He smiled and enjoyed yet another sip of wine. His erection, almost constant throughout dinner, was screaming for attention but there was still a ways to go... His own fantasy was recycling in his mind, this time Amaka is sitting on the table and pulling her black lace panties to the side - but the feel of her breath on his cheek informed him that real pleasures were to be enjoyed.
And she moved in for a kiss. A kiss coupled with her hand running across his stomach and dangerously near the very sensitive bulge in his pants. Her lips seemed perfectly timed with each movement of her arm and it took only seconds for his boxers to announce the first arrival of pre cum.
He raised his arm and touched her face. "Nice kiss, Darling... very nice..."
He kissed her again. He was intoxicated and found it difficult to break the trance – so difficult that he found himself secretly stroking her breast with this knuckles.
She leaned into his touch and soon found that she fit perfectly into his hand.
He lifted her breast with his palm. His thumb vainly searched for her nipple but the fabric of her bra stood guard against his advances. She felt dynamic and very, very real. This woman had every good reason to be proud of her body.
He released his touch and separated his lips from hers. His mind searched for something to say.
"How's your dinner, Gorgeous?"
"You really need to try this fish. I've never had anything like it!" And she prepared a fork full for him to sample. He did and found that it was incredible. In his mind he tried to describe the texture of the fish with the taste of a sauce that had to be almost all butter...
"I need to eat that off your tummy."
She giggled, and he offered her a taste of his filet.
The conversation turned to food. They critiqued each course and shared memories of great meals in the past. It didn't take long for the treasures on both plates to disappear and inevitably the topic soon turned to desert.
The waitress arrived to check on the couple and Amaka requested a desert menu. Once glance and her decision was made. "I'd love a crème brulee."
"Excellent choice! And you, sir?"
"Make that two!"
The waitress scribbled the order and snapped her folder shut. Again, she vanished with a smile and a quick gait.
"Can I open the next card now?" She said with just a hint of hesitation in her voice.
Buchi handed her the next card then turned his attention to his wine. He heard her rip the paper and remove the contents. He listened to her breath as she read the note...
"Can I have what's in your pocket, please?"
He grinned. She didn't hesitate at all.
Without a word, his left hand disappeared into the inside pocket of his suit. When it reappeared, she saw that he was holding a very small pink cloth bag.
She took it from him and said, "Thank you! You'll need to let me out..."
Once he exited the booth, he extended his hand and helped her do the same. Standing there, face to face, he kissed her quickly on the lips.
"I'll be right back, Babe..."
She turned and piloted her body down the aisle. Aware of the eyes upon her, she put on a show by selecting a gait that flattered the sway of her ass and the bounce of her hair and breasts. Little was left to the imagination since her blue dress telegraphed most every move her body made. He found himself staring at her until she turned the corner. As he took his seat, he noticed that half the room had enjoyed the same performance. An elderly gentleman in the adjoining booth caught his eye and gave him an approving wink. As he slid back into his seat, he acknowledged the wink with a very proud smile.
Desert was served while she was away so he didn't notice her return. Suddenly, a small pink bag was dropped on the table and Amaka announced that she was back. The pink bag, now bulging, sat immediately behind his desert. He smiled his approval and exited the booth to allow Amaka to return to her seat.
"Did you think I wouldn't do it?" she said with an impish look on her face.
"I really had no clue!"
She slid back into her seat an immediately he leaned over and whispered, "Show me..."
She sunk back into her seat and every so coyly raised the hem of her dress over her knees, up her thighs and then suspended it a few inches above her skin. He flexed his neck to see her treasure.
His eyes caught the bare hint of reflected light off of a very well groomed and moist pussy.
"Outstanding, Darling."
As if on instinct, his left hand found its' way between her bare legs and slowly headed toward her shadow. He turned his head back towards the dining room as if his hand had a mind of its' own.
His fingertips felt the wet heat and he paused to enjoy the sensation. Amaka dropped the dress over his hand and placed hers deep into the seat cushion. She then lifted herself just enough to offer more of herself to him.
Reaching with his left arm was becoming awkward but he moved closer... her tiny moans signaled that he was getting closer... He touched her, almost exactly on her clit, and she pursed her lips to muffle a soft cry.
He wanted more than he could reach. He returned his gaze toward her, removed his left hand and immediately replaced it with his right. As soon as his fingers became drenched, he inserted two inside her and watched as her chest heaved and her eyes closed. With only seconds to play, he ran his fingertips over her g spot and tickled her clit with his thumb. Her legs widened even more and the muscles in her arms strained to lift her ass off the seat...
He felt her wetness escape from around his fingers as her thighs squeezed his hand.
"Oh God..." She finally uttered.
That was his cue to stop. His fingers fell silent and very gingerly he removed his hand from her body. The sex covering him was painted on her thighs and knees. He imagined the wet spot now on the backside of her dress...
Each finger was licked and he offered some to her. She played her tongue over his digits and raised her eyebrows ever so seductively.
"What if our waitress asks about the bag, she's headed toward our table?"
"We'll just tell her that it's the remains of some special gift wrapping!"
Desert was served and they both immediately tore into their perfectly glazed delights. The sexual tension was put on simmer, if even for only a few minutes, by talking more about food, deserts and other guilty indulgences...
Halfway through desert, he took the second to last card from the stack and handed it to her.
"Almost done..."
She licked her spoon and lazily placed it alongside her dish. Only then did she take the envelope from his hand.
"I guess if I asked you if you had any more surprises in your pockets you still wouldn't tell me..."
He shook his head in agreement.
She opened the envelope and read the three simple words only once. The card was placed by her side and she eagerly moved in closer for a kiss. She arched her neck, slightly parted her lips and closed her eyes. He met her lips with his and felt her left arm circle his waist. They kissed and she hugged him. His hand caressed her cheek as tongues began to dance.
She drew his tongue into her mouth, deep, just as he felt her hand migrate away from his waist and search for the bulge in his pants. He pleased her by not toying with him... she found him hard, wet and eager for attention. Her palm was placed on the head of his draped cock and her fingers tightened around his shaft. He moaned into her mouth as she pressed him against his stomach and began to rub circles around his obvious excitement.
She released his tongue then his cock. As a small reward, he fed her a bite of crème brulee. The couple took turns feeding each other and soon every spoonful was consumed and every piece of fruit enjoyed. More wine was swallowed and little was said verbally... thoughts were exchanged by other means.
The trance of the moment was broken by him. "Remember the rule?"
She took the remaining card and looked at the hand drawn heart on the front of the envelope. In very small print she read the instructions prior to opening the card. She took his hand and returned it between her legs. She pushed him tight against her. She was even more wet than before... if that could be possible. After wiggling her hips and legs, she removed his hand.
"Point your finger..." She said firmly.
He did and they both noticed the shimmer of wetness covering his digit... and several others. She covered his hand in hers and gingerly guided it toward the card. Carefully, she traced an outline of sex over the heart on the paper.
"What does it say?"
He shook his head. The answer would only come from reading what he had written.
Her artwork completed, she patted the envelope against her palm. His mind was racing now. Was she contemplating the consequences of opening the card or was she simply toying with him. All the alcohol in the world couldn't have kept him from feeling his heart beat out of his chest.
His mental debate was broken by the swift tear of the paper.
He stared at her. He wanted to see her reaction. He followed her eyes as they flickered from one word to the next. She read the note twice, he could tell from her eyes darting across the paper, and her face began to turn just the slightest shade of pink.
She raised her eyes over the lip of the paper then across the dining room. The card was returned to its' original spot on the table.
The waiter, the silent witness to the entire night's proceedings, had returned to her perch which allowed her to observe the couple all evening without being noticed. Her concentration was broken only by the arrival of her assistant.
"Where's the woman at table 19? She's been gone for a while and I didn't see her in the bathroom."
"She's still around... Just give the gentleman a bit of privacy and check with me before returning to his table."
"Did she bolt on him? I find that hard to believe since they were joined at the hip all night."
"No..." She said as she watched a black stiletto make a brief appearance from underneath the full length cloth at table 19. The position of the heel and the expression on the man's face left little to the imagination. "The Gentleman at 19 is in good hands. His tablemate is around somewhere... paying attention to something very important I would guess..."
She released his tongue then his cock. As a small reward, he fed her a bite of crème brulee. The couple took turns feeding each other and soon every spoonful was consumed and every piece of fruit enjoyed. More wine was swallowed and little was said verbally... thoughts were exchanged by other means.
The trance of the moment was broken by him. "Remember the rule?"
She took the remaining card and looked at the hand drawn heart on the front of the envelope. In very small print she read the instructions prior to opening the card. She took his hand and returned it between her legs. She pushed him tight against her. She was even more wet than before... if that could be possible. After wiggling her hips and legs, she removed his hand.
"Point your finger..." She said firmly.
He did and they both noticed the shimmer of wetness covering his digit... and several others. She covered his hand in hers and gingerly guided it toward the card. Carefully, she traced an outline of sex over the heart on the paper.
"What does it say?"
He shook his head. The answer would only come from reading what he had written.
Her artwork completed, she patted the envelope against her palm. His mind was racing now. Was she contemplating the consequences of opening the card or was she simply toying with him. All the alcohol in the world couldn't have kept him from feeling his heart beat out of his chest.
His mental debate was broken by the swift tear of the paper.
He stared at her. He wanted to see her reaction. He followed her eyes as they flickered from one word to the next. She read the note twice, he could tell from her eyes darting across the paper, and her face began to turn just the slightest shade of pink.
She raised her eyes over the lip of the paper then across the dining room. The card was returned to its' original spot on the table.
The waiter, the silent witness to the entire night's proceedings, had returned to her perch which allowed her to observe the couple all evening without being noticed. Her concentration was broken only by the arrival of her assistant.
"Where's the woman at table 19? She's been gone for a while and I didn't see her in the bathroom."
"She's still around... Just give the gentleman a bit of privacy and check with me before returning to his table."
"Did she bolt on him? I find that hard to believe since they were joined at the hip all night."
"No..." She said as she watched a black stiletto make a brief appearance from underneath the full length cloth at table 19. The position of the heel and the expression on the man's face left little to the imagination. "The Gentleman at 19 is in good hands. His tablemate is around somewhere... paying attention to something very important I would guess..."
The end
You might want to try this the next time you are out on a date. You will just be surprised at the result. Shalom

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