave me. He started at the outside edge of hair patch and worked in toward my pussy. He was so delicate with the razor; I didn't feel it pull but could hear as he cut across the stubble. He would take a couple of strokes and then rinse the razor in the warm water and then take a couple more.
When he got close to my lips, he pulled them to the side and got down inside the folds to get all the little hairs. His fingers felt warm and nice as he pulled my pussy lips first one way, then the other as he shaved all the hairs around it. I loved how this felt and wanted him to continue touching me there. He moved to the other side, he was very diligent about getting every last hair. He got down close and inspected his job. His face was only a few inches away as he opened my pussy to make sure he got everything. I knew he could see how wet I was, it had to be obvious. The thick outer lips of my pussy were swollen and open. My inner pussy lips were pouting open too. My pink, wet tunnel totally on display; it was an open invitation... literally.
Then Buchi had me roll over facing the back of the chair, then get up on my knees and push my butt into the air. He got behind me and pushed my knees further apart so that I was again totally exposed. He applied more shaving cream around my back opening. He spread my butt cheeks open revealing my little brown button and started to shave me there. It felt so vulnerable in this position with both guys behind me looking at my open, excited pussy.
When it felt like he had gotten every last hair, he got a towel and wiped me dry and then rubbed some lotion over and around my back opening and pussy. He then got down close again to inspect his handy work. Satisfied, He had me roll back over onto my back and spread my legs wide. Ugo was still taking his pictures of me. I suspected that he was getting my face in these shots too. I didn't stop him though. I do love having my picture taken.
Buchi got down in front of me again. He said he wanted to make sure he had done a good job. He rubbed my pussy and spread my lips wide, I guess to make sure he got everything... or maybe just so he could play with my pussy for a little while. He ran his fingers down to my bum and rubbed around my tightly puckered back opening. It felt really good to have him rubbing me there, I could feel myself responding and that tight, little opening was pulsing.
He took my hand and placed it on my pussy.
"Feel how soft it is now," he said.
I idly rubbed my now smooth pussy, it did feel nice and soft. I smiled up at the guys.
"It feels really nice." I told them.
"I like it, I feel like a little girl again."
"A little girl who's sexy as hell." Ugo blurted out.
They were watching me touch myself. It felt really, really sexy to be doing this in front of them and to have them watching me so intently.
I closed my eyes and continued to slowly rub my pussy for them, it felt absolutely delicious. I opened my legs even further and spread my lips apart forcing my clit out from its little hiding spot. I couldn't resist sliding a finger deep into my pussy. I'm absolutely addicted to showing myself off to strange men. I love the look in their eyes when they see the intimate details of my body.
"I love it! It feels nice and soft." I murmured again. I was breathing hard now.
"It looks nice and soft too", Ugo murmured back. "I love your pussy; you're getting me all fucking crazy watching you do that."
"Ugo, want to see how it feels, you can check it out if you want to. You won't believe how soft it is now."
He put the camera down and squatted down between my open legs and ran his hand over my pussy. I bit my bottom lip as he explored me. He cupped it and slipped a thick finger deep into me. I moaned out loud and squeezed his finger as I tightened myself up.
"Oh man... you are fucking tight" he hissed.
I gently began to move against his hand almost against my will.
He stood up abruptly, "I'd better stop or I'm not going to be able control myself."
I was beyond gone now, I needed some relief. I reached down and gently rubbed my clit. I was so worked up that I was on the verge of coming. Through half closed eyes, I could see the guys touching themselves through their pants.
The guys seemed mesmerized and I don't even think they were aware of what they were doing.
This was all too much. I felt the first rush of the oncoming orgasm. I sucked in a deep choking breath and arched my back as the first intense waves hit me. The guys watched as I went over the edge and loudly came. I tossed my head from side to side while I continued to lightly rub my pussy as the orgasm blazed through my body. It was all just too hot for me. This whole revenge thing really got to me.
Finally, the intense waves began to subside and then it was over. I relaxed to catch my breath and calm down a bit. I was still putting on hell of a show though with my legs still wide, my pussy open and glistening in the aftermath of my orgasm. I was biting my bottom lip, still so hot from what I had just done in front of these guys.
I felt hands lifting me up into a sitting position. I opened my eyes as Ugo lifted my chemise up and over my head.
"You looked like you were a little hot there Betty. I think this will be more comfortable."
I lay back down again now totally naked and closed my eyes, lights were still flashing in my head. I felt a light touch on my pussy. I opened my eyes and saw Buchi kneeling between my outstretched legs. He looked up at me as he slid his finger along my wet opening. I bit my lip and held my breath as he parted my lips and then slowly slid his finger in. I didn't resist, in fact I raised my hips up slightly as he buried first one knuckle and then a second deep into my soft, wet folds.
Ugo was just watching now, I think he forgot all about his camera. When I didn't offer any resistance, Buchi started to slowly finger fuck me. I arched my back and began to roll my head in pleasure as he turned his hand this way and that. I could hear the wet, sucking sounds as played with my pussy. He slipped his finger out and moved to down and rubbed it around my bum. As I would pulse and then relax, he timed it and when I relaxed he'd try to push his finger in. Again, I didn't resist or say anything, I tried to relax and let him slide his finger into my bum. Finally, he gently got the tip of his finger to slide in.
He slowly slid that finger deep into my bum and then slid his thumb into my pussy. He looked up at me and I moaned out my pleasure as he played with my tender, secret places. I was almost panting. I was biting my bottom lip as he intimately explored me.
"Do you like this, does it feel good?" He asked.
"Mmmmmmmm Yes!" I moaned in a shaky voice.
"It makes you hot knowing that Ugo is watching me do this to you doesn't it?"
"You like showing off don't you?"
I shook my head in agreement. He was really working my tender pussy now.
"Ummmm, I moaned "I like it..."
"I don't know how this happened, but it's so hot."
"I never did that for a guy before." I moaned
"I can't believe that the two of you are seeing me like this. I never expected this to happen. I think I'm kind of out of control, I've never been with 2 men at the same time before."
I hissed in a breath and moaned it back out again when Buchi rubbed his finger against my hard clit.
"We saw you with Amadi the other night" Buchi smiled.
I cried out as Buchi gently rolled my clit between his thumb and finger.
I opened my eyes lazily and looked at Buchi... "When?" I moaned.
"When he fucked you on the couch in the living room, we watched it all." Buchi explained.
"Oh my god," I moaned... "You saw that?"
"Yeah... you are too fucking hot for words Betty. We almost broke the door down for our turn."
Ugo laughed.
I was quiet for a little while, my eyes closed just enjoying what Buchi was doing.
I was so horny now, I opened my eyes and looked at Buchi, "So since you guys didn't break down the door then, are you planning to take turns with me tonight instead?"
Buchi looked back at me quietly for a few seconds... "Do you want us too?"
He gently rolled my clit again and it rocked my head back. I arched my hips into what Buchi was doing to me.
I collected myself again and opened my eyes. Buchi was still looking at me, waiting for an answer.
I licked my lips and then shook my head yes.
"Beatrice, I like this new you, you're so fucking hot."
Ugo moved up close to me. "Amadi did share one other thing with us though, Betty."
I turned my head to look at him, now so turned on that I couldn't stand it. They knew that I was going to let them fuck me and it was all in their court now. Both guys had tents in their pants, it was only a matter of time now.
"He told us that you gave the best blowjobs in the world, he said you loved sucking cock."
He unbuckled and then unzipped his jeans. He pushed them down, he wasn't wearing any underwear and out popped his hard dick. "Would you show me, I'd love a blowjob from you Betty?"
He rubbed the head of dick against the side of my face. I reached up and took it in my hand and stroked him a few times. I could see the precum on the end of his dick. His dick was twitching.
I smiled into the camera, I'd been careful on how I positioned myself. My audience was watching Buchi finger me as I was getting ready to blow Ugo. I could only imagine how pissed Amadi had to be right now. I guessed probably a combination of pissed and aroused and that would be even worse in his cheating mind.
With that sweet thought of revenge and images of pornos I'd seen, I pulled Ugo closer and wrapped my lips around the head of his dick. I began to suck him off. After a little while, I felt a hand on my head gently turning me in the opposite direction. I released Ugo's dick and turned my head and there was Buchi's dick. I sucked it into my mouth and switched to jerking off Ugo. Someone was still fingering my pussy, other hands were on my sensitive breasts, pulling and twisting my hard nipples. This was totally crazy now.
I was so hot. I was on a kind of plateau of erotic sensations. I guess it's a kind of zone that I get into sometimes. I totally give up any semblance of control and just go with the situation, totally into the sensations coursing through my body. For me, it's like a trap door that gets sprung. Once I get to a certain point, I don't think about what's right or wrong any longer. I just get caught up in the sex. I think that's one reason I find group situations so wild. I love being with more than one man, I find it so hot. I don't get all uptight about what anyone is thinking, actually that's not entirely true; part of the thrill is being bad. I just try to be careful who I do these things with. I don't want to get sick or have word get back to my friends about this side of my personality. I guess I'm kind of a closet slut. I loved having my pussy violated, I love being forced to suck dick, the more the better. I loved that these guys were taking control and making me do what they wanted.
I kept trading back from dick to dick. Both guys were kneeling on either side of me and I only had to turn my head to swap dicks. We were all high on the sex. I felt Ugo's dick swelling and could see his balls start to tighten up. I knew he was getting close, I just held onto Buchi's dick. I didn't want him to come in my hand. He was rubbing against the side of my face when Ugo moaned that he was going to come. I stroked his dick faster encouraging him with my tongue. Suddenly he groaned and I tasted his first hot blasts on my tongue as he moaned out his pleasure and pumped his dick in my mouth. I sucked on it until he was drained and then I turned to take on Buchi.
I had just started to really focus on Buchi's cock when I felt a warm tongue drag across my tender pussy lips. I moaned and pushed my pussy onto that tongue rotating my hips. Ugo's hands grabbed my hips and attacked my swollen folds. It was so intense.
I was crying out my pleasure as I continued to blow Buchi. I was a wild woman now, bobbing my head on the hard dick in my mouth, enjoying the feel of it on my soft lips.
Buchi started to pump his dick into my mouth; he was on the edge of losing control now to. He was moaning as he held his hands at the back of my head. He didn't say anything to warn me, he just pumped his slick dick into my wet, warm mouth until he lost it and came. His thick, salty come sprayed against the back of my mouth and down my throat. I continued to suck as he shot blast after thick blast into my hungry mouth. I drank it all loving the taste of him.
I drained him and still wanted more. I sucked him until he pulled it out of my mouth. I lay back moaning and crying as Ugo was driving me to another orgasm. I sat up holding his head and then sprawled back writhing on the bed. Ugo held my lower body firm as I tried to roll onto one side and then the other. I was totally lost to the feel of that tongue on my tender flesh. I get so totally out of control when I'm having my pussy eaten. I've rolled right out of bed before because of my writhing and contortions. Ugo was doing a phenomenal job of it too.
Part of the thrill was knowing I had an audience of perhaps a 100 guys watching this all go down. As I lay there coming down from latest orgasm, Buchi went for something to drink, but Ugo climbed on top of me and slowly slid his dick into me. I arched my back in pleasure as I took him deep into my body. I wrapped my legs around his back. He leaned down and he slowly and sensuously began to make love to me.
He whispered in my ear how he wanted me forever and has fantasized about this very moment. He slides his dick out, all the way out so that it's not even touching me. Then he slowly moved it forward and just slides back into me, all the way into me. I moan as he hits bottom. He pulls it almost all the way out again and this time hammers it back in again. I cry out at the force of his dick. It feels really good and I tell him. Now knowing that I like it hard, he really starts to fuck me hard. I was rolling my butt all over the bed, forcing different angles of attack and he stayed with me.
"Tell me how my dick feels in your pussy," he whispers in my ear.
I knew what he wanted and told him that he was huge, I loved it... and he was and I did.
"Damn Betty" he breathed heavily, "you are so fucking tight, I don't want to stop."
You don't have to I moaned back, you can come inside me."
His voice was coming in gasps now and he wasn't slowing down, if anything he was doing it even harder.
I was becoming breathless myself. I was getting royally screwed and loved it. I looked to the side, I never heard him come back, but Buchi was sitting in a chair watching us. Just seeing him there watching was all it took, I didn't break eye contact with him. I moaned that I going to come. He moved even faster and it happened. As the orgasm rolled through me, Ugo slowed down and just seemed to enjoy the feeling of my pussy squeezing his dick.
"Oh my god, you are so fucking incredible" he whispered into my ear as I was in the throes of my orgasm. "I'm going to come too!"
All of a sudden he pulled out and shot his load all over my belly. When he finished shooting his load, he slid back into me for another minute or so, moaning the whole time.
I lay back and closed my eyes as he slowly pulled out of me. My belly was wiped clean and a moment later, I felt another dick slid into me and I looked up into Buchi's eyes.
"My turn" he whispered.
I smiled up at him, but there was a different twinkle in his eyes as he slowly started to make love to me.
There's no other word for how he did it. Slow and sensuous he moved inside of me enjoying how I felt and telling me. I did the same, telling him to go a little faster or putting my hands on his chest to slow him down totally controlling the pace and getting just what I wanted.
It felt like we were making love for a long time, when he rolled us over, getting me on top. I began to slowly ride him. He put his arms up behind his head making a kind of pillow and watched me move over him.
"Lean back" he whispered, "let me see what I look like inside of you."
I did as he asked, showing him my pussy stretched around his dick as it slowly slid in and then out again. I continued to slowly slide on his stiff rod as he watched. My pussy lips stretching trying to hold onto his dick as I slid off it, then reversing as I sat back down.
Then he pulled me back to him. He kissed my face and then my neck and finally, he worked his way down to my breasts and began to suck on my nipples.
"Feed me your breasts" he moaned. I did as he asked cupping my breasts and offering him my nipple as if he were a nursing child. He sucked on it just as hungrily.
We started to make love more passionately. Then he pulled me up and started kissing my face. He put his arms around me and moved to my ears, nibbling on one earlobe then the other.
Then I felt something warm and insistent at my back entrance. I started to resist but Buchi held me firmly and whispered in my ear how hot I was and how good this was going to feel. He told me to relax and I did.
Ugo rubbed some oil of something on my rear entrance. I felt his position his dick there. I moaned and bit my bottom lip waiting for what was coming next. He slowly, but insistently pushed and my body slowly yielded to him. He inched his slick dick into my butt. They were both inside me now. I tightened up for a moment once he was in me and then relaxed again as he buried himself into my ass. He slowly started to fuck me while Buchi just lay there and watched my face contort in pleasure.
I bit his neck and sucked and started to move in time to Ugo. The harder I bit Buchi's neck the more he moaned, it was getting him off big time. It felt so outrageous to have these two dicks inside me at the same time. I felt totally stretched and full.
Then I felt something new, a vibrator was up against my clit. Ugo had found my vibrator and was using it on me. It was all too much, I started to roll from one side to the other, They held me tightly between them and I began to talk dirty to them, really dirty. I'd never done that before with anyone else, but this had me too far gone. I told them how much I loved what they were doing to me, how much I was looking forward to feeling their big dicks in my little pussy and virgin ass. How I didn't think I'd be able to handle 2 guys at the same time. I told them how much I loved it when they made me suck their dicks, how good their come tasted and how I wanted more.
They were just as much into it, they were whispering in my ear about how they had loved checking out my nipples when I wore loose shirts. Buchi told me how he'd spent an afternoon checking out my pussy when I had worn a sun dress with no underwear. I didn't even know he had seen it. It just continued on and on. I can't even write clearly about it, but it was so hot to hear them telling me how hot I was and how long they had wanted me. I loved it.
I was on a kind of plateau of extreme pleasure but not going over the top. I don't know how long that lasted. It could've been a minute or an hour. It seemed they had been fucking me long time when I finally felt major orgasm building. I was moaning and hyperventilating. I was getting lightheaded, but I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop. I was at the edge and on the verge of passing out. Then it hit... hard. When I came, I went bockos, shivering and shaking as the waves hit me with the force of a gunshot. It was too much for the guys, Buchi came and a moment later Ugo did too. I could feel the hot seed flowing into me as they emptied themselves.
We lay in a spoon position all together like that for a long time after we all came, both guys still buried in my soft warm body.
Finally I told them that I need to use the bathroom and get something to drink. Ugo pulled his spent member from my backside and I rolled off of Buchi, he was still semi-hard.
I got up on shakey legs and stumbled into the bathroom. I decided to take a nice hot shower while I was in there. When I came back out in a robe, both guys were still sitting there still naked.
Ugo asked if he could take a quick shower and I told him yes. I sat down and Buchi asked me to take off the robe. I just looked at him with a smile.
"Didn't you get enough tonight you naughty boy." I teased.
"I don't know, but I don't think so... not yet" he replied honestly.
"I just want to sit here with you naked for awhile. I have a feeling this may never happen again and you're too beautiful to not want to admire for a while longer."
I looked at him for a few moments, then stood up, removed the robe and sensuously curled back up in my chair. We talked for awhile. I could hear the shower running in the background.
Buchi told me he'd love another blowjob while we were waiting for Ugo. I smiled and told him to come on over. I had him sit up on the back of the chair and I kneeled down in front of him on the cushions and took him into my mouth. I had my ass in the air a little bit showing my bruised, swollen pussy to the web cam on the deck behind me.
I got Buchi hot really fast. I was kind of amazed that he was up for another session so quickly.
I wanted him to come pretty fast, I was getting tired and was worried that if Ugo came out, he'd want me to blow him too and the whole thing would start over. If it did, I wouldn't be able to stop it or maybe want to stop it.
I worked on the little spot just underneath the head of the dick. I stroked his dick at the same time. I could tell his breathing was getting faster and faster and his dick was twitching. He was right there and then I heard the water shut off in the shower. I engulfed his dick and sucked as I bobbed and twisted my head. I heard him gasp and felt the head of his dick swell, then he came again for the last time that night.
When he was finished, I kissed him on the cheek and asked him to get dressed. I put on my robe. I explained that I was pretty tired and just wanted to go to sleep.
He smiled and pulled on his pants. "Why don't you just pretend to be sleeping and Ugo and I'll leave."
"Betty?", I looked up at him with sleepy eyes... "I don't know why this happened, but thank you, I'll never forget it."
"I like it, I feel like a little girl again."
"A little girl who's sexy as hell." Ugo blurted out.
They were watching me touch myself. It felt really, really sexy to be doing this in front of them and to have them watching me so intently.
I closed my eyes and continued to slowly rub my pussy for them, it felt absolutely delicious. I opened my legs even further and spread my lips apart forcing my clit out from its little hiding spot. I couldn't resist sliding a finger deep into my pussy. I'm absolutely addicted to showing myself off to strange men. I love the look in their eyes when they see the intimate details of my body.
"I love it! It feels nice and soft." I murmured again. I was breathing hard now.
"It looks nice and soft too", Ugo murmured back. "I love your pussy; you're getting me all fucking crazy watching you do that."
"Ugo, want to see how it feels, you can check it out if you want to. You won't believe how soft it is now."
He put the camera down and squatted down between my open legs and ran his hand over my pussy. I bit my bottom lip as he explored me. He cupped it and slipped a thick finger deep into me. I moaned out loud and squeezed his finger as I tightened myself up.
"Oh man... you are fucking tight" he hissed.
I gently began to move against his hand almost against my will.
He stood up abruptly, "I'd better stop or I'm not going to be able control myself."
I was beyond gone now, I needed some relief. I reached down and gently rubbed my clit. I was so worked up that I was on the verge of coming. Through half closed eyes, I could see the guys touching themselves through their pants.
The guys seemed mesmerized and I don't even think they were aware of what they were doing.
This was all too much. I felt the first rush of the oncoming orgasm. I sucked in a deep choking breath and arched my back as the first intense waves hit me. The guys watched as I went over the edge and loudly came. I tossed my head from side to side while I continued to lightly rub my pussy as the orgasm blazed through my body. It was all just too hot for me. This whole revenge thing really got to me.
Finally, the intense waves began to subside and then it was over. I relaxed to catch my breath and calm down a bit. I was still putting on hell of a show though with my legs still wide, my pussy open and glistening in the aftermath of my orgasm. I was biting my bottom lip, still so hot from what I had just done in front of these guys.
I felt hands lifting me up into a sitting position. I opened my eyes as Ugo lifted my chemise up and over my head.
"You looked like you were a little hot there Betty. I think this will be more comfortable."
I lay back down again now totally naked and closed my eyes, lights were still flashing in my head. I felt a light touch on my pussy. I opened my eyes and saw Buchi kneeling between my outstretched legs. He looked up at me as he slid his finger along my wet opening. I bit my lip and held my breath as he parted my lips and then slowly slid his finger in. I didn't resist, in fact I raised my hips up slightly as he buried first one knuckle and then a second deep into my soft, wet folds.
Ugo was just watching now, I think he forgot all about his camera. When I didn't offer any resistance, Buchi started to slowly finger fuck me. I arched my back and began to roll my head in pleasure as he turned his hand this way and that. I could hear the wet, sucking sounds as played with my pussy. He slipped his finger out and moved to down and rubbed it around my bum. As I would pulse and then relax, he timed it and when I relaxed he'd try to push his finger in. Again, I didn't resist or say anything, I tried to relax and let him slide his finger into my bum. Finally, he gently got the tip of his finger to slide in.
He slowly slid that finger deep into my bum and then slid his thumb into my pussy. He looked up at me and I moaned out my pleasure as he played with my tender, secret places. I was almost panting. I was biting my bottom lip as he intimately explored me.
"Do you like this, does it feel good?" He asked.
"Mmmmmmmm Yes!" I moaned in a shaky voice.
"It makes you hot knowing that Ugo is watching me do this to you doesn't it?"
"You like showing off don't you?"
I shook my head in agreement. He was really working my tender pussy now.
"Ummmm, I moaned "I like it..."
"I don't know how this happened, but it's so hot."
"I never did that for a guy before." I moaned
"I can't believe that the two of you are seeing me like this. I never expected this to happen. I think I'm kind of out of control, I've never been with 2 men at the same time before."
I hissed in a breath and moaned it back out again when Buchi rubbed his finger against my hard clit.
"We saw you with Amadi the other night" Buchi smiled.
I cried out as Buchi gently rolled my clit between his thumb and finger.
I opened my eyes lazily and looked at Buchi... "When?" I moaned.
"When he fucked you on the couch in the living room, we watched it all." Buchi explained.
"Oh my god," I moaned... "You saw that?"
"Yeah... you are too fucking hot for words Betty. We almost broke the door down for our turn."
Ugo laughed.
I was quiet for a little while, my eyes closed just enjoying what Buchi was doing.
I was so horny now, I opened my eyes and looked at Buchi, "So since you guys didn't break down the door then, are you planning to take turns with me tonight instead?"
Buchi looked back at me quietly for a few seconds... "Do you want us too?"
He gently rolled my clit again and it rocked my head back. I arched my hips into what Buchi was doing to me.
I collected myself again and opened my eyes. Buchi was still looking at me, waiting for an answer.
I licked my lips and then shook my head yes.
"Beatrice, I like this new you, you're so fucking hot."
Ugo moved up close to me. "Amadi did share one other thing with us though, Betty."
I turned my head to look at him, now so turned on that I couldn't stand it. They knew that I was going to let them fuck me and it was all in their court now. Both guys had tents in their pants, it was only a matter of time now.
"He told us that you gave the best blowjobs in the world, he said you loved sucking cock."
He unbuckled and then unzipped his jeans. He pushed them down, he wasn't wearing any underwear and out popped his hard dick. "Would you show me, I'd love a blowjob from you Betty?"
He rubbed the head of dick against the side of my face. I reached up and took it in my hand and stroked him a few times. I could see the precum on the end of his dick. His dick was twitching.
I smiled into the camera, I'd been careful on how I positioned myself. My audience was watching Buchi finger me as I was getting ready to blow Ugo. I could only imagine how pissed Amadi had to be right now. I guessed probably a combination of pissed and aroused and that would be even worse in his cheating mind.
With that sweet thought of revenge and images of pornos I'd seen, I pulled Ugo closer and wrapped my lips around the head of his dick. I began to suck him off. After a little while, I felt a hand on my head gently turning me in the opposite direction. I released Ugo's dick and turned my head and there was Buchi's dick. I sucked it into my mouth and switched to jerking off Ugo. Someone was still fingering my pussy, other hands were on my sensitive breasts, pulling and twisting my hard nipples. This was totally crazy now.
I was so hot. I was on a kind of plateau of erotic sensations. I guess it's a kind of zone that I get into sometimes. I totally give up any semblance of control and just go with the situation, totally into the sensations coursing through my body. For me, it's like a trap door that gets sprung. Once I get to a certain point, I don't think about what's right or wrong any longer. I just get caught up in the sex. I think that's one reason I find group situations so wild. I love being with more than one man, I find it so hot. I don't get all uptight about what anyone is thinking, actually that's not entirely true; part of the thrill is being bad. I just try to be careful who I do these things with. I don't want to get sick or have word get back to my friends about this side of my personality. I guess I'm kind of a closet slut. I loved having my pussy violated, I love being forced to suck dick, the more the better. I loved that these guys were taking control and making me do what they wanted.
I kept trading back from dick to dick. Both guys were kneeling on either side of me and I only had to turn my head to swap dicks. We were all high on the sex. I felt Ugo's dick swelling and could see his balls start to tighten up. I knew he was getting close, I just held onto Buchi's dick. I didn't want him to come in my hand. He was rubbing against the side of my face when Ugo moaned that he was going to come. I stroked his dick faster encouraging him with my tongue. Suddenly he groaned and I tasted his first hot blasts on my tongue as he moaned out his pleasure and pumped his dick in my mouth. I sucked on it until he was drained and then I turned to take on Buchi.
I had just started to really focus on Buchi's cock when I felt a warm tongue drag across my tender pussy lips. I moaned and pushed my pussy onto that tongue rotating my hips. Ugo's hands grabbed my hips and attacked my swollen folds. It was so intense.
I was crying out my pleasure as I continued to blow Buchi. I was a wild woman now, bobbing my head on the hard dick in my mouth, enjoying the feel of it on my soft lips.
Buchi started to pump his dick into my mouth; he was on the edge of losing control now to. He was moaning as he held his hands at the back of my head. He didn't say anything to warn me, he just pumped his slick dick into my wet, warm mouth until he lost it and came. His thick, salty come sprayed against the back of my mouth and down my throat. I continued to suck as he shot blast after thick blast into my hungry mouth. I drank it all loving the taste of him.
I drained him and still wanted more. I sucked him until he pulled it out of my mouth. I lay back moaning and crying as Ugo was driving me to another orgasm. I sat up holding his head and then sprawled back writhing on the bed. Ugo held my lower body firm as I tried to roll onto one side and then the other. I was totally lost to the feel of that tongue on my tender flesh. I get so totally out of control when I'm having my pussy eaten. I've rolled right out of bed before because of my writhing and contortions. Ugo was doing a phenomenal job of it too.
Part of the thrill was knowing I had an audience of perhaps a 100 guys watching this all go down. As I lay there coming down from latest orgasm, Buchi went for something to drink, but Ugo climbed on top of me and slowly slid his dick into me. I arched my back in pleasure as I took him deep into my body. I wrapped my legs around his back. He leaned down and he slowly and sensuously began to make love to me.
He whispered in my ear how he wanted me forever and has fantasized about this very moment. He slides his dick out, all the way out so that it's not even touching me. Then he slowly moved it forward and just slides back into me, all the way into me. I moan as he hits bottom. He pulls it almost all the way out again and this time hammers it back in again. I cry out at the force of his dick. It feels really good and I tell him. Now knowing that I like it hard, he really starts to fuck me hard. I was rolling my butt all over the bed, forcing different angles of attack and he stayed with me.
"Tell me how my dick feels in your pussy," he whispers in my ear.
I knew what he wanted and told him that he was huge, I loved it... and he was and I did.
"Damn Betty" he breathed heavily, "you are so fucking tight, I don't want to stop."
You don't have to I moaned back, you can come inside me."
His voice was coming in gasps now and he wasn't slowing down, if anything he was doing it even harder.
I was becoming breathless myself. I was getting royally screwed and loved it. I looked to the side, I never heard him come back, but Buchi was sitting in a chair watching us. Just seeing him there watching was all it took, I didn't break eye contact with him. I moaned that I going to come. He moved even faster and it happened. As the orgasm rolled through me, Ugo slowed down and just seemed to enjoy the feeling of my pussy squeezing his dick.
"Oh my god, you are so fucking incredible" he whispered into my ear as I was in the throes of my orgasm. "I'm going to come too!"
All of a sudden he pulled out and shot his load all over my belly. When he finished shooting his load, he slid back into me for another minute or so, moaning the whole time.
I lay back and closed my eyes as he slowly pulled out of me. My belly was wiped clean and a moment later, I felt another dick slid into me and I looked up into Buchi's eyes.
"My turn" he whispered.
I smiled up at him, but there was a different twinkle in his eyes as he slowly started to make love to me.
There's no other word for how he did it. Slow and sensuous he moved inside of me enjoying how I felt and telling me. I did the same, telling him to go a little faster or putting my hands on his chest to slow him down totally controlling the pace and getting just what I wanted.
It felt like we were making love for a long time, when he rolled us over, getting me on top. I began to slowly ride him. He put his arms up behind his head making a kind of pillow and watched me move over him.
"Lean back" he whispered, "let me see what I look like inside of you."
I did as he asked, showing him my pussy stretched around his dick as it slowly slid in and then out again. I continued to slowly slide on his stiff rod as he watched. My pussy lips stretching trying to hold onto his dick as I slid off it, then reversing as I sat back down.
Then he pulled me back to him. He kissed my face and then my neck and finally, he worked his way down to my breasts and began to suck on my nipples.
"Feed me your breasts" he moaned. I did as he asked cupping my breasts and offering him my nipple as if he were a nursing child. He sucked on it just as hungrily.
We started to make love more passionately. Then he pulled me up and started kissing my face. He put his arms around me and moved to my ears, nibbling on one earlobe then the other.
Then I felt something warm and insistent at my back entrance. I started to resist but Buchi held me firmly and whispered in my ear how hot I was and how good this was going to feel. He told me to relax and I did.
Ugo rubbed some oil of something on my rear entrance. I felt his position his dick there. I moaned and bit my bottom lip waiting for what was coming next. He slowly, but insistently pushed and my body slowly yielded to him. He inched his slick dick into my butt. They were both inside me now. I tightened up for a moment once he was in me and then relaxed again as he buried himself into my ass. He slowly started to fuck me while Buchi just lay there and watched my face contort in pleasure.
I bit his neck and sucked and started to move in time to Ugo. The harder I bit Buchi's neck the more he moaned, it was getting him off big time. It felt so outrageous to have these two dicks inside me at the same time. I felt totally stretched and full.
Then I felt something new, a vibrator was up against my clit. Ugo had found my vibrator and was using it on me. It was all too much, I started to roll from one side to the other, They held me tightly between them and I began to talk dirty to them, really dirty. I'd never done that before with anyone else, but this had me too far gone. I told them how much I loved what they were doing to me, how much I was looking forward to feeling their big dicks in my little pussy and virgin ass. How I didn't think I'd be able to handle 2 guys at the same time. I told them how much I loved it when they made me suck their dicks, how good their come tasted and how I wanted more.
They were just as much into it, they were whispering in my ear about how they had loved checking out my nipples when I wore loose shirts. Buchi told me how he'd spent an afternoon checking out my pussy when I had worn a sun dress with no underwear. I didn't even know he had seen it. It just continued on and on. I can't even write clearly about it, but it was so hot to hear them telling me how hot I was and how long they had wanted me. I loved it.
I was on a kind of plateau of extreme pleasure but not going over the top. I don't know how long that lasted. It could've been a minute or an hour. It seemed they had been fucking me long time when I finally felt major orgasm building. I was moaning and hyperventilating. I was getting lightheaded, but I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop. I was at the edge and on the verge of passing out. Then it hit... hard. When I came, I went bockos, shivering and shaking as the waves hit me with the force of a gunshot. It was too much for the guys, Buchi came and a moment later Ugo did too. I could feel the hot seed flowing into me as they emptied themselves.
We lay in a spoon position all together like that for a long time after we all came, both guys still buried in my soft warm body.
Finally I told them that I need to use the bathroom and get something to drink. Ugo pulled his spent member from my backside and I rolled off of Buchi, he was still semi-hard.
I got up on shakey legs and stumbled into the bathroom. I decided to take a nice hot shower while I was in there. When I came back out in a robe, both guys were still sitting there still naked.
Ugo asked if he could take a quick shower and I told him yes. I sat down and Buchi asked me to take off the robe. I just looked at him with a smile.
"Didn't you get enough tonight you naughty boy." I teased.
"I don't know, but I don't think so... not yet" he replied honestly.
"I just want to sit here with you naked for awhile. I have a feeling this may never happen again and you're too beautiful to not want to admire for a while longer."
I looked at him for a few moments, then stood up, removed the robe and sensuously curled back up in my chair. We talked for awhile. I could hear the shower running in the background.
Buchi told me he'd love another blowjob while we were waiting for Ugo. I smiled and told him to come on over. I had him sit up on the back of the chair and I kneeled down in front of him on the cushions and took him into my mouth. I had my ass in the air a little bit showing my bruised, swollen pussy to the web cam on the deck behind me.
I got Buchi hot really fast. I was kind of amazed that he was up for another session so quickly.
I wanted him to come pretty fast, I was getting tired and was worried that if Ugo came out, he'd want me to blow him too and the whole thing would start over. If it did, I wouldn't be able to stop it or maybe want to stop it.
I worked on the little spot just underneath the head of the dick. I stroked his dick at the same time. I could tell his breathing was getting faster and faster and his dick was twitching. He was right there and then I heard the water shut off in the shower. I engulfed his dick and sucked as I bobbed and twisted my head. I heard him gasp and felt the head of his dick swell, then he came again for the last time that night.
When he was finished, I kissed him on the cheek and asked him to get dressed. I put on my robe. I explained that I was pretty tired and just wanted to go to sleep.
He smiled and pulled on his pants. "Why don't you just pretend to be sleeping and Ugo and I'll leave."
"Betty?", I looked up at him with sleepy eyes... "I don't know why this happened, but thank you, I'll never forget it."
Me either I smiled. I curled up in the chair and closed
my eyes.Ugo came into the room a minute later.
Ugo told Buchi that they should wake me up and have another session, but Buchi told him that I was worn out, maybe some other time and they left.
Well as you might expect, that was it for Amadi and me. When I had found the email his boss had sent him, I printed a couple copies. I took one of these and wrote the following note on the bottom of it:
Don't call me...
Don't send me letters...
Don't come to my House!
Maybe you can get your girlfriend in Aba to screw your boss for you!
It's really too bad that it had to end this way Amadi. We could've had a lot of fun together!
I super glued it to his computer screen and left.
Ugo told Buchi that they should wake me up and have another session, but Buchi told him that I was worn out, maybe some other time and they left.
Well as you might expect, that was it for Amadi and me. When I had found the email his boss had sent him, I printed a couple copies. I took one of these and wrote the following note on the bottom of it:
Don't call me...
Don't send me letters...
Don't come to my House!
Maybe you can get your girlfriend in Aba to screw your boss for you!
It's really too bad that it had to end this way Amadi. We could've had a lot of fun together!
I super glued it to his computer screen and left.
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Friday, 23 May 2014
Best Friends Discovers the Other Side
![]() | |
This story is a work of
fiction. All of the characters and events are fictional. All characters
portrayed in this story are over eighteen years of age. This story portrays
graphic and consensual lesbian sex. If you are in an area where reading this is
illegal or you are offended by any of this then stop reading now.
I climbed the steps to Kemi's house with some trepidation. Which was
ridiculous, when you think about it. Why should I be nervous? I've been up and
down these stairs a thousand times. Kemi and I have been best friends since
junior secondary school. Better than best friends; more like sisters. In fact,
some of the girls on our secondary school basketball team used to call us
'twins from different parents’.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Slutty World Episode 1
I'd been through a few boyfriends since Lotanna (my ex boyfriend), no one serious and certainly no one who could get my motor running like he did. From the beginning, he had an innate sense of what an exhibitionist I was and used it to the max. It played right along with his voyeuristic tendencies. Between the two of us, things kind of got out of control at times.
The problem I found was that no one really understood
that part of my makeup and consequently no sparks were flying. Of course I
couldn't come out and tell them either. I didn't have to do that with Lotanna,
he somehow just got it. If you pay attention, I don't think it's that hard to
figure out. The other thing is that it's outside the box. It's not what you
find in a standard relationship.
Monday, 19 May 2014
He Got What He Wanted
I had just
gotten done with football practice and I was exhausted. It was a strenuous
workout, and I was looking forward to getting a good night sleep. My teammate
Igwe dropped me off at the front of our compound. I could barely step out of
his dodge pickup truck I was so sore. We had lost two games in a row, so our
coaches were pissed off and made us run like crazy. I told Igwe goodbye and
limped up our short compound.
I walked up
the stairs of the front yard and entered through the front door. I had dry
sweat and dirt all over my body, so I was planning to head straight to the
shower. That's when I heard some voices from the kitchen. I became curious
because my dad was out of town and I figured my mom was alone.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Punishing Young Joy
This story is a work of fiction.
All of the characters and events are fictional. All characters portrayed in
this story are over eighteen years of age. This story portrays graphic and
consensual lesbian sex. If you are in an area where reading this is illegal or
you are offended by any of this then stop reading now.
I am sitting at my desk, going over some paperwork when I hear a soft
knock on the door. I sigh loudly; its only the beginning of the day and I
really don't want to handle whatever it is that might be on the other side of
the door. But I'm the principal of a rather large High school and sometimes,
well it just comes with the territory.
Sunday, 11 May 2014
TALESBYNIGHTFALL IS A YEAR OLD! would be a year old on the 15/5/2014. We sincerely appreciate all your love and support. As a symbol of our love for you we are giving out a free ebook titled Betty's Gift. Note that this is a highly erotic eBook, with lots of vivid description of sex and Xrated pictures. You must be 21 years old or above to be eligible to view and download this free erotic eBook. Thank you.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
The Good Girl
Odinaka watched the time tick by, the gag in her mouth was making her drool. She couldn't wait until the ice finally melted and she would be able to get at the key, unlock herself and masturbate to orgasm. After her last boyfriend she started getting into some kinkier stuff after reading online about it, and although she didn't have anyone to try any of it with her, she found that self-bondage was almost as much fun. Right now, her roommate was out for the evening and so she had the time to handcuff herself with the key in a block of ice, and then as soon as it had melted, she would play with herself. At the moment there were vibrators stuffed into her ass and her pussy, but they were on low... she was leaking pussy juices as she waited for her release and the great orgasm would that would follow.
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Friday, 2 May 2014
A Second Chance
It had been 5 years since I graduated from secondary school,
and that long since I had been back to my old hometown. A lot had changed in
those years. The town was bigger with new buildings everywhere. I had changed a
great deal also. When I graduated I had been 5'7" and 55kg. The only thing
that got me noticed in school was my singing voice. For such a skinny guy I had
been blessed with a rich baritone voice. But that was nowhere near enough to
get me in with the "in crowd". Off I went to the university and had a
late growth spurt. By the time I finished growing I was 6'1" 80kg. I had
also discovered Basketball. By the time I graduated I had lettered and been
voted team captain. That did do a lot for my popularity.
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