Thursday, 24 October 2013

Tinuke My Love Episode 2

Later that week, I was running on a treadmill next to Tinuke. We met at the gym three days a week. I only went because she made me but I wasn't overweight by any means. If anything, I was skinny. But Tinuke insisted that I build some muscle so she began to drag me along every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

I struggled to keep up with her, but Tinuke was relentless on the machine. She thrived on physical activities, claimed that they gave her a rush. I stared sideways at her flawless Amazon body, watched as her muscles moved with every stride, and glanced at her perfect breasts bouncing playfully.

I lost control of own body and tripped over my feet, flew face first into the running pad and my tooth punctured my bottom lip. Tinuke was off of her machine and scooped me up within seconds. Blood dripped down my chin and stained my white shirt.

"Shit, Yemi! What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm sorry!" I cried, on the verge of tears. I was more embarrassed than in pain.

Tinuke huffed. "Don't be sorry, you dummy. Come on." Her strong arms pulled me to my feet and led me toward the change rooms. She sat me down on a bench inside one of the large stalls and closed the door.

"Okay," my friend said and grabbed the small towel from around her neck to pat my bleeding face.

"We need to stop the blood. You took a good gash out."

"How do I do that?" I mumbled through the towel.

"Well, saliva is the best way, it clots the blood. Suck on your lip."

"No way!' I cried. "I hate blood, it'll make me sick."

Tinuke stood straight and put her hands on her hips. She stared at me thoughtfully for a minute before squatting down so her face was level with mine. Then she removed the towel, I felt a gush of blood come out immediately.

"Then, I'll do it."

Before I could say no, Tinuke's mouth was around mine, her tongue resting on my beaten lip. I looked into her eyes as she stared back at mine, neither of us knowing what to say or do. It was an awkward moment for me, but only because it seemed normal and...right.

After a few minutes, Tinuke pulled away slowly, not breaking eye contact. Her comforting hands rubbed my arms and then she reached up to tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Better?" she asked. I just nodded and sucked on my own lip, scared that it would bleed again, scared of what I might have said to her.

We left the gym in silence and drove home together. It wasn't until we pulled into the front of  Tinuke's house that either of us spoke.

"That was weird wasn't it?" she asked me.

I shrugged and tried to pretend like I didn't know what she meant.

"Come on, Yemi," she said. "You know what I mean."

"Oh, when you stopped my lip from bleeding?" I gave myself away with flushed cheeks.

"Yeah, that." She sighed and stole a glance toward my house.

"Don't feel weird about it, okay? I know you probably have different feelings about it than I do."

I shook my head in confusion. Tinuke wrapped her fingers around my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I just want you to know that it wasn't weird for me," she insisted.

"Having my lips on yours is something I have been thinking about it for a long time."

I gasped in shock. I had no idea my best friend felt that way, I didn't know how to process it. And, for once, I knew she wasn't being sarcastic.

"It's better if you don't say anything," she told me.

"You are probably freaking out inside. I just-I just had to tell you how I felt."

I nodded and squeezed her hand back before stepping out and going home. My mind was buzzing when I entered my house. My keys and bags echoed loudly in the silence as I dropped them on the floor but I paid no attention, my mind was louder at the moment. I had to lie down, so I headed up stairs to bed for a while.

I let my thoughts wander as I curled up on my bed. Tinuke, my best friend, had feelings for me. Why did she never tell me? How could she act so normal around me? It would explain her dislike of my boyfriend. But, then again, it wasn't hard to dislike Bidemi.

A few hours went by when I suddenly heard the front door open. Bidemi must have come home. I realized that at some point I had cried a little so I quickly wiped my face to hide the evidence.

Bidemi stomped up the stairs and into our bedroom. I felt him plop down on the bed next to me as he slid his giant arm around my waist. He reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

"Hey baby," he mumbled. His hand found its way up my shirt and began to squeeze my breasts in an almost painful way.

"Bidemi," I said meekly and pushed his hand away.

"Please, don't, not now."

"Not now?" he bellowed and grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to turn to him. "You can't say no to me!"

"Ye-yes I can, Bidemi," I nervously replied. I was terrified of him whenever he had been drinking. But this made him even angrier. His big arms and stalky legs pinned me to the bed. I tried to get free but failed. It only hurt me more when I struggled.

"You stupid goat," I spat at me.

"I don't know why I keep you around." Then, one of his legs slipped in between mine and spread them wide, letting his erection press against me as he grinned.

"Oh yeah, that's why."

Using one hand to hold both of mine above my head, he reached down and ripped my thin exercise shorts off, scrapping and burning my skin when he did. I let out a howl of pain and he slapped my face.

"Shut up!" he ordered.

I let the tears fall down my cheeks but stifled my cries. How could I let him do this to me? Why couldn't I have been strong enough to fight him off? Then, I realized, I was. Working out at the gym with Tinuke the past couple of months have really built up my strength. I suddenly recalled the one self-defence class we took and raised my knee to his groin with a force that surprised us both. Bidemi curled up in pain and fell to my side. This was my only chance. I flew off of the bed and ran downstairs, out the door, and to Tinuke's house.

She opened the door within seconds, took one quick look at me and yanked me inside. I could only imagine the state I must have looked with my bruised face, torn shorts and trembling hands.

"Yemi, are you alright? What happened?"

"Ha-Bidemi," I muttered.

"He...tried to..." I couldn't even say the words. But, I didn't need to. Tinuke understood.

She held me close, rubbing my back and telling me it was all going to be alright. But Bidemi was pounding on the door only moments later.

"I know she's in there!"

"Yes, she is!" Tinuke yelled back. "And she's staying in here!"

"Let me in or I'll bust down your door!"

Tinuke looked to me, kissed my forehead and motioned for me to back up. When I did, she reached into her jacket hanging on her rack and pulled out a small hand gun being a security agent I was shocked but my eyes bulged in my head, I hated Bidemi but I didn't want her to shoot him! But Tinuke shook her head and gave me a look that said 'don't worry'.

She unlocked the door and flung it open, aiming the pistol right at Bidemi. His angry face changed to shocked and panicked in two seconds.

"Get the hell off of my house before I shoot you down right here, asshole."

Bidemi held up both hands and backed away from my crazed friend, shooting me one last look of anger before turning and running back to our house.

Tinuke slammed the door shut and ran to me, still holding the gun. I could feel the hard shape of it on my back.

"You are not going back to that house, you know that, right?" Tinuke said with finality.

"I know," I whispered.

"Thank you."

I pulled away from her embrace to look at her. She smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, just like she did at the gym.

"I think we need to talk," my friend suggested with a nervous voice.

Today, Tinuke confessed to having feelings for me and she saved my life. I didn't want her to be nervous or worried. The truth was that I felt for her too. She made me feel happy and safe, and I don't think I was really ever jealous of her in any way. I just admired her. But how could I convince her?

The answer was obvious to me right there in the moment. I leaned in and touched my lips to hers. At first, she jolted back, but then realized what I was doing. Soon, Tinuke's soft lips were on mine, moving with a desperate and passionate desire.

"I love you," I told her through kisses and quick breaths. "I think I always have."

Tinuke just kissed me harder and faster as she guided us toward the kitchen. Her hands effortlessly removed my shirt while my shaky nervous ones fidgeted with the buttons on hers. She grinned and yanked it over her head, just as anxious as I was.

She reached back and removed her bra, so I copied her and took mine off too. It was exhilarating! Just the thought of what I was doing made me panic, but in a good way. Tinuke's breasts were beautiful, perfectly round and looked as if they didn't even need the support of a bra. A dainty brown nipple topped each one like a cherry on a sundae.

"Wait," she said suddenly. "Are you just doing this because you are upset over Bidemi?"

I didn't even need to think about it.

"Nuke, I'm standing in your kitchen, naked."

She grinned wide and pressed her body against me, her firm breasts felt nice squished to mine. I reached up and rubbed her already erect nipples. Her body was the total opposite of Bidemi’s; soft and tender skin, a hairless body, and warm and supple lips that were fun to kiss.

"Good point," she replied and reached down to brush aside the crotch of my panties. Without breaking my eye contact, she slid her long fingers between the lips of my vagina and spread them wide. Her fingers played around the outside before entering me. I let out a quiet gasp and smiled.

"Wow, you are so wet," she said in surprise and kissed me, her tasty tongue toyed with mine.

Tinuke grinded her body against me while she thumbed my clit, making it impossible for me to keep quiet. "That's it," she said hastily, grabbed me by the hips and hoisted me up onto the counter. She took each one of my legs, spread them as wide as they could go and then dipped her head to my pussy. The sensation of her wet and warm tongue licking and sucking and pumping my vagina made my entire body convulse.

Instinctively, I wanted to close my legs, the pleasure was almost too much to handle, but Tinuke's hands held a firm grip on my thighs.

"Oh-oh, Nuke," I moaned. "I-I'm going to cum..."

My stomach clenched and I felt the rush of my climax send me spinning. My pussy dripped with juices and Tinuke gladly kept going, making me cum again and again. I had to hold the cabinet doors next to my head to keep myself from vibrating right off of the counter.

Soon, Tinuke showed mercy and raised her head to mine. I kissed her lips which were covered in my cum, the salty sweetness tasted good in my mouth.

"I have dreamed of that for years." She panted heavily and kept kissing me.

"Why didn't you ever say anything to me?" I asked.

"Because, you are not into women," she said and shrugged.

"I just thought it would never be an option."

"Nuke," I said and held her face in my hands.

"I don't have to be into women to love you. You are the one person who has always been there for me."

She looked like she were about to cry but shook it off. The Tinuke I knew was too tough for crying.

"So, where do we go from here?" she asked figuratively.

I grinned and pressed my forehead to hers.

"I think the bedroom might be a good place."

My best friend, and now my lover, scooped me down from the counter and led me away, to a better life where love and friendship were one.
The End


  1. Nothing makes me horny and hard as two women making out, Nice piece dear, keep it up

  2. Its taking too long for U to post other interesting mouth watering stories ooo. Kilode?

  3. Dis is my fav piece.

  4. Pain, lust and passion... Pretty piece keep it up


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