Chineye Emeronye watched from her living room window as the new family moved in across the street from her home. She watched as an average couple, probably in their mid forties carried luggages, while the moving men carried all of the heavier items in. The couple had one son who just pulled up in a large pick up truck, and the kid had a shirt on with the print of a university .
He was heavy young man, maybe thirty or forty pounds over weight, yet he had boyishly handsome features in his chubby face. He began to unload the back of his truck, obviously filled with his own personal belongings.
The family across the street is the Oluwole's, Adesina and Yemisi had been childhood sweethearts and have been married for more than twenty years. They only had one child, the heavy young man named Kola, who is starting his freshman year in the local community University.
Adesina has a job with a large company and they gave him an opportunity to come to a new area to open a new manufacturing plant. Yemisi has a green thumb and once settled in was going to look for work in the local plant nursery or a flower shop. Kola is planning on majoring in business and his father hoped he would follow in his footsteps someday.
Several hours later Chineye returned with a basket and several items she could put in it, along with decorations to make it looks pretty. She worked on it after the kids were to bed and was going to deliver it to the new family tomorrow morning.
She waited until around eleven the next morning, dressed her kids nicely, carried the basket over to her new neighbors. Chineye let Tommy her son Tommy ring the doorbell, Kola came and answered the door, the young man ushered her inside the house after she introduced herself.
"Mom, Dad!" He yelled aloud. "A neighbor lady is here."
"Hello there." Said the very cheery Yemisi. "I'm Mrs. Yemisi Oluwole and this is my husband Mr. Adesina and our son Kola."
"Hello I'm Chineye Emeronye and these our my two little ones, my daughter Amanda and my son Tommy." She said. "We live across the street."
"Nice to meet you Ms." Said Adesina taking the basket from her. "Take this to kitchen Kola."
"Please you must stay for some brunch, I went out and picked up some really nice breads and doughnuts from that bakery down the street." Yemisi asked.
As they sat around the kitchen table getting to know each other, the kids played on the floor with some old toys of Kola's that his mother kept for such occasions. Chineye found she really liked this new family and she found Kola to be very charming for a young man.
"You know Chineye if you need anything done around the house, my boy is quite handy. He can mow your lawn or move heavy things around, he may be a little on the chunky side, but he is strong as an ox." Said Adesina much to his sons embarrassment as his cheeks flushed.
"Thank you, next weekend the kids have to go to their father's, it would be a good opportunity for me to get some things done around the house." She explained.
"It would work out well for us as well. We have to go back to our old hometown to finish up some business." Said Yemisi. "That way Kola will have someone he knows nearby."
The week went by really quick, Kola's parents left for the weekend and Chineye's kids went to their fathers'. Chineye came over to the Oluwole's to see if Kola would be interested in going out to dinner with her. Kola eagerly accepted the offer and went upstairs to get ready, Chineye was surprised to see him in a nice dress shirt and some pants. I guess he thought he needed to dress nicely, as Chineye was still dressed in her office attire.
She took him to a nice Italian restaurant and they were able to get a table in a nice quiet corner. Chineye ordered and then Kola ordered a light meal, Chineye thought he was trying to impress her by either not eating a lot of food or maybe he figured he had to keep it cheap.
Kola hung onto every word; he heard Chineye speaks, from her telling him all of the cool things to do in the area to how great the University was. Kola all through high school never had a girlfriend or let alone a date, and this was a new experience for him. He was amazed that A thirty five-year-olds, mothers of two was so eager to spend time with him.
Chineye was enjoying herself, she has not had a date since the divorce, nor had she had any offers, she figured men were either hung up by her having two kids, that she had not lost as much weight as she wanted too since Tommy was born.
"Kola would you like to come over to my house and watch a movie with me?" She asked him while giving the waitress her credit card to pay the check.
"Sure that sounds great Ms. Emeronye." He answered.
"Please Kola you can call me Chineye." She said.
"Okay." He replied with a smile.
The two of them went back to Chineye's house, Kola made himself at home while Chineye went out to the kitchen and brought back a bottle of wine, some cheese and two glasses. Kola being only eighteen was surprised that this woman he had only known for a week was going to give him wine.
"Would like a glass of wine?" She asked. "I won't tell your parents if you don't."
"That would be very nice Chineye." He answered standing up to take the tray from her and setting it down on the table.
They found a comedy to watch on one of the pay per view channels, yet they did very little watching of the movie. They talked about anything and everything that came to mind, Kola learned about Chineye's failed marriage and realized they had a lot in common. Mostly the two of them lacked in the area of self confidence, yet he thought it to be amazing in Chineye's case.
What he saw sitting on the couch was an attractive lady, he loved her green eyes, her short curly brown hair, even though she was dressed conservatively he thought she had a nice body as well. Chineye thought of the young man sitting next to her almost the same way, she saw a kid lacking confidence, yet was a good listener, she thought he is a handsome boy waiting to blossom into a man once he gained the confidence he needed.
Before they both knew it the time was two in the morning, Kola fell asleep on the couch, so Chineye took a duvet that she kept on the back of the couch and laid it over him. She got up turned the lights and t.v. off, then she went off to bed.
The next morning Kola was awoken by the sound of an exercise machine coming from the next room. Chineye had gotten up, put on her workout outfit, went down to ride five miles on her exercise bike. It was a two-piece black spandex outfit, the top was sleeveless and did not cover her mid riffs. The pants were like tight bicycle pants, it gave Kola a better idea of what her body looked like.
He legs were shapely with just a slight hint of extra fat on them, her ass looked to be well rounded in the shorts. Kola could tell from pictures on the wall from her younger days she used to have nice well-tanned legs and an ass to die for. Her breasts were what he would call perky, probably a 32c or maybe a 34b. He felt a twinge in his loins, and he could see her large erect nipples straining against the fabric. He watched for a few more moments and then he entered the other room.
"Oh you're up." She said as she stopped pedaling.
"Yes, but don't worry you did not wake me." He added.
"Well let get cleaned up, changed into my yard work clothes and I'll make us some breakfast." She said to wipe the sweat from her brow with a towel.
"Sounds good let me run home and do the same." He said.
"Well when you are done, don't bother knocking, just let yourself in." She said to dismount the bike.
Once back home Kola stripped off his clothes and got in the shower, he washed up and as he did he pictured Chineye in his mind. Before he knew it, his hand was vigorously working his cock and soon he was shooting his cum all over the shower wall.
Meanwhile at the same time Chineye was gently massaging her breasts, tweaking her already erect nipples, one hand slowly caressing its way down her stomach to her moistening pussy. She frigged herself to an orgasm, thinking of how nice it would be to have a young lover eager to please her.
Kola finally came back to the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen, and he liked what he saw standing next to the stove. Chineye stood in front of the stove, her hair still wet from the shower, no makeup on, a tight tank top and a tight pair of cotton shorts. Kola had also come back over dressed to work around her house, he had a pair of shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt. When Chineye turned around to ask him how he wanted his eggs she saw how large his arms were. They had a little fat on them, yet there was a lot of muscle as well, his father was right about him being as strong as an ox.
"How do you like your eggs?" She asked.
"However you are making yours." He replied. "I have no preference."
"Okay over easy it is." She said turning back to crack the eggs into the waiting bowl.
She divided the food up between two plates and they both sat down at the table to eat, she told him she wanted him to mow the lawn and then weed wacks around the house. She was going to work on weeding her flower beds and then the two of them were going clean out the garage.
The two of them finished eating and Chineye led him out to the garage showed him the mower and the weed whacker, she also showed him the gas can. He got the mower started with one pull and went toward the large backyard to begin mowing it. Chineye went to the front of the house and began to pull weeds from her flower beds.
About an hour later Kola had finished the backyard and did all the weed wacking as well, he was now ready for the front. When he came out front Chineye was on all fours pulling weeds, her shorts had crept up her ass, giving a really good view of her backside. Kola could feel his cock starting to stir in his shorts, then to save embarrassment he restarted the mower and began to mow the front. Chineye quickly got the weeds in a pile and then threw them into a garbage bag, while Kola mowed the front, she went and got a couple of iced teas for them.
They sat on the front porch for a while so they could drink the cool tea, then it was off to the garage. Chineye wanted several different piles, first pile was stuff her ex left behind, the next were stuff for good will, the next were stuff she wanted to keep, the last was for stuff she wanted him to put in the upstairs storage of the garage. Kola found out this was a small cramped area, yet if he neatly rearranged it, all of the stuff Chineye wanted to store would fit.
They were sorting for several hours when the sky began to cloud up with storm clouds, Kola was hoping she would quicken her pace of what she wanted and where. Then finally she had everything sorted out, they swept the garage out and then it started to pour. The two of them hurried back en forth carrying things and putting them away.
The two of them were getting drenched as the rain water pelted them again and again every time they journeyed out of the garage. Finally the last of the items was in and put away, so the two of them made a mad dash for Chineye's house. They ran up onto the porch quickly, both of them breathing hard and excitedly. Instead of opening the door and going in, the two of them stood panting really hard, looking at the growing passion in each other eyes.
Suddenly a flash of lightning and the sound of thunder, caused Chineye to jump into his big strong arms. She could feel his strength as his arms wrapped around her, for the first time in a long time she felt safe and wanted. Kola looked down at her face and could see her lips were trembling as she shivered in the rain. Then without warning he leaned down and kissed her on the lips, at first it was soft and tender. When another flash of lightning and a clap of thunder the kiss erupted into something more passionate as the rain continued to fall.
Kola had never kissed a woman before and he moaned aloud when he felt Chineye's tongue push inside his mouth. He held her tight with one arm and his other began to rub up and down her side, he could feel her reach up and wrap her arms around his neck. Then he reached up for the doorknob, turning it to let them in, she literally jumped up into his arms as they made it inside soaking wet.
The two of them continued kissing into the kitchen, Chineye's legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Kola held her against a wall and she pulled her top off, he kissed her neck and the soft globes of her breasts. Then she unhooked it, and she pulled his hot face down to hard erect nipples, beckoning him to suck them. His animal instincts took over as he alternated between both of her breasts licking and sucking her nipples, making her moan aloud.
"Take me upstairs and make love to me." She whispered into his ear.
Without saying anything he set her down onto both of her feet, at first she was disappointed, but then overjoyed when he swept his arm under the back of her knees. He carried upstairs and she pointed to the room that was her bedroom.
He laid her gently down on her bed and then he stood up to pull his wet shirt off, he hoped she would not be turned off. Chineye was not turned off, she looked up at him with lust in her eyes, she wanted this big strong young man to make love to her. She pulled her shorts and her panties off, Kola gasped when he saw pubic hair, it was neatly trimmed and shaped. Now it was going to be Chineye's turn to gasp, Kola pulled his shorts down to reveal the large erection he sported.
The young man had a very nice cock bobbing up and down in front of him, she thought to herself if the girls in his school knew about this he would have had a girlfriend or two during high school. She sat back up on the bed and pulled him close to her, she now had his cock face level with her as she reached up with both hands. She then leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock, then she ran her tongue up and down it. Kola trembled at the newfound sensation he was experiencing, Chineye thought back to her only previous lover who was an average six inches when hard, she guessed Kola to be around nine inches, maybe ten, and it was thick too.
She took the head of it into her mouth and then she slowly sucked in a few more inches, Kola placed a hand gently on the back of her head. She knew what he wanted and she began to suck his cock at a steady pace. After a few minutes of this she wanted the young man to fuck her wet pussy now. So she laid back down on the bed taking him by the hand and pulling him down with her. Suddenly he shuddered and she could feel hot sprays of his thick young cum hit on the leg and belly. She grabbed some tissue and cleaned it off of her, but Kola started to sob as he sat on the edge of the bed.
"What's wrong?" She asked crawling over to him.
"I came already and I did not, please you. I was just so excited to make love to a beautiful woman." He said to fight back a tear.
She reached up and gently cupped his face in her hands, then she gave him a kiss on the mouth, she wanted him to feel reassured.
"Kola, let's just kiss for a little bit, I assure you will still get to make love." She said softly. "Do you really think I'm beautiful?"
"Oh yes, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He said as she pulled him back down on the bed.
The two of them kissed passionately, with Kola taking every opportunity to explore her body with his hands. At first they trembled, then as he became more confident and learned to read what her body seemed to respond to, a miracle happened. Kola's cock was now as hard as steel, Chineye felt this and she instinctively spread her legs. The young man got between them and guided his cock into the wet warmth of her pussy.
At first he could only get the first few inched into her, Chineye told him to be patient and take it slow. It had been a while since she has done it and she had never had a man who was endowed as he is. Finally her pussy accommodates his entire cock, her legs locked around his waist, he started to pump slow gentle thrusts into her. He loved to hear the soft moans of pleasure coming from her as he alternated his kisses from her mouth, to her neck, then to her breasts.
Soon she had her first orgasm and now she was ready for more, she dug her nails into his back, and told he to fuck her harder now. Kola increased the speed of his thrusts, pounding his very young cock in and out of her.
"OH, OH, oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck me baby, oh god you are so big, fuck me, make me cum again." Chineye moaned aloud.
Kola continued to fuck her until she had a few more orgasms, then she got him to roll over onto his back. She climbed on top of him, she bounced up and down while he fondled her tits and ass. She reached down and rubbed her clit, then she had another orgasm, suddenly Kola reached down and roughly grabbed her ass. Soon he was pushing her ass up and down as he started to a piston his cock in and out of her pussy.
"Oh fuck, oh my fucking god, fuck me, fuck me hard." She screamed.
"AGGGGHH, FUCK!" He yelled as spurt after spurt of his hot cum filled her vagina.
Chineye collapsed on top of him, the two of them laid together for several long moments, then he held her as they both fell asleep. They did not sleep all through the night, but Kola woke her up three more times, the last time around four in the morning. She thought that one was the best, it was just a long slow hour long fuck, that left her in an orgasmic bliss as she fell back to sleep into his strong arms.
To be continued... u've succeeded in making me wet in the office.
ReplyDeleteGlad to give u that effect honey.
Delete@sweety, theres nuffin wrong with that, this stories make me wanna cum, I actually have a few times.....
DeleteI stumbled on your blog and I've been hooked since then. This is another classic, the story line is so real that I can visualize it happening. Well done. Now who will satiate the fire you have raised in my organ??
ReplyDeleteYou get me so aroused with your hot sexy stories. Now, l need some sexual healing....My pussy is sooo wet & creamy.
ReplyDelete@innobetty you just activated my 12 inc instrument its so inflated that it feels like exploding i need to empty this content into some love hole @queen of blowjobs i could heal you you know @sweety the two of us are in same predicament so why don't we sort ourselves out winks***