dropped her keys on the counter and began leafing through the stack of mail
waiting for her after work. Amongst the usual bills and junk mail, she did see
one envelope that looked interesting. It had a return address of her old secondary
"What's this?" she thought dropping everything except for the letter, beginning to open it. She read: "Tenth Anniversary Reunion".
"God. Has it been ten years already?" she asked herself. Along with the usual information, she saw the date was less than a month away. She considered it briefly, deciding. She wanted to go. Now it was just a matter of convincing Ademola that it was something she really wanted to do.
Kemi had dinner well under way when Ademola arrived home himself. Pausing at the same spot Kemi had stood in earlier, he quickly pawed through the mail.
"Anything interesting?"
"No, not really. But there was a letter from my old secondary school," she said nonchalantly.
"Oh? What did they want?"
Kemi told him about the reunion coming up, as well as the date. She'd already checked her day planner and knew they had nothing planned for that weekend.
"Come on Ademola. I really want to go," she told him. "I had a lot of friends, many of which I haven't seen in years now."
"Can't you go by yourself?" he asked, still trying to beg himself off.
"No! What's the point in going alone? Everyone would wonder where the hell my husband was."
"Oh...I'm sure there'll be a few other's there without their spouses." Ademola stated, still trying to distance himself away from going.
"I'll think about it."
They barely spoke through dinner, then sat watching TV for a few hours before it was once again time for bed. Kemi had gone up a few minutes earlier to get ready while Ademola finished watching the news. Eventually he followed. Kemi was already in bed waiting for him when he got there. Once Ademola had undressed, he pulled back the covers to slip in to bed. As he did, he noticed Kemi was naked.
"What's this?" she thought dropping everything except for the letter, beginning to open it. She read: "Tenth Anniversary Reunion".

"God. Has it been ten years already?" she asked herself. Along with the usual information, she saw the date was less than a month away. She considered it briefly, deciding. She wanted to go. Now it was just a matter of convincing Ademola that it was something she really wanted to do.
Kemi had dinner well under way when Ademola arrived home himself. Pausing at the same spot Kemi had stood in earlier, he quickly pawed through the mail.
"Anything interesting?"
"No, not really. But there was a letter from my old secondary school," she said nonchalantly.
"Oh? What did they want?"
Kemi told him about the reunion coming up, as well as the date. She'd already checked her day planner and knew they had nothing planned for that weekend.
"Come on Ademola. I really want to go," she told him. "I had a lot of friends, many of which I haven't seen in years now."
"Can't you go by yourself?" he asked, still trying to beg himself off.
"No! What's the point in going alone? Everyone would wonder where the hell my husband was."
"Oh...I'm sure there'll be a few other's there without their spouses." Ademola stated, still trying to distance himself away from going.
"I'll think about it."
They barely spoke through dinner, then sat watching TV for a few hours before it was once again time for bed. Kemi had gone up a few minutes earlier to get ready while Ademola finished watching the news. Eventually he followed. Kemi was already in bed waiting for him when he got there. Once Ademola had undressed, he pulled back the covers to slip in to bed. As he did, he noticed Kemi was naked.
"Want to fool around?" she asked.
Ademola grinned. "Yeah, but I still haven't decided to go. We still going to fool around?"
During dinner, and then later while watching TV, Kemi began to think about all the friends she had once known, wondering what many of them had been up to over the past ten years. As she did, she recalled a woman who had once been a very good friend. Lucy Akagi. As good of friends as they once had been, she and Kemi had had a falling out shortly before graduation. Something she had regretted ever since. As she thought about her, she wondered if she'd maybe be there. It would be nice to see her again, perhaps giving her a chance to talk with her and make amends.
One thing Kemi remembered about their relationship was the many evenings they had spent sleeping over at one another's places. They had often stayed up until the wee hours, discussing their dreams, their futures. And of course...guys. Though Kemi later learned about a year after graduation that someone had told her they had heard Lucy was bi-sexual.
Though somewhat surprised at hearing that, it did shed a little light on one or two conversations they had had. As well as an evening that she and Kemi had spent together that had left her wondering about for years.
She remembered that particular night very clearly. They had been discussing one of their very favorite topics. Sex. Neither of them were virgins then, both having shared that experience as well as many others as they shared secrets, laughing at some of the antic's that many of the boys tried pulling on them, just to get them into bed.
"Do you know Omolara Adeyemi?" Lucy had asked her.
Kemi thought for a minute. The name sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place the face. "Not personally no. I think I've heard the name, but I can't quite picture her. Why?"
"She's that fiery redheaded girl that transferred to our school about a year ago. I think I told you about her shortly after she did."

"Oh yeah, now I remember! Isn't she the one who got caught going down on another girl in the ladies bathroom after school or something?"
"Yeah. That's her!" Lucy smiled when saying. "So...what about her?"
"Well...would you believe me if I told you she came on to me?"
"You're kidding! When?"
Kemi couldn't quite imagine it. If it was the same girl she remembered, she could believe that. But she couldn't see Lucy and her together. Lucy didn't seem the 'type' for one thing. And for another...she and Lucy had been friends for a long time. Lucy had certainly never said or done anything to even remotely suggest she was interested in other women. She did recall as she thought that, that Lucy had mentioned on occasion something about this or that girls boobs, or the way they looked naked. But hell...they all had done that at one time or another.
"Yesterday," Lucy continued. "She came up to me while I was in class cleaning some things out of my locker."
"What did she say?" Kemi said, sitting up in the doublewide bed they were sharing together, obviously interested.
"Well, it wasn't so much what she said. But the way she said it."
"Damn it Lucy...quit teasing me. Tell me what she said or I'm going to hit you over the head with my pillow!" Kemi made a threatening gesture to do just that. When she did, Lucy reached out and pinched her on the breast. Though each was dressed for bed, they were both wearing fairly sheer, transparent nightgowns that left very little to the imagination. As such, it was easy for Lucy to have pinpointed exactly where one of Kemi's nipples was when she pinched it.
"Ouch!" Kemi screamed playfully pulling away. "I'm going to get you for that!"
Lucy tried to get out of bed, squealing in mocked fear. Grabbing her by the ankle, Kemi managed to keep her from doing so, though Lucy continued to pull, dragging Kemi off with her. In a heap, they both landed on the floor together, though Lucy quickly spun herself around, sitting on top of Kemi.
"Who's got who?" Lucy challenged.
Pressing both of Kemi's hands to the floor above her head, Lucy bent forward. "So Kemi. Have you ever kissed a girl before? Come on...tell me. I know you have," she said teasingly.
She leaned closer like she was thinking about doing just that.
"You wouldn't dare!" Kemi said struggling. Though truth was, she could have easily shaken Lucy off if she'd really wanted to.
Lucy continued leaning over, then stopped when it became evident that Kemi had no intention of giving in, being threatened in this fashion either. Switching tactics, Lucy released one of Kemi's hands, reaching down, cupping Kemi's breast in her hand. As she did, she quickly located and recaptured her nipple.
"Give up or I twist it off!" she threatened.
"Ok, Ok. I give." Kemi said expecting her to let up. To her surprise, and shock, Lucy gave it an affectionate little twist anyway, immediately causing her nipple to become erect.
"Padiddle" Lucy teased her.
"Am not!" Kemi shot back.
"Yes you are. Look. One's hard, and one isn't," she said continuing to tease her. "You're Padiddle."
The boys used the slang term for whenever a car had one of its headlights out. One on. Padiddle. It didn't take long for them to start using the term whenever they saw a girl with one hard nipple showing beneath her sweater or bra.
Eventually, Lucy had let Kemi up off the floor where they soon after returned to bed. Much later that night while sleeping, Kemi dreamed. Or thought she was dreaming anyway. Awakening to a very moist very wet pussy. "Had she imagined, dreamed, Lucy playing with her?" she wondered. Kemi had opened her eyes, half sitting up. As she did, she thought she had felt Lucy turn, rolling over. But she simply wasn't sure. Reaching down, she felt herself. Her panties were damp, very damp. Had it been a dream? Or hadn't it? She never found out one way or the other. Less than a week later, she and Lucy had gotten into a major altercation. Surprisingly enough, it had been over Omolara and she going to the movies together. Why that had bothered her as much as it had, she didn't know. was enough that they ended up not speaking to one another. Something that continued on through graduation. Lucy went off someplace to attend college, and sadly, Kemi never saw or spoke to her again.
It was when Kemi was laying there in bed waiting for Ademola to come up, that she remembered. Lucy was from Calabar. Ademola...had a thing for Calabar women.
"Yeah...we're still going to fool around," she answered him. "By the way, did I ever tell you about my best friend Lucy in secondary school? She's Calabar."
Kemi almost laughed when she saw the sudden, interested look etched in his face.
"No. Don't think you ever have," he told her, feigning interest, but obviously so.
Ademola climbed into bed next to her, his erection suddenly harder than it was a moment ago. Kemi reached over and began gently playing with it. Now that she had his undivided attention, she decided to use the fact that her friend had been an Calabar, telling him all about her while playing with him. That...and telling Ademola all about that weird last final night they had spent together. Not too surprisingly, Ademola lay there listening to her without interrupting, except to ask an occasional question or two. Beyond that, he was content to have his prick stroked and played with, all the while listening to Kemi telling him about this cute little Calabar friend of hers.
"So it later turns out, I guess she really was bi. Someone told me a year later they had spoken with her. And, that she had mentioned to them that one of the reasons she'd quit being my friend was because she was starting to have feelings for me."
"What sort of feelings?" Ademola huskily questioned.
Kemi smiled inwardly. Jacking him off as she had been had certainly had its effect. But so had her telling him about Lucy.
"You, sensual feelings. I think that she was just then discovering that maybe she did have a thing towards women. And not necessarily just because of Omolara. Though I think it was Omolara that made her realize that. The truth is, I think she was starting to wonder about it a lot sooner than that. I also know that I was pretty sure she sometimes masturbated there in bed next to me. Though she never did try anything. The closest she ever came was that last night we spent together."
"Did you ever masturbate in bed with her too?" Ademola asked becoming more and more aroused.
"Once yes. But I think Lucy was already asleep when I did. I remember wondering at the time if she had been. And the thought of that made me horny. So later...I did."
"Why didn't you do it when she was?" Ademola pressed.
Kemi did laugh this time. "Because Ademola, I wasn't sure she had. Not really, and...I hadn't considered the possibility of ever doing anything with another girl before then either."
"You mean you actually have thought about it?" he asked.
Kemi watched her husband as his face screwed up with intense pleasure at her manipulations along with all this sexy erotic talk.
"Sure...a few times. Admittedly, I have wondered, been curious about it. But I've never actually considered doing anything because I can't think of anyone I really would be comfortable doing something like that with."
"Not even Lucy?" Ademola asked now closer to orgasm.
Sensing that, Kemi backed off slightly; she wanted to time this just right if she was going to convince Ademola to go along with her to the reunion.
"Lucy would be the one person I actually might consider it with. I said, it's been years since I've seen her. And...we hadn't parted as the best of friends. Still, it would be nice seeing her again. And perhaps if I did, we could make up."
"Yeah...maybe we could invite her over to dinner one evening or something." Ademola suggested excitedly.
"So, does that mean you'll go to the reunion with me?" she asked him, simultaneously increasing the up and down action on his prick. Just as Ademola felt his orgasm's arrival, he answered her.
"Yes! Oh fuck yes!" he said excitedly as Kemi bent over taking the rest of his climax happily inside her mouth.
Kemi was a little nervous. The day of the secondary school reunion had finally arrived. She'd spent days worrying over an outfit to wear. She didn't want to wear anything "too" sexy, she'd thought. But she didn't want to wear anything that wouldn't at least attract attention. Especially Lucy's if by chance she was even there.
"Ready?" Ademola called out to her.
Kemi had to laugh to herself. He seemed even more anxious that she was. "I'll be out in a minute!"
Kemi checked herself one last time in the mirror. She'd chosen a rather slinky looking black dress that though floor-length, was cut high up on the thigh. Kemi always had had fairly large breasts. The dress she'd chosen was cut just low enough to show them off without being too revealing.
"Perfect," she thought, remembering as she did how often Lucy had chosen to wear black herself. She'd constantly been trying to convince Kemi to wear black, like she did. She was surprised that she found herself as aroused as she thought about it. The prospect of merely seeing Lucy again was a hopeful one. But to find herself actually becoming aroused over that was something else entirely.
"God...wouldn't it be funny if she really did come over for dinner one evening. What would I do?" she had to wonder.
Kemi soon emerged from the bedroom looking spectacular.
"Wow. You're gorgeous!" Ademola said when he saw her.
"Why thank you." Kemi said purposely batting her eyes at him. "And I must say, you're looking rather handsome yourself!"
Ademola really did clean up nice. So used to seeing him in work clothes every day, it wasn't often that she saw him wearing a white dinner jacket, black tie.
"Maybe I should have gone by myself after all," she teased. "As good looking as you are, some of those single spouses you mentioned might try and steal you away!"
Ademola beamed proudly. "Well, not when they see who I've got on my arm!" he responded.
They arrived forty minutes later at the hotel where the reunion was being held. Though not early, they weren't fashionably, or unfashionably late either. By the number of cars in the parking lot, Kemi knew that a great many of her classmates had shown up. She couldn't help but wonder if Lucy would be among them.
As they approached the desk where they were to check in and pick up their nametags, Kemi quickly searched around, not only for theirs, but for Lucy's too. She felt a pang of sudden disappointment when she realized Lucy's name wasn't amongst those on the table. Ademola, sensing what she was looking for smiled, speaking to her.
"Maybe she's already here."
Kemi grinned. "Maybe she is," she said smiling, helping Ademola with his nametag as she placed it on his breast above the pocket.
"Here. I'll help you with yours," he offered.
Kemi brushed his hand away however. "No thanks. I know where it is you'd like to put it!" she said suddenly feeling a lot better.
"You're at table number twenty-one," their hostess indicated. Kemi knew her of course; she just wasn't one of the friends she had usually hung around with.
"Thank you."
Taking Ademola by the arm, Kemi led him inside the banquet area where they had be having dinner. As their table was on the other side of the room, they began to cross the dance floor in order to get there.
"Kemi? Is that you?"
Kemi looked up expectantly. It hadn't been Lucy's voice she'd heard. But it was someone familiar.
"Christy!" Kemi said walking towards her. "God! It's nice to see you again."
Christy had been a friend amongst friends. Though never as close to her as she'd been with a few others, especially Lucy, it was nice at least to see a familiar face.
"And who's this?" Christy asked looking at Ademola.
"My husband," Kemi said smiling. As she turned towards him to introduce him to Christy, she looked past her and nearly forgot what she was about to say. Across the room near the area they had been heading towards stood Lucy. And...she was looking at her. She was dressed in a bright red, very revealing dress.
"Hmm, maybe she really has changed," Kemi mused. "Maybe more, than will allow us to ever be friends again," she considered. Interestingly though, Lucy had locked eyes with her, and had not turned away. Kemi smiled. The semi-cold look Lucy had been giving her seemed to melt away. Then Lucy smiled.
"Excuse me. I'll be right back."
Leaving Ademola in the company of her friend, with whom she had no idea if she was here with someone or not, she headed towards Lucy feeling a bit giddy, as well as extremely nervous. As she approached, she wasn't even sure what she was going to say to her.
Lucy spoke first. "Well Kemi, how have you been anyway? It's been a while."
"Yes it has, hasn't it? Too long I think."
Lucy gave her a curious look. "Married?"
"Yes. That's my husband, Ademola, standing over there talking to Christy. And you?"
For a moment, Kemi wondered if that had been the best choice of words.
"For a while. Not any longer though. I'm out on my own again," she completed without any further expKemition.
Finding themselves standing there all alone, Kemi decided if she was going to say anything to her, that now was probably the best time.
"Lucy? I've really missed you," she said. It wasn't exactly an apology. But she didn't really feel like she owed her one either. It had been Lucy that had ended their friendship, not she.
Lucy surprised her when she pulled Kemi towards her, giving her a very warm kiss, hugging her closely as she did. Though Lucy had much smaller breasts than she did, she could feel the hard points of her nipples actually pressing against her own.
"Oh Kemi! I have missed you so much too. I can't believe that we, that I..." she corrected, "...could have let you go as a friend. There's so much I want to tell you about, about myself, who I really am now..."
Lucy left off, realizing that she was running off at the mouth to some extent.
"But...lets save that for later, another time. Where are you sitting anyway?"
Kemi told her what table they had been assigned, then stifled a laugh as Lucy immediately walked over to her table, lifted the card with her name which had been her seating arrangement, exchanging it with one on Kemi and Ademola's table.
"There! Now we can sit together during dinner!"
As the night wore on, Kemi and Lucy caught up on as much as they were able to. Ademola continued to ogle Lucy every chance he got without being too obvious about it. When the dancing began, Ademola was pleasantly surprised at Kemi's suggestion that he and Lucy go out onto the floor for a dance together. She sat there watching her husband 'slow-dancing' with Lucy, wondering if he was sporting an erection, fairly sure that he probably was. Even after their return, she glanced down at his crotch and noticed a considerably larger bulge as he held out Lucy's seat in order for her to sit down.
"Enjoy yourself?" she whispered to him.
Ademola didn't answer her directly, just grinning.
"You know, I'd really enjoy getting to know your husband a lot better," Lucy stated. "Not to mention having the opportunity to catch up and tell you a few things about myself that might surprise you."
"How about dinner one evening?" Ademola interjected glancing over towards Kemi looking for approval.
"Yes Lucy, how about dinner? Next weekend perhaps?" Kemi asked, throwing Ademola a knowing look.
Kemi was even more aroused, excitedly so as she and Ademola awaited Lucy's arrival. Opening the door to invite her in, she was stunned at the very enticing outfit she had worn. She'd told her to dress comfortably, casual, as they had have a simple dinner with drinks and spend the evening getting better acquainted. Lucy had worn a tight fitting tank top that molded her breasts perfectly beneath it. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra, but then she didn't really need to.
Lucy. You look great!" Kemi told her. "I wish to hell I didn't have
to wear a bra all the time," she whispered, letting her know as she did
just how "attractive" Kemi thought she looked.
"Careful what you say Kemi, there's a few things you probably don't know about me! A lot has changed over the past few years."
Kemi was feeling rather bold, deciding to take a small gamble with her friend.
"Well, one thing I did hear was that you are bi-sexual now. Any truth to that?"
Lucy nearly stopped dead in her tracks as she led Kemi into the living room where Ademola was anxiously waiting for them.
"Maybe there's not quite as much to tell you about than I thought there was," she replied slyly. "Does the thought of that surprise you any?"
"Not at all." Kemi assured her. "And I just might have a few surprises of my own," she added.
They made it into the living room before Lucy could ask her what she meant by that. Once again greeting Ademola, giving him an affectionate kiss on the mouth, which he happily returned. Ademola took her preferred drink order, heading off towards the kitchen to fix them, leaving Lucy and Kemi a chance to discuss things a little further.
"So. The fact that I really am bi-sexual doesn't surprise you? Or bother you?" Lucy asked her pointedly.
"Not in the slightest Lucy. Like I said, there's things that I could tell you about myself now that might surprise you!"
"Such as?"
Kemi had led her over to the couch, taking a seat at one end. Rather than directing her to sit down either across from her, or at the opposite end of the couch away from her, she all but pulled her down, forcing her to sit next to her when she did.
Lucy smiled coquettishly at Kemi's newfound boldness, placing herself comfortably next to her friend, one leg tucked up beneath her, facing her from the side. Lucy reached out fingering the collar of the blouse Kemi was wearing. She had always been a 'touchy-feely' person anyway. Old habits were hard to break.
"Such as..." Kemi teased, remembering as she did how they had often drawn things out with one another in the past to the point where they had ended up in some sort of mock wrestling match with one another, much like their last night together had ended.
Lucy gave her a warning look. "Don't start Kemi. Or Ademola's apt to find the two of us rolling around on your living room floor together."
Kemi burst out laughing. "Ademola would actually enjoy seeing that," she told her.
"Oh really?"
"Yes. Really. What I was going to tell you was, that I've often wondered what it would be like to be with another woman myself. And just so you know, had you pressed it that last night we spent together, I'd have more than willingly gone a long with it."
"You're kidding me!" Lucy said, honestly stunned. "You really would have?"
Before Kemi could answer however, she continued. "What does Ademola think about all this? Or does he even know?"
"Oh...he knows alright. There's nothing we don't share with one another, or tell each other. He thinks that if the opportunity ever does present itself, that I should at least explore my curiosity. As long as he was there of course. We agreed a long time ago that neither one of us would ever do anything unless the other one agreed to it, or was present of course."
"Of course." Lucy said nodding her head in agreement, though obviously stunned that Kemi had admitted all this to her.
"So...lets just say for shits and grins that you and I were to do anything, you'd be ok with Ademola and I having a little fun too?"
"Sure. Like I said. As long as we were both in agreement with it, and neither one of us felt like we were being left out. Why not?"
"Choi! Kemi, I think that you've changed even more than I have!"
"So Lucy. Do you think you'd be comfortable fooling around with Ademola and I?
Lucy swallowed. In the past, she had always been the one to appear more self-confident, sure of herself. Kemi was showing aside of her that Lucy had never seen before. She followed that comment up by reaching out, placing the tip of her fingernail on one of Lucy's protruding nipple's and gently dragged it across the surface.
"Very," she assured her a second later. And to prove it, lets give Ademola a special little treat to see when he returns."
Once again assuming her more dominant role, Lucy began undoing the buttons on Kemi's blouse. Maintaining eye contact with her while she did, she looked for any signs that Kemi was becoming nervous or intimidated, which she didn't. Leaning back, she helped Lucy if anything, in the removal of her blouse, then her bra. Once her magnificent full breasts were completely bare, Lucy leaned over giving each one an affectionate welcome hello.
"God Kemi, I'd forgotten just how beautiful your breasts really were!"
It was at that moment that Ademola entered the living room with their drinks, and nearly dropped them.
"Hi honey. We're just getting better acquainted," Kemi told him. "Or rather, Lucy's getting better acquainted with my boobs. It has been a while since she's seen them last."
Lucy did look up towards him, curious to see his expression for one, and needing the assurance that what she was doing to Kemi was ok with him.
"By all means...please do!" Ademola said grinning, sitting everyone's drinks down on the coffee table, taking a seat in the chair across from them, watching.
Kemi had to admit to herself that the sensation of Lucy's tongue as she licked her nipples, hardening them felt wonderful. Lucy took her time, giving each one of her breasts equal attention, sucking and kissing one, while massaging, caressing the other.
"You should see Lucy's cute titties Ademola. I know you've always had a thing for Calabar women anyway, but I also know that you actually like smaller boobs too."
Ademola made some pretense of objection. "You know I love your tits Kemi," he began. But Kemi cut him off before he could finish.
"I didn't say you didn't Ademola. But I know that you do like smaller one's too," she finished for him. "Why don't you show him just how pretty yours are Lucy?"
Reaching down, Lucy crossed her hands at the waste of her tank top, pulling it up and over her head in one swift fluid motion. Sitting back, she looked down examining herself.
"They really are pretty small," she said cupping them.
"Small, 'er' maybe. But certainly just as beautiful." Kemi remarked, shocking Ademola as well as Lucy when she bent over capturing one of Lucy's hard dark colored nipples between her lips.
"Well here's to both of your boobs!" Ademola said raising his drink, toasting to the two of them, draining it.
"Here, here!" Lucy said picking up her drink from where Ademola had placed it on the table. "I'll drink to that!"
Kemi then retrieved hers and joined both Lucy and her husband in a mutual toast.
"Here's to an eventful evening!" Kemi offered up, drinking hers down as well.
As she did, Lucy stood up. "Mind if I make myself more comfortable then?"
"I think we all should." Kemi said looking over towards Ademola, telling him in that moment that his wildest dreams were about to come true.
Joining her, Kemi quickly removed her own clothing, holding out her hand towards Lucy.
"And speaking of being more comfortable, why don't we head into the bedroom? Ademola? Would you mind fixing us all another drink before joining us?" she asked him.
In a flash, Ademola disappeared towards the kitchen, somewhat shyly trying to hide the fact that his erection was sticking out a mile in front of him. Lucy had seen it though, and smiled.
"Hurry back Ademola. You and I have some acquainting to do ourselves!"
By the time Ademola returned to the bedroom, fresh drinks in hand, the girls were already engaged in a "69" together on the bed.
"oh boy!" he exclaimed the moment he saw them. "Do either of you realize how good the two of you look together?"
"Ever the romantic." Kemi said lifting her face briefly from Lucy's pussy. "And to think, we could have been doing this for years."
"Shut up and eat me!" Lucy said, diving back into Kemi's cunt. "We've got a lot of lost time to make up for!"
Ademola drained his drink just as quickly as he had the first. Climbing up onto the bed, sitting next to them, he watched, feeling his prick twitch in anxious, urgent need.
Freeing one of her hands, Lucy reached out, wrapping her small tiny hand around his girth and began stroking it.
"Hmmm, he has a nice one," she murmured into Kemi's pussy. "I'm looking forward to fucking it," she added sweetly.
"Speaking of fucking it. Ademola's always had a fantasy that I know he'd love to experience with us," Kemi confessed.
"What's that?" Lucy questioned, looking up towards him, grinning.
"Fucking my ass while watching me going down on another woman." Kemi told her.
"Oooh. Now I'd enjoy seeing that myself!" Lucy squealed delightedly. "Would you like to do that Ademola? Fuck your wife's beautiful ass while she eats me?"
"Grab the KY baby." Kemi told him. "I think its time to make someone's dream come true!"
While Ademola dutifully headed off to locate the lubricant, Kemi and Lucy rearranged themselves on the bed. When he returned, Kemi was busily licking Lucy's wet hot quim, shaking her ass towards him invitingly.
"Make sure you put plenty of that on your cock for me honey. And smear plenty of it inside my ass too!"
Ademola took his time lubricating Kemi's tight little sphincter with his finger, ensuring that she was not only well oiled, but that she was considerably loosened prior to his even making the attempt to bugger her with his prick. Lucy meanwhile lay there moaning and groaning, cupping and fingering her small breasts while offering encouragement for Ademola's anticipated mounting of his wife's ass.
"God, I'm so looking forward to this," Kemi stated.
"Me too!" Ademola said, sounding much like a little boy who'd just gotten the best Christmas present of his entire life.
"Choi! Kemi, I wish I'd known you were curious before now. I can't believe how good this feels. I love the way you're tickling my clit baby. My pussy's on fire! You're driving me crazy with that talented tongue of yours!"
Kemi was surprised at herself. The fact she was enjoying this as much as she was, made her want to please Lucy as much as it was possible to do. And even more importantly, by doing so, she was also pleasing her husband, giving him something that he'd never though he'd ever experience.
She felt the head of his penis nestle comfortably against the opening of her ass. Reaching back around herself, she helped him to begin inserting it inside, wiggling her ass suggestively as she did. Grabbing her twin ass cheeks, Ademola slowly began to ease himself inside her, feeling the outer ring of her ass suddenly "pop" sucking the head of his prick in.
"Ah yes. That's nice Ademola, nice. Slide it in honey....slowly. Yes, perfect baby...perfect!"
"Fuck! I bet that does feel good Kemi. I only wish Ademola was fucking my ass instead of yours!"
"Maybe later." Kemi quipped in breathless anticipation, returning to Lucy's pussy with her tongue, driving away any further need for conversation for the moment.
Ademola felt his prick slipping deeper and deeper inside his wife's ass. When he was buried inside her fully, he slowly began to withdraw, allowing her to continue to become accustomed to his width as he stretched her even more comfortably in acceptance.
Kemi continued licking her friends pussy, gently swirling her tongue over and around Lucy's clit, sometimes nipping it, or sucking it, causing Lucy to yelp in unbridled glee and pleasure. Ademola pressed himself deep inside Kemi's ass, holding himself still momentarily, reaching up to fondle, caressing his wife's gently swaying breasts. Kemi's nipples were so hard they ached. And she loved it when she felt him pinching them, rolling them between his fingers roughly as he once again slid nearly all the way out before plunging even more firmly back inside her.
"Oh!" Kemi moaned happily. "God yes...fuck my ass Ademola! Fuck my ass!"
Once again taking two very firm handholds of his wife's lovely ass, Ademola began a continued steady rhythm as he easily began stroking off his prick inside her. Looking up, he grinned like the naughty boy he was feeling like, sharing that moment with Lucy as she in turn grinned just as lustily back at him.
"You like seeing your wife eating my pussy?" she asked.
"Oh fuck yes!" Ademola answered her, his voice raspy, thick with lust and desire.
"God can she eat cunt!" Lucy added a moment later. "I'm going to fucking explode soon too if she keeps it up. And, she better!"
Hearing that, Kemi placed her lips around Lucy's clit, drawing it deeply inside her mouth, holding it there and thrumming it with the tip of her tongue. Lucy began humping herself up against her face, thrashing about wildly as Kemi assaulted her pleasure-nubbin, purposely doing so with the expectation of bringing her friend to orgasm. Seconds later, Lucy's pussy became pure sweet liquid. Lapping at her, Kemi began drinking down her nectar as Lucy cried out, her orgasm engulfing her completely. Ademola was literally frozen in place, taking everything in, hilted deep within his wife's cunt, his penis throbbed, reminding him that he too was nearing his pleasure.
Kemi had allowed Lucy to sit up however, and in doing so, semi-forced Ademola's prick to slip out of her.
"I want to see you cum all over her tits baby," Kemi told him. Turning to face her friend, she smiled. "I want to lick it off you after he has," she told her. Lucy's grin split her face.
"Oh....I'd love seeing that!" Lucy shouted excitedly. "Come here Ademola, let me jack you off all over my tits!"
Ademola floated around the side of the bed until reaching her. Lucy had swung her legs around placing them on the floor, straddling him as he stepped into her. Taking hold of his blood-engorged prick, she began using it to caress, teasing her nipples with. Running the head of his cock back and forth between them. Kemi joined them both, standing behind her husband, reaching around to help Lucy with the stroking of his shaft, kneading his balls, cupping them in her hands while looking over his shoulder as she watched Lucy continue to tit-fuck his prick.
Ademola knew his orgasm was imminent. Kemi knew it as well by the way his balls suddenly tightened within her hand.
"He's gonna cum," she told Lucy.
She had no sooner spoken the words than Ademola's prick began to erupt in several pulsating streamers of flying sperm. He watched as his copious ejaculate began to coat her cute pointed little breasts. Still stroking his shaft, moving it back and forth between them, Lucy reveled in the onslaught of his creamy bath upon her breasts.
"Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!" she cried out delightedly.
Moments later, spent, weak-kneed barely able to stand, Ademola collapsed down onto the bed beside her. Almost immediately Kemi reached over and began massaging in Ademola's creamy rich fluids into Lucy's breasts. Pushing her back onto the bed, Kemi climbed on top of her and began sucking, licking her tits, tasting her husbands essence which had already begun to absorb into her already soft skin.
When she had thoroughly cleaned them of every last trace of Ademola's spendings, Lucy easily reached up, rolling Kemi onto her back.
"My turn," she said lustily. Placing herself between Kemi's legs, she deflowered her once again, splitting the creamy soft petals of her sex. Her tongue flittered atop Kemi's hardened clitoris causing her to cry out in agonized pleasure. Kemi had already been heated to the boiling point. Lying there, her once again best friend so wonderfully tonguing her, she looked over towards her husband. Ademola smiled, reached over cupping her breast, giving her nipple a caressing tease.
"You look beautiful," he said. "You both....look so unbelievably beautiful!"
Kemi was already beginning to experience orgasm. Even as she did, she locked eyes with her husband. He watched her, as she continued looking at him, even as she came, even as Lucy took her far over the brink into ecstasy, she still held his gaze. It was the most exquisite, pleasurable moment of her entire life.
"Careful what you say Kemi, there's a few things you probably don't know about me! A lot has changed over the past few years."
Kemi was feeling rather bold, deciding to take a small gamble with her friend.
"Well, one thing I did hear was that you are bi-sexual now. Any truth to that?"
Lucy nearly stopped dead in her tracks as she led Kemi into the living room where Ademola was anxiously waiting for them.
"Maybe there's not quite as much to tell you about than I thought there was," she replied slyly. "Does the thought of that surprise you any?"
"Not at all." Kemi assured her. "And I just might have a few surprises of my own," she added.
They made it into the living room before Lucy could ask her what she meant by that. Once again greeting Ademola, giving him an affectionate kiss on the mouth, which he happily returned. Ademola took her preferred drink order, heading off towards the kitchen to fix them, leaving Lucy and Kemi a chance to discuss things a little further.
"So. The fact that I really am bi-sexual doesn't surprise you? Or bother you?" Lucy asked her pointedly.
"Not in the slightest Lucy. Like I said, there's things that I could tell you about myself now that might surprise you!"
"Such as?"
Kemi had led her over to the couch, taking a seat at one end. Rather than directing her to sit down either across from her, or at the opposite end of the couch away from her, she all but pulled her down, forcing her to sit next to her when she did.
Lucy smiled coquettishly at Kemi's newfound boldness, placing herself comfortably next to her friend, one leg tucked up beneath her, facing her from the side. Lucy reached out fingering the collar of the blouse Kemi was wearing. She had always been a 'touchy-feely' person anyway. Old habits were hard to break.
"Such as..." Kemi teased, remembering as she did how they had often drawn things out with one another in the past to the point where they had ended up in some sort of mock wrestling match with one another, much like their last night together had ended.
Lucy gave her a warning look. "Don't start Kemi. Or Ademola's apt to find the two of us rolling around on your living room floor together."
Kemi burst out laughing. "Ademola would actually enjoy seeing that," she told her.
"Oh really?"
"Yes. Really. What I was going to tell you was, that I've often wondered what it would be like to be with another woman myself. And just so you know, had you pressed it that last night we spent together, I'd have more than willingly gone a long with it."
"You're kidding me!" Lucy said, honestly stunned. "You really would have?"
Before Kemi could answer however, she continued. "What does Ademola think about all this? Or does he even know?"
"Oh...he knows alright. There's nothing we don't share with one another, or tell each other. He thinks that if the opportunity ever does present itself, that I should at least explore my curiosity. As long as he was there of course. We agreed a long time ago that neither one of us would ever do anything unless the other one agreed to it, or was present of course."
"Of course." Lucy said nodding her head in agreement, though obviously stunned that Kemi had admitted all this to her.
"So...lets just say for shits and grins that you and I were to do anything, you'd be ok with Ademola and I having a little fun too?"
"Sure. Like I said. As long as we were both in agreement with it, and neither one of us felt like we were being left out. Why not?"
"Choi! Kemi, I think that you've changed even more than I have!"
"So Lucy. Do you think you'd be comfortable fooling around with Ademola and I?

Lucy swallowed. In the past, she had always been the one to appear more self-confident, sure of herself. Kemi was showing aside of her that Lucy had never seen before. She followed that comment up by reaching out, placing the tip of her fingernail on one of Lucy's protruding nipple's and gently dragged it across the surface.
"Very," she assured her a second later. And to prove it, lets give Ademola a special little treat to see when he returns."
Once again assuming her more dominant role, Lucy began undoing the buttons on Kemi's blouse. Maintaining eye contact with her while she did, she looked for any signs that Kemi was becoming nervous or intimidated, which she didn't. Leaning back, she helped Lucy if anything, in the removal of her blouse, then her bra. Once her magnificent full breasts were completely bare, Lucy leaned over giving each one an affectionate welcome hello.
"God Kemi, I'd forgotten just how beautiful your breasts really were!"
It was at that moment that Ademola entered the living room with their drinks, and nearly dropped them.
"Hi honey. We're just getting better acquainted," Kemi told him. "Or rather, Lucy's getting better acquainted with my boobs. It has been a while since she's seen them last."
Lucy did look up towards him, curious to see his expression for one, and needing the assurance that what she was doing to Kemi was ok with him.
"By all means...please do!" Ademola said grinning, sitting everyone's drinks down on the coffee table, taking a seat in the chair across from them, watching.
Kemi had to admit to herself that the sensation of Lucy's tongue as she licked her nipples, hardening them felt wonderful. Lucy took her time, giving each one of her breasts equal attention, sucking and kissing one, while massaging, caressing the other.
"You should see Lucy's cute titties Ademola. I know you've always had a thing for Calabar women anyway, but I also know that you actually like smaller boobs too."
Ademola made some pretense of objection. "You know I love your tits Kemi," he began. But Kemi cut him off before he could finish.
"I didn't say you didn't Ademola. But I know that you do like smaller one's too," she finished for him. "Why don't you show him just how pretty yours are Lucy?"
Reaching down, Lucy crossed her hands at the waste of her tank top, pulling it up and over her head in one swift fluid motion. Sitting back, she looked down examining herself.
"They really are pretty small," she said cupping them.
"Small, 'er' maybe. But certainly just as beautiful." Kemi remarked, shocking Ademola as well as Lucy when she bent over capturing one of Lucy's hard dark colored nipples between her lips.
"Well here's to both of your boobs!" Ademola said raising his drink, toasting to the two of them, draining it.
"Here, here!" Lucy said picking up her drink from where Ademola had placed it on the table. "I'll drink to that!"
Kemi then retrieved hers and joined both Lucy and her husband in a mutual toast.
"Here's to an eventful evening!" Kemi offered up, drinking hers down as well.
As she did, Lucy stood up. "Mind if I make myself more comfortable then?"
"I think we all should." Kemi said looking over towards Ademola, telling him in that moment that his wildest dreams were about to come true.
Joining her, Kemi quickly removed her own clothing, holding out her hand towards Lucy.
"And speaking of being more comfortable, why don't we head into the bedroom? Ademola? Would you mind fixing us all another drink before joining us?" she asked him.
In a flash, Ademola disappeared towards the kitchen, somewhat shyly trying to hide the fact that his erection was sticking out a mile in front of him. Lucy had seen it though, and smiled.
"Hurry back Ademola. You and I have some acquainting to do ourselves!"
By the time Ademola returned to the bedroom, fresh drinks in hand, the girls were already engaged in a "69" together on the bed.
"oh boy!" he exclaimed the moment he saw them. "Do either of you realize how good the two of you look together?"
"Ever the romantic." Kemi said lifting her face briefly from Lucy's pussy. "And to think, we could have been doing this for years."
"Shut up and eat me!" Lucy said, diving back into Kemi's cunt. "We've got a lot of lost time to make up for!"
Ademola drained his drink just as quickly as he had the first. Climbing up onto the bed, sitting next to them, he watched, feeling his prick twitch in anxious, urgent need.
Freeing one of her hands, Lucy reached out, wrapping her small tiny hand around his girth and began stroking it.
"Hmmm, he has a nice one," she murmured into Kemi's pussy. "I'm looking forward to fucking it," she added sweetly.
"Speaking of fucking it. Ademola's always had a fantasy that I know he'd love to experience with us," Kemi confessed.
"What's that?" Lucy questioned, looking up towards him, grinning.
"Fucking my ass while watching me going down on another woman." Kemi told her.
"Oooh. Now I'd enjoy seeing that myself!" Lucy squealed delightedly. "Would you like to do that Ademola? Fuck your wife's beautiful ass while she eats me?"
"Grab the KY baby." Kemi told him. "I think its time to make someone's dream come true!"
While Ademola dutifully headed off to locate the lubricant, Kemi and Lucy rearranged themselves on the bed. When he returned, Kemi was busily licking Lucy's wet hot quim, shaking her ass towards him invitingly.
"Make sure you put plenty of that on your cock for me honey. And smear plenty of it inside my ass too!"
Ademola took his time lubricating Kemi's tight little sphincter with his finger, ensuring that she was not only well oiled, but that she was considerably loosened prior to his even making the attempt to bugger her with his prick. Lucy meanwhile lay there moaning and groaning, cupping and fingering her small breasts while offering encouragement for Ademola's anticipated mounting of his wife's ass.
"God, I'm so looking forward to this," Kemi stated.
"Me too!" Ademola said, sounding much like a little boy who'd just gotten the best Christmas present of his entire life.
"Choi! Kemi, I wish I'd known you were curious before now. I can't believe how good this feels. I love the way you're tickling my clit baby. My pussy's on fire! You're driving me crazy with that talented tongue of yours!"
Kemi was surprised at herself. The fact she was enjoying this as much as she was, made her want to please Lucy as much as it was possible to do. And even more importantly, by doing so, she was also pleasing her husband, giving him something that he'd never though he'd ever experience.
She felt the head of his penis nestle comfortably against the opening of her ass. Reaching back around herself, she helped him to begin inserting it inside, wiggling her ass suggestively as she did. Grabbing her twin ass cheeks, Ademola slowly began to ease himself inside her, feeling the outer ring of her ass suddenly "pop" sucking the head of his prick in.
"Ah yes. That's nice Ademola, nice. Slide it in honey....slowly. Yes, perfect baby...perfect!"
"Fuck! I bet that does feel good Kemi. I only wish Ademola was fucking my ass instead of yours!"
"Maybe later." Kemi quipped in breathless anticipation, returning to Lucy's pussy with her tongue, driving away any further need for conversation for the moment.
Ademola felt his prick slipping deeper and deeper inside his wife's ass. When he was buried inside her fully, he slowly began to withdraw, allowing her to continue to become accustomed to his width as he stretched her even more comfortably in acceptance.
Kemi continued licking her friends pussy, gently swirling her tongue over and around Lucy's clit, sometimes nipping it, or sucking it, causing Lucy to yelp in unbridled glee and pleasure. Ademola pressed himself deep inside Kemi's ass, holding himself still momentarily, reaching up to fondle, caressing his wife's gently swaying breasts. Kemi's nipples were so hard they ached. And she loved it when she felt him pinching them, rolling them between his fingers roughly as he once again slid nearly all the way out before plunging even more firmly back inside her.
"Oh!" Kemi moaned happily. "God yes...fuck my ass Ademola! Fuck my ass!"
Once again taking two very firm handholds of his wife's lovely ass, Ademola began a continued steady rhythm as he easily began stroking off his prick inside her. Looking up, he grinned like the naughty boy he was feeling like, sharing that moment with Lucy as she in turn grinned just as lustily back at him.
"You like seeing your wife eating my pussy?" she asked.
"Oh fuck yes!" Ademola answered her, his voice raspy, thick with lust and desire.
"God can she eat cunt!" Lucy added a moment later. "I'm going to fucking explode soon too if she keeps it up. And, she better!"
Hearing that, Kemi placed her lips around Lucy's clit, drawing it deeply inside her mouth, holding it there and thrumming it with the tip of her tongue. Lucy began humping herself up against her face, thrashing about wildly as Kemi assaulted her pleasure-nubbin, purposely doing so with the expectation of bringing her friend to orgasm. Seconds later, Lucy's pussy became pure sweet liquid. Lapping at her, Kemi began drinking down her nectar as Lucy cried out, her orgasm engulfing her completely. Ademola was literally frozen in place, taking everything in, hilted deep within his wife's cunt, his penis throbbed, reminding him that he too was nearing his pleasure.
Kemi had allowed Lucy to sit up however, and in doing so, semi-forced Ademola's prick to slip out of her.
"I want to see you cum all over her tits baby," Kemi told him. Turning to face her friend, she smiled. "I want to lick it off you after he has," she told her. Lucy's grin split her face.
"Oh....I'd love seeing that!" Lucy shouted excitedly. "Come here Ademola, let me jack you off all over my tits!"
Ademola floated around the side of the bed until reaching her. Lucy had swung her legs around placing them on the floor, straddling him as he stepped into her. Taking hold of his blood-engorged prick, she began using it to caress, teasing her nipples with. Running the head of his cock back and forth between them. Kemi joined them both, standing behind her husband, reaching around to help Lucy with the stroking of his shaft, kneading his balls, cupping them in her hands while looking over his shoulder as she watched Lucy continue to tit-fuck his prick.
Ademola knew his orgasm was imminent. Kemi knew it as well by the way his balls suddenly tightened within her hand.
"He's gonna cum," she told Lucy.
She had no sooner spoken the words than Ademola's prick began to erupt in several pulsating streamers of flying sperm. He watched as his copious ejaculate began to coat her cute pointed little breasts. Still stroking his shaft, moving it back and forth between them, Lucy reveled in the onslaught of his creamy bath upon her breasts.
"Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!" she cried out delightedly.
Moments later, spent, weak-kneed barely able to stand, Ademola collapsed down onto the bed beside her. Almost immediately Kemi reached over and began massaging in Ademola's creamy rich fluids into Lucy's breasts. Pushing her back onto the bed, Kemi climbed on top of her and began sucking, licking her tits, tasting her husbands essence which had already begun to absorb into her already soft skin.
When she had thoroughly cleaned them of every last trace of Ademola's spendings, Lucy easily reached up, rolling Kemi onto her back.
"My turn," she said lustily. Placing herself between Kemi's legs, she deflowered her once again, splitting the creamy soft petals of her sex. Her tongue flittered atop Kemi's hardened clitoris causing her to cry out in agonized pleasure. Kemi had already been heated to the boiling point. Lying there, her once again best friend so wonderfully tonguing her, she looked over towards her husband. Ademola smiled, reached over cupping her breast, giving her nipple a caressing tease.
"You look beautiful," he said. "You both....look so unbelievably beautiful!"
Kemi was already beginning to experience orgasm. Even as she did, she locked eyes with her husband. He watched her, as she continued looking at him, even as she came, even as Lucy took her far over the brink into ecstasy, she still held his gaze. It was the most exquisite, pleasurable moment of her entire life.
The End
extracted from our soon to be released book series ‘MIDNIGHT TALES’
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